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Chapter 4350

Stefanie hung up the phone and immediately called Charlie.

Charlie was visiting the Statue of Liberty with Claire and when he received Stefanie’s call, he said veryblandly, “Hello, Miss Sun, what can I do for you?”

Stefanie knew that it might not be convenient for him to speak, so she lowered the volume a few pointsand spoke, “Master Wade, the Lady of the Evans Family just called me, saying that she brought the oldman and the group of children to New York and they want to see my concert at night, what do you thinkhow should I handle this matter?”

Hearing this, Charlie couldn’t help but frown slightly. He had vaguely felt earlier that Grandma’s familymight come to support Stefanie and he never thought that he would really be right.

In order to avoid any direct contact with his grandmother’s family, Charlie himself did not want to cometo this concert. But on the one hand, he didn’t want to make his wife sad and on the other hand, therewas a VIP box, so he didn’t take it too seriously.

Now when he heard that the Lady had brought the old man, he spoke up and said, “The visitor is aguest, Miss Sun better be nice and entertaining.”

Stefanie said “Master Wade, I do think so, but now there is another situation, the two people are oldand the status is rather special.

If I really let them watch my performance in the audience, I am afraid it is not appropriate, my idea is toarrange for them a VIP box, so that the two old people can also be easier.”

After a pause, Stefanie said “I will let Cherie arrange a good time, let her arrange for you and Mrs.Wade to enter the box first and then arrange for them to enter, anyway, there is everything inside thebox you and Mrs. Wade will not come out between performances and after the performance, I will let

Cherie take them away first, you two should not have the opportunity to meet, this arrangement isperfect.

What do you think?”

Charlie slightly considered for a moment, then readily agreed and said, “This arrangement is quitereasonable, as long as we can ensure that the two sides do not come in and out at the same time,there should be no impact on feng shui.”

Stefanie naturally understood Charlie’s words, so she said, “In that case, I’ll send a clear messageback to the Lady and I’ll ask Cherie to arrange for them to be separated from you in a box so that it’smore secure and stable.”

“No need.” Charlie opened his mouth and said, “Let the two sides be next to each other, it doesn’tmatter.”

For Charlie, he also has some sense of selfishness. For so many years, he did not see hisgrandparents, but, In his heart, his feelings for his grandmother are still relatively deep.

After the accident of his parents, his heart complained about grandpa, grumbled about grandpa, butnever did complain about grandmother, because he knew that his grandmother was very good to hisfamily of three, although not much to meet as a child, but her love for him, he still remembers veryclearly. Therefore, he also very much wants to take this opportunity to get closer to his grandmother.

Stefanie guessed what Charlie had in mind, so she said, “Then I’ll let Cherie arrange them next door toyou.”


After hanging up the phone, Claire, who was curious at the side, asked, “Honey, was it Miss Sun thatcalled?”

“Yes.” Charlie nodded, not hiding.

Claire was surprised and asked, “Miss Sun is going to start her performance in one afternoon, sheshould be very busy at this time, why is she calling you at this time?”

Charlie then said, “Miss Sun invited some guests with special status today and wanted me to see if itwould affect feng shui, so I gave her an idea to minimize the impact.”novelbin

Claire asked in surprise “Guests also affect feng shui?”

Charlie casually laughed “That’s natural! In terms of feng shui, every blade of grass and every leaf ofthe tree will affect feng shui, let alone people.”

“Strictly speaking, whether a person steps on his left foot or right foot first.

When he leaves home in the morning will affect his fortune for the whole day.”

Claire was surprised and asked, “Is it really that mysterious? Which foot first has a good effect?”

“Of course.” Charlie laughed “If the first step is left foot, it may go out smoothly, the whole day you willbe safe and sound, but if the first step is right foot, the whole day’s smooth pace will all be disrupted,maybe because the right foot to go out, halfway down the stairs when the left foot is a step in the airfrom the stairs, one might roll down to the hospital, it may also be because the right foot went out first,after going out, the left foot accidentally stepped on dog droppings and these things, if he goes out withhis left foot first, he can just naturally avoid it, this is the feng shui butterfly effect.”

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