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Chapter 883

Chapter 883

But currently, this kind of sympathy had turned into intense pain.

When the car stopped below the apartment of the Burton family, Rosalie almost sprinted out of the carand ran toward the stairs.

The Burton family lived in an old residential area. There was no elevator but only stairs. They lived onthe fifth floor. When Rosalie reached the fifth floor, she could hear scolding and shouting from one ofthe apartments.

“What do you mean he has been kidnapped? Who would kidnap an orphan? What’s the use ofkidnapping that boy? You brat, are you trying to trick your father into giving you money with that kid? Ican tell you, I share that money with your dad. It has nothing to do with you!”

The soundproofing in this kind of old residential area was not good. Rosalie could hear the tart andmean voice clearly, which belonged to Jeanette, Zekiah’s current foster mother.

“I saw someone carry Zeki into a car with my own eyes. He must have been kidnapped!” Karina’sworried voice could be heard. “If you don’t save Zeki, I will! I’ll use the money my mom left me to saveZeki! I know that my mom has left me a lot of money!”.

“What do you mean, your mom? Your mom was already dead a long time ago!” Jeanette yelled angrily.“Even if my mom is gone, the things she left me are still here. This house belongs to my mom! If I sellit, I’ll have the money to save Zeki!” Karina shouted.

“Damn you! You want to sell this house? Are you crazy? Even if that kid is kidnapped, our family has nomoney to save him. He is not related to us by blood!”

“Who says so? Zeki is my brother!”

“Patrick is your real brother. He’s related to you by blood. Who cares about that kid?”

The sound of a slap in the face could be heard, and then the front door was opened. Karina ran out ofthe house and was stunned when she saw Rosalie.

“M-Ms. Leighton!” Karina called out. There was an obvious red mark on one side of her cheek, whichwas obviously caused by the slap a moment ago.

Jeanette’s voice came from behind. “Where the hell are you going? I’m telling you, it will be uselesseven if you go to your mother’s lawyer.”

Jeanette rushed over and tried to reach out to pull Karina into the house.

Rosalie raised her hand and shook off Jeanette’s hand, which was on Karina. She then pulled Karinabehind her. “What are you going to do to her?”

Jeanette raised her voice. “She’s my daughter. I don’t need an outsider to intervene on what I’m goingto do to her. Get out of my way! I’ll teach Karina a lesson!”

“I’m not your daughter!” Karina responded furiously. In her heart, there was only one person who washer


“Damn you!” Jeanette was going to beat the hell out of Karina!

Rosalie was protecting Karina’s thin and small body. She raised her hand and directly claspedJeanette’s hand. “You better stop! If you dare to touch her again, I will not let you off!”

“You won’t let me off? Who do you think you are? Let me tell you, as long as her last name is Burton, Ican hit her whenever I want!” Jeanette raged viciously. She straightaway countered Rosalie by twisting

her hand instead.

Rosalie’s hand was already injured before this. It became more painful when Jeanette did this to her.Seeing this, Jeanette waved her hands around more aggressively.

Rosalie held Karina tightly in her arms. She was Zekiah’s only warmth in the Burton family. She wasthe one who protected Zekiah no matter what happened. Therefore, she had to protect Karina nomatter what!

However, she didn’t feel the pain she had expected. Instead, Rosalie heard Jeanette’s cry of pain.“Hand… My hand is about to break…”


Wayne happened to come out of the house when he saw a stranger clasping Jeanette’s hands tightly.Her face was turning red, and she was wailing in pain.

“W-Who are you? Let go of my wife quickly!” Wayne shouted.

However, the stranger who was holding both of Jeanette’s hands didn’t move at all. He ignored Wayneand just looked at another handsome man standing beside him, as if waiting for his order at any time.Of course, Wayne noticed that this handsome man was the actual boss. He was dressed in a well-tailored suit and looked elegant but cold. “Tell him to let go of my wife quickly, or I’ll call the police,” hethreatened.

“You can try calling the police.” Jonathan glanced at Wayne icily. Wayne felt terrified when he metJonathan’s eyes.

Rosalie didn’t expect Jonathan to arrive so soon. Instantly, her eyes turned red again. “Jon, Zeki hasreally been kidnapped!”

Even though she had just heard some conversations outside the house, it was enough for her to sortthings out.

“I’ll find him!” Jonathan continued, “Are you okay? Did this woman do anything to you just now?”

Before Rosalie could speak, Karina, who was protected by Rosalie, recounted, “My stepmother wantedto hit me just now but Ms. Leighton helped me block. My stepmother even twisted her hand.”

Hearing Karina’s words, the surrounding air pressure became much lower in an instant, as if even theair had become icy.

“She injured your hand.” Jonathan held Rosalie’s hand and examined her hand carefully. “Does ithurt?” “It hurt a little bit, but it’s better now,” Rosalie stated indifferently. She didn’t want Jon to feelguilty about it.

In the past two days, he had felt guilty enough because of her hands.

As for the evil deeds committed by Jeanette, Rosalie would pay her back bit by bit one day!

Jonathan turned his head and glared at Jeanette. His captivating eyes were full of hostility. “You shouldjust die!”

Jeanette was scared out of her wits by the hostility in Jonathan’s eyes, but she still protestedstubbornly, “I-I was punishing my own daughter. She was the one who wanted to protect that brat.That’s none of her business.”

Nevertheless, Jonathan didn’t bother to listen to her nonsense anymore. He ordered his subordinate,“Do


With a click, the bodyguard who was gripping Jeanette’s hand immediately got his job done. Instantly,Jeanette screamed in pain and almost fainted.

Rosalie didn’t expect the bodyguard to take action as soon as Jonathan gave the order. It’s not that shepitied Jeanette, but she was worried that Karina, who was in her embrace, would be terrified by thesituation.

Wayne was so frightened that he hurriedly hugged Jeanette. A neighbor next door heard the sound andopened the door to see what happened. Jonathan instructed, “Clear the scene. Order all the residentson this floor to leave!!”

“Clear the scene?” Wayne thought. He was stunned when he heard the words!

Then he noticed that there were some men who had already surrounded him and his wife in thecorridor, which made it impossible for the neighbors to see what was going on.

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