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Chapter 4349

Jack asked him, “By the way, the thing I asked you to investigate, there are new clues?”

“Yes.” The other party hurriedly said “Working on it, although this roast goose store owner, he came tothe United States more than twenty years ago, but has still been an illegal immigrant and the probabilityof origin is from Hong Kong Island.novelbin

So I have asked the Hong Kong Island informants to help investigate, to see if we can feel his trueidentity.”

“Good!” Jack suddenly came to the spirit and said off the record “Although I retired early, but this matteryou must continue to investigate, there may be a big harvest!”


The following day. It happened to be a Saturday.

Because Claire had her heart set on going to New York to see a concert, she proposed to Charlie thatshe wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to get to New York earlier, stroll around New York, goto the concert in the evening, then stay in the city for the night, stroll around for another day the nextday and come back on Sunday night.

Charlie felt that his wife worked too hard in class on weekdays, so naturally, he also wanted to take thisopportunity to take his wife to relax and unwind. So, without thinking, he agreed to Claire’s proposaland then had someone book a suite for him at the Shangri-La Hotel in New York.

After the two of them had breakfast, they drove to New York.

According to Claire’s previous knowledge of New York, Charlie first took her to Times Square, and thento see the famous Statue of Liberty.

Just as the two were touring around, a dozen members of the Evans Family, in two private planes,arrived in New York. After landing safely, Charlie’s grandmother made a phone call to Stefanie.

At this time, Stefanie, who had already started preparing for the evening’s official performance at thearena, suddenly received a call from the Lady and hastily picked up the phone and said respectfully,“Grandma!”

“Eh!” The Lady answered with a smile and asked cheerfully, “Stefanie, are you busy? Grandma didn’tdelay you by calling you, right?”

Stefanie lied and said, “Grandma I’m not busy, I just sat down to take a break.”

“That’s good!” The Lady breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, “Stefanie, I’ve brought yourgrandfather and your uncles and aunts to New York and I want to come to your concert tonight tosupport you.”

Stefanie first froze and the first thing that came to her mind was Charlie. Although she hoped thatCharlie would be able to identify with his grandmother’s family as soon as possible, she knew very wellin her heart that as long as he had not made this decision, she could not make the decision for him.Therefore, if Charlie’s grandmother’s family also came to see the concert today, it might increase thechances of Charlie’s identity being exposed. However, she quickly thought that he had already talked toCherie yesterday and wanted the middlemost VIP box.

Since he was sitting in the box, as long as he paid a little attention, he would not be exposed.

So, she said to the Lady, “Grandma, wait for me, I’ll coordinate with the agent to see if a seat can bevacated!”

The Lady laughed “Stefanie, you don’t need to bother with this matter, I asked your uncle to consult, Iknow that your concert tickets have been sold out for a long time, your uncle has contacted somemerchants who sell tickets at a high price, let him send someone to buy them then.”

Stefanie said “It does not matter grandma, I first asked to see about the situation, recently there aremany people on the internet who want to buy second-hand tickets but have been cheated, I will ask theagent whether there are reserved tickets, that is the perfect solution.”

The Lady didn’t think much about it and said with a smile, “That’s fine, then I’ll give you troubleStefanie.”

“How could it be,” Stefanie said “You came all this way to see my performance, I can’t be happier!”

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