The Challenge Two Alphas, One Girl

Chapter 37: A Beastly Bromance and A Frightened Felicity
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Chapter 37: A Beastly Bromance and A Frightened Felicity

Thaddeus’ POV

It was my turn to be extra grumpy today as now / was missing my date day with my Friday. I wondered ifher heat would last three days or four days. Most heats lasted three days but I had a feeling Friday’swould be four. I was started to go stir-crazy in this tiny cottage but I could not risk going for a run in thewoods in my wolf-form. It would not be a good idea to turn off the rational human part of my brain rightnow when my wolf was obsessed with his mate’s heat. Last night Maze and I had ended up finishingthree bottles of wine, one red and two white. I could not help but wonder if he had been just really drunkor serious about his proposition,

Flashback (Last Night)

Maze downed his ninth or tenth glass of wine. He hiccoughed. He put the glass down and slumpedagainst the wall, his long dark hair falling in his face.

“Thaddeus,” Maze murmured. “What?” I said, I was on my eleventh and I was having trouble pouring thenext glass. “Um, let’s pretend we’re twins,” said Maze giggling conspiratorially. “What?” I said, laughing.He was not making any sense.

“Pretend I’m your twin,” whispered Maze. He put a finger to his lips. He slid down the wall and onto theground.

I focused on pouring my next glass. I did it!

“Twins,” I mused. “You want to dress alike? You wanna bleach your hair or should I dye mine darker?” Iasked him.

He snorted with laughter from the floor and then hiccoughed again. “No!” He moaned. “Twins have onemate like us.” “So what?” I asked.

He looked at me like I was being dim. I looked at him like he was being odd. Understanding slowly creptup on me. The dream we had shared where we were both all over Friday flashed into my mind. Iremembered dream Friday’s expression of pure ecstasy. My stomach clenched. My skin felt hot.

“Twins?” Maze asked trying to high five me but missing.

I shook his hand instead but this was after the eleventh glass and perhaps halfway into the twelfth so itwas not legally binding.

“Maze, I daresay high-fiving is barbaric. Aristocracy thrives on hand-shakes, Maze!” I said in my snobbyMarigold voice.

Maze chuckled. He was falling asleep. “Don’t fall…” I said, slurring my words a little. “…in love?” Mazeasked. I laughed. “Asleep!” / corrected him.

“Oh, good,” Maze said, “cause it’s too late for the first one. I’m already in love. I miss Friday. Do you thinkshe likes wine? Red or white?”

“Um,” said, my vision blurry. “Pink!”I answered confidently. Friday was girly.

“I don’t think so,” / said. “Yeah, I know all about wine. My Dad owns an orchard!” Maze said angrily. “Youmean a vineyard?” I asked. “I do?” Maze asked. “Exactly!”, said, pouring a thirteenth glass but the thirdbottle was done. I sighed and slumped over. End of flashbacknovelbin

It had not been the most fruitful of conversations but it touched on a very important topic. Was Fridaymeant to have two mates? I had never considered it before, assuming I was her second chance matebecause Maze had rejected her, but that did not actually make sense. The bond between Maze andFriday had clearly not been severed since Friday had never accepted the rejection and yet when Fridayand I met, we became mates. How could she get a second chance mate before severing the first-chancebond? Also,

Friday and I had an incredible connection, if I did say so myself, beyond what was typical of a second-chance mate which was usually a little less dramatic than first chance mates. I was able to feel Friday’semotions precisely through our mate bond. I looked over at a peacefully sleeping Maze. He looked soinnocent in his sleep. I decided to douse him with cold water.

Maze’s POV

I was dreaming about Friday. There was literally nothing else worth dreaming about, to be honest. Sheand I had gone to the beach. I spotted Thaddeus surfing in the distance, showing off as usual. A hugewave came out of nowhere. I was in its shadow and then…

I shot up. I was freezing! I was wet! Why was I wet?

Thaddeus was doubled over, laughing. What a complete asshole? I moved at werewolf speed. I went tothe fridge and took out some a huge chunk of ice from the freezer. I put it down Thaddeus’ shirt and ranaway.

“Ahhh! f**k! Maze!” He growled playfully.

He chased me out the door. I ran further away from the direction of the pack house and deeper into thewoods to be safe. I did not want to endanger my little Luna. Ugh, I was sounding like Thaddeus but shewas little and she would definitely be a Luna somehow. It was pretty self-explanatory. I came to a river,crossing several miles in a few seconds at alpha speed. Thaddeus was behind me in a flash. He tackledme and we both fell into the freezing cold water.

Tresurfaced, spluttering.

“Thaddeus,” I snarled.

It was so cold. I was actually shivering which was unheard of for an Alpha. Thaddeus laughed. Hisbooming laugh made birds fly away from their perches. I laughed in spite of myself. It reminded me of

when Slogan and I had talked about Friday in the forest. Thaddeus and I darted back to the cottage. Hetossed me a huge towel and took one for himself. I was one hundred percent sober now and I was nothungover either. The freezing cold river water had done the trick but I would not recommend trying that athome.

Friday’s POV

The third day of my heat was slightly more bearable than previous days. I hoped Thaddeus and Mazewere not ripping each other to shreds. I missed them so much it was like a physical pain in my chestseparate from the griping pain of the heat. I wished I could be cuddled up with them. I hoped they wereok

It took you long enough! She scolded. You actually need Fang to tell you who I was. I chuckled to myselfand then I smiled. Fang cared about me, at least, a little. He loves us, said my wolf. But the boy hasdemons! What did she mean by that?

Love him, he’s your brother but still don’t trust him! She said.

A chill crept through me. She was wrong. Fang was really trying to be a brother to me now. I had to givehim credit for that. I wondered how my wolf knew Thaddeus and Maze were ok.

Their wolves told me, she said simply. That’s impossible. They were so far away and how could our threewolves be communicating with each other without our knowledge.

You have a lot to learn but don’t worry, I’ll guide you! I don’t need your permission to call to Thaddeus’and Maze’s wolves and they don’t need the permission of your mates to respond. They’re alpha wolvesand alphas wolves cannot be commanded, said my wolf. Her voice sounded like the most serene,mature and confident version of my own voice. It was fascinating to listen to. I felt like she was a hundredyears old versus my twenty.

She laughed. We’re the same age, trust me. It goes with the territory of being the same person. Iwondered if her presence meant I could shift.

Not yet, she said sadly. Why? You must figure that out for yourself.

I grumbled inwardly. I hated vague advice. My wolf was laughing at me. She had a tinkling laugh. It waspleasant to listen to.

A knock on the door made me look up. “Yeah?” I called.

Theo walked in. “Day eleven of the challenge and day three of your heat,” he announced to the room. Iclapped like I was a rapt audience member.

“You’re doing amazing you know at handling the heat,” said Theo, smiling. “Thanks,” I said.

“I’ve started making preparations,” Theo said, crunching on a red apple he had with him. He handed meone. Mine was yellow.

“Preparations?” I said with my mouth full.

“For the trip to Berryndale. Day fifteen will be our travel day and then the second half of the challenge willcontinue in Berryndale,” explained Theo.

. I already knew about it but it had almost slipped my mind with everything that was going on. I squealed.I was so excited. I had never left my town. Thaddeus had promised me I could meet humans and witchesand wizards. He had said I could even meet vampires!

Katrina’s POV

I filled my wine glass with the red liquid. It was certainly not wine. I downed it quickly. My blood-lust wasthrough the roof this morning. I was stressed out. My love was conflicted. He no longer wanted to handhis sister over to us but I’d already promised my step-father. My step-father would not halt those plans for

anyone. I buried my face in my hands. My usually sleek blonde hair was messy and my clothes had notbeen ironed. They were not crisp and immaculate as was expected of a Vampire Princess.

“Hey, Sis, you look great! What are you doing differently? Drinking from crack addicts?” Said my elderstep-brother, Ezra, walking gracefully into the breakfast room.

“I know you have your panties all in a bunch for that wolf boy,” he spat. “I know you’re thirstier than avamp in a blood-bank for that human girl,” I snapped back. He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t talk about her.Ever!’

I sighed, feeling defeated. “I need your help ok, brother,” I whimpered, my eyes brimming with tearsthough I was trying so hard to be strong.

I wished I could be wrapped up in Fang’s arms right now. I knew he was married but I just wanted to be apart of his life, no matter how small.

Ezra patted my head. “That werewolf has a mate, sister, don’t be daft, ok,” he said gently. “I know…I justwant to help him…” “Help him what?” Snarled Ezra. “Kidnap his little sister?! How would you feel if Ibetrayed you?” I flinched. Ezra and I did not see eye to eye but we looked out for each other.

“He’s changed his mind though,” I whispered so softly that if Ezra had not been a vampire, he would nothave heard it.

“What do you mean?” He asked keeping his voice low.

“He says he loves his sister and he made a mistake thinking he could go through with handing her over,”I mumbled, swiping Ezra’s coffee and having sip.

“S**t!” Exclaimed Ezra.“We have to help them!” Said Ezra.

I spluttered while drinking the hot coffee. “What?” I asked incredulously. “You’re gonna help Fang?”

“Yeah,” said Ezra smiling. I rolled my eyes. I knew why. “Who showed you a picture of her?” I demanded.“I spotted it in Dad’s study,” he admitted sheepishly.

If you compared a picture of Friday to a picture of Ezra’s human love interest, the resemblance wasuncanny. They could be sisters: golden skin, long tousled wavy hair, doe eyes, petite but curvy frames.

“She’s pretty like my Raelynn,” mumbled Ezra. “Yeah, your little Rae of sunshine,” I teased, making funof that corny line he always used on her.

Ezra refused to meet my eyes.

“You do know you’re a vampire right so sunshine is bad for you,”Ijoked lamely.

He gave me a pitiful look. “That humour is beyond repair but we can still save Snaggletooth and Friday.”

Fang’s POV

We had made it to Friday’s third day of heat. I had a feeling her heat would last four days. I could do this.I was almost there. Katrina had said she would figure out a way to help the situation. I had no idea if shewas capable of that or not. I considered her a friend and I felt guilty for putting her in this predicament butI felt a hundred times guiltier for my momentary lapse of judgement concerning my sister. What had Ibeen thinking? What had I been smoking? I could not hand over Friday to some vamps. That wasunthinkable. I felt disgusted with myself. I sighed. Astrid stirred. She was lying on my chest. Her eyesopened slowly. She looked up at me and smiled. I kissed her gently, savouring her taste.

She pulled away and trailed kisses down my chest and torso. I groaned. She took me in her mouth. Ishivered.

There was a knock on the door. Astrid stopped what she had been doing. f**k! I ran to the door, pulling arobe on. It was my mother!

“How could you not tell me Friday was in heat? I had to hear it from Fargo and Fallon,” scolded mymother.

Astrid was pretending to be asleep in the background. I knew she just did not want to be grilled again bymy mom about when she was going to get grandkids. Instead of taking it all in stride, anger ignited withinme.

“How could /not tell you something?” I spat. “That’s rich!” “Pardon me, young man,” snapped my mom.

I snorted. “What is that supposed to mean?” Said my mom indignantly.

“You’re the one keeping secrets!” I accused. “So don’t try to make me feel guilty. I’ve been taking care ofFriday ok, I didn’t have time to inform you.”

My mother’s eyes widened. She looked a little afraid. I smirked. Sadness engulfed me despite the nastysmile on my face.

“So it’s true then?” I asked.

“What is?” Asked Mom. “That you’re keeping secrets!” I bellowed. My mom flinched. “Fang, calm down,”she beseeched me.

“Don’t tell me to calm down. Tell me why former Alpha Malachi called you by your first name at dinner,tell me why he can’t stop staring at you and then Friday and back again, tell me why

your name, Felicity, is etched into the wall of his old room! TELL ME!” I bellowed in my Beta voice,snarling her first name at her. She winced at me using her first name. We were not like that. She wasalways Mom or Mommy.

The room shook with the echoes of my Beta voice. Astrid was the stiffest sleeping person ever. I couldhear her heart racing.

“He’s your mate, isn’t he, your real one,” I said, sniffling. Where had these tears come from?

My mom looked utterly terrified, standing there in the doorway. She was stiff as if she were afraid tomove. I would never hurt her. I felt annoyed that she would even think that. I opened the door wider toreveal my father standing a few feet away in the hallway. She had brought him with her. He was staringat us, his expression unfathomable. f**k.

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