The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 38: Fenestra Family Fall Out
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Chapter 38: Fenestra Family Fall Out

Maze’s POV

It was midday on the third day of Friday’s heat. Thaddeus and I were roasting hotdogs on sticks over asmall fire we had made outside. He had said this way I could cook my own food for once. I had glared athim but I was happy to roast my own hotdog. I had always wanted to go camping and do stuff like thiswith my Dad but he never had time for me and I did not have siblings to go with instead. My mom was anaristocrat and very girly and clinically depressed so she took pills to perk up and pills to sleep. I would layin bed next to her and tell her stories when she cried over my Dad ignoring her. She had been soft-hearted in her youth like my Friday. I pictured Friday that day at the Cat Cafe when she sobbed sobitterly over my rejection and criticism of her. My stomach was in knots. I should have known so muchbetter than that after what I had seen my mother go through. I was still so ashamed of how I hadbehaved.

“Bro! You’re burning your hotdog!” Yelled Thaddeus in his deep voice, making me jump as he snappedme out of my thoughts.

I looked at my hotdog. It was completely black on one side. I roasted the pale side a little then blew on itand took a bite. It was good still! Crispy!I ate the whole thing.

“I want another one,” I said. “Maze, what do we say?” Said Thaddeus in his snooty Marigold voice.“Now?!” I tried. Thaddeus threw a cold hotdog at my face but I caught it easily, laughing. “Bro!” Iexclaimed, “Not cool.”

“Getting hit in the face by a frozen hotdog is a rite of passage in Berryndale. Haven’t you ever beencamping, you beast?” Thaddeus said.

I rolled my eyes. That was another favourite of Thaddeus and Theo, calling each other “beast”. Iwondered if Theo would be annoyed when we got back to the pack house and he realised that Thaddeus

was now fond of me. I wondered if he would be a little jealous. I felt smug. I had never had a best friendor anything, just servants and sycophants.

“No, I never got to go camping,” I admitted. “I always wanted to go though.”

“Maze!” Exclaimed Thaddeus in mock horror. “Sleeping outside is for vagabonds!” Scolded Thaddeus,again with his snobby Marigold impression,


“We can go camping properly in Berryndale,” boomed Thaddeus. “What? You’ll let me sit in on one ofyour dates with Friday?” | asked.

Thaddeus shrugged. “The fifteenth day is our travel day and it won’t take all day to get to Berryndale. Asthat day is a no man’s land like the first and last days of the challenge, we can all camp that night,”offered Thaddeus.

“You’re taking me on a date?” I teased.

“It’ll be so bro-mantic just you wait,” Thaddeus said, chuckling.

“Poor Friday, she’ll be a third wheel,” I joked.

She’d be the meat in our sandwich which was the exact opposite of a third wheel but I could not say soder, It Still seemea plausible. I garea not pring it up again thougn. I signea, contuctea. Dia i wantthat?

“You ok, Bro?” Thaddeus asked when I fell quiet.

“Yeah, I’m ok,” I said, smiling. “You’ve made this time away from Friday bearable which is a great feathonestly.”

“Well, I’m a great guy, seven feet tall, smart, handsome, funny, the best warrior, a chef, modest, etcetera,etcetera, etcetera…” said Thaddeus starting off in his deep regular voice but trailing off into his higher-pitched snob voice.

I laughed and then looked down only to realise I had also burnt my second hotdog while overthinking

Theo’s POV

“What was that, Theo?” Exclaimed Friday, getting to her feet. She was a bit shaky. I helped her back toher bed.

“I’ll check, ok,” I said. “Promise me, you’ll stay put!”

She fixed me with an innocent wide-eyed look, nodding. I grinned at her. I bounded down the stairs to theBeta floor where all the noise and rumbling had come from…

Fang, his mother and father were in the middle of a stand-off.

“He’s your mate, isn’t he, your real one,” Fang said, sniffling, tears evident in his eyes. I knewimmediately of whom he spoke. Maze’s Dad, the former Alpha Malachi.

Felicity, Friday’s Mom, looked shell-shocked. A snarl ripped from Farris’ throat. The former Beta’s eyesturned black. Fang quickly put his mother behind him, getting between her and Farris. I sprang overthere, also standing protectively in front of Felicity.

“Is what he’s saying true, Felicity?” Snarled Felix. “IS IT?!” His voice rang out throughout the pack house.Felicity trembled. “I’m so sorry, Farris,” she whimpered. “You have every right to be upset.”

Fang gulped but maintained his protective stance, defending his mother despite being furious with hertoo. Farris lunged at her and we grabbed him, pushing him away from her.

“Two Betas defending that dishonourable w***e?!” Spat Farris. Fang growled at the word w***e usedagainst his mother.

“No one is saying she’s in the right, Dad, but you need to calm down. You have four kids together. You’renot about to attack her. She’s still done right by you in other ways,” Fang said.

Farris was seething. “Everyday, every single day, that man made my life hell and I never knew why!!never knew why he hated me so much! It was because of you!” Growled Farris.

“He wanted you! He coveted you! Why would you marry the Beta of your Alpha mate? Did you do that onpurpose?” Screamed Farris.

Felicity spluttered. “I…I…”

Farris howled. He swiped at her with his claws out, canines bared, eyes black. He was about to shift. Igot ready to shift too, if need be.

Farris roared. His bones started to crack.

“STOP!” Bellowed a voice that shook the whole house like only an Alpha command could. I gasped. Thevoice was distinctly female though. Friday stood panting on the staircase.

Her father looked at her, shocked. He growled at her. Her eyes turned black and he recoiled. violenceagainst mom.

Farris cackled. “Look at you, a late bloomer. You must think you’re the s**t now,” spat Farris.

“Why do you hate me so much?” Friday asked, her expression pained. “I don’t hate you,” said Farrissimply. He sighed. “I don’t hate you,” he repeated.

He walked away and slumped against the far wall, sitting down, putting his head in his hands.

He was jealous of his own daughter, fated to two alphas, reminiscent of Felicity being fated to formeralpha Malachi. Farris could not fool me. I knew he must have known on some level what was up. Hedrank his awareness away and now in the cold light of day, his pent up emotions were spilling out. All theanger and resentment he had for Felicity seemed to transfer to Friday, Felicity’s younger lookalike. Hehad not been a good enough husband for Felicity and through self-sabotage he had made sure he wasnot a good father to Friday

Fang was panting, his chest heaving. Felicity was trembling, burying her face in Fang’s back. Friday wasstill and silent.

“How did you get out of your room?” Demanded Fang, looking at his little sister, back to Beta business asusual.

Friday smiled slyly. “I commanded the warriors to step aside,” she said sheepishly.

I was in awe. Lunas could not be commanded as they were equal to alphas, their counterparts, butLunas could not give commands. There were alpha commands. I had never heard of luna commands. Itwas astounding. Fang looked impressed. He nodded.

“All right, little badass, back to bed, that’s an order!” scolded Fang.

Friday nodded and crept back up the stairs though she did not have to listen to him. It was cute howmuch she wanted to please her brother.

“Mrs Fenestra, are you ok?” I murmured.

She nodded, keeping her face buried in the back of her son’s shirt.

Farris got slowly to his feet and sauntered down the stairs. I had no idea where he was going but I feltlike we should keep him here at the pack house until he cooled down less he do anything rash.

I moved to follow him. Fang flung an arm out in front of me and shook his head No.

I need you here, he mind-linked me, Friday is the top priority. Think of Thaddeus. He would not be thrilledyou left his precious little Luna to go running after her father.

Fang was right. Ugh! That did not sound right. Fang was not wrong. Better. Farris’ POV

That b***h. Had our whole marriage been a lie? She had been making a fool out of me all these years,harbouring feelings for my former alpha. Back when I was his beta, he abhorred me. I thought there wasnothing behind it, that he was just an asshole. He would make me work late hours and come in early, likehe was trying to make me spend as much time at the pack house as possible. He had been keeping meaway from his mate however he could, but why had they not pursued the mate bond? Knowing theinsufferable snob that Malachi was, it might have been because Felicity was a rogue. Rogues wereconsidered trouble-makers until they settled down in a pack. The wolf was the pack; the pack was thewolf.

I drove away from the pack house. Felicity could find her own way back home. I was speeding throughthe countryside as fast as this old classic car could go. I had a bone to pick with my former alpha,Malachi Mason.

Malachi’s POV

I mate, my would-be Luna, my dearest Felicity. I telt a familiar neat spring up in my lower torso. Istretcnea and got out of bed. Elizabeth stirred. She woke up too. She did not speak to me and I did notspeak to her. That was normal for us. I had not been physically intimate with Elizabeth since before Mazehad been born. I had done enough to conceive an heir with her and then I could not be botheredanymore.

put on my robe and sauntered down the winding staircase, approaching the front door. Someone wasbanging ferociously on the other side.

“What?!” I spat opening the door to reveal a black-eyed frantic former Beta of mine. My heart plummeted.Did he know? Had he hurt Felicity?

“Where’s Felicity, Farris?” I demanded sharply. My wolf was snarling. He wanted to know his mate wassafe. He could faintly detect her smell on Farris.

Farris laughed bitterly. “Felicity? Don’t you mean Mrs Fenestra?” Snapped Farris. I was seething. He hadcome to taunt me. The alpha in me roared. “What did you do, Farris?” I whispered, my tone deadly.Farris cackled madly. His smile did not reach his eyes. “It’s not what I’ve done,” said Farris. “It’s what I’mabout to do.”novelbin

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