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Chapter 882

Chapter 882

Although Guillermo was confused, he didn’t continue asking. However, he was still curious about thisgrandmother, whom he had never seen before.

When Jennifer asked Rosalie about this grandmother, Guillermo also stared at Rosalie curiously.

Rosalie thought for a while and explained, “Your grandma, I don’t know where she is either. She lefthome one day and might have lost her way, so she never came back.”

Now, she could only give a vague reason like this: She didn’t want her children to know about the darkrealities of the adult world too early,novelbin

Jennifer instantly got anxious. “Grandma lost her way? Then we have to look for her as soon aspossible, or she will be out there alone!”

Jennifer was so sad that she had tears in her eyes. Rosalie patted her head. “Okay. Daddy andMommy will look for Grandma.”

She actually knew that Jon had been looking for his mother all these years. Nevertheless, it was as ifthis person had disappeared from the surface of the earth. She had never been found.

Even if they managed to find her, how could Jon face his mother? If his mother hadn’t abandonedLucian, he wouldn’t have died. Jonathan’s childhood would have been much happier.

His mother was like a thorn in his heart. He even used to loathe his own eyes, which looked like hismother’s.

The photo of Jonathan’s mother, which Rosalie had seen before, flashed through her mind.

She was a very beautiful woman, but Jon only had her eyes. Except for that pair of eyes, the otherparts of his face were more like Lucian’s.

Suddenly, a small figure flashed in Rosalie’s mind.

-Zekiah’s face appeared in her mind and overlapped with the woman in the photo she had seen before.

“Zeki!” Rosalie suddenly quivered. “Why didn’t I realize that besides his eyes that aren’t like Jon’smother, other parts of his face are similar to hers? And Zeki’s eyes, look just like Lucian’s!” Rosalieexclaimed inwardly.

Rosalie tried hard to recall the photo of Lucian she had seen in the memorial hall.

In the photo, Lucian had tranquil and tender eyes, as if there was too much affection. They were totallydifferent from Zekiah’s cold and empty eyes, but the shape of their eyes was extremely similar, “Couldit be that Zeki is the kid who hasn’t been found yet? Is that possible? Can there be such a coincidence?No… I need to go meet Zeki! I need to know the truth clearly!” Rosalie told herself. Rosalie got upinstantly and was about to leave. At this moment, Gary came over in a hurry with a box. “Mrs.Youngblood, someone sent in this parcel. We’ve checked the contents.”

As Gary spoke, he opened the box. There was a strand of hair and another piece of paper in it. Thewords on the paper were formed from cut-out letters from old newspapers. The content of the paperwas very simple too. It was mentioned that she and Jon’s lost child were in the kidnapper’s hands now.They had asked the Youngblood family to prepare 20 million dollars. When the time comes, they wouldnaturally hand over the child!

The hair was for them to test the child’s DNA, so they could easily know whether the child’s identitywas real or not!

Rosalie’s heart suddenly sank while Gary asked nervously, “Mrs. Youngblood, is this real?”

“I-I don’t know. Let me call Jon! And also Gary, get the car ready right away. I’m going out right now,”Rosalie instructed.

“Understood,” Gary replied.

The two children approached Rosalie and looked at her curiously. Jennifer was still a little confused,but Guillermo obviously understood the situation. His small face tensed up,

“Mommy, has little brother been found?” Guillermo asked. He had automatically assumed the otherbaby was his little brother now.


“Maybe,” Rosalie replied. “Mommy is going out now. You and Jen stay at home.”

“Will little brother be safe?”

“Yes, he will. Mommy will make sure that he is safe and sound!” Rosalie assured him.

Rosalie ordered the driver to drive toward Zekiah’s home while calling Jonathan at the same time. Assoon as she told him about the parcel, Jonathan immediately said, “Don’t worry. I will save our son nomatter how much it costs.”

“Our son?” Rosalie was stunned. “How do you know that the baby is a son?” After all, what was writtenon that note had not been confirmed yet. Everything so far was just based on her guess.

“Rosalie, do you remember the time when I accompanied you to meet Zeki at the entrance of theelementary school? I had my doubts back then. Later, I ordered some men to use the excuse of a bodycheckup to draw some of Zeki’s blood to conduct a DNA test. Just to be safe, I’ve chosen threelaboratories, both here and abroad. The three DNA test reports confirmed that Zeki is our child,”Jonathan explained on the phone.

In an instant, Rosalie burst into tears.

“Zeki is really our child! Why didn’t I recognize him until now? Don’t people say that mother and sonhave an unbreakable bond? As a mother, why didn’t I recognize my own child?” Rosalie questionedinternally.

All the while, she saw Zekiah getting scolded and beaten by other older children. He had scars all overhis body.

Those scenes were constantly replayed in Rosalie’s mind, which stung her heart.

“If I had recognized Zekiah earlier, would he have suffered less?” she wondered.

At this moment, she wished that she could endure the hardships that Zekiah should have encounteredat such an age!

“Jon, nothing can happen to Zeki. Nothing! It’s me. I didn’t protect him well. If I insisted on adopting him-back then and brought him back to the Youngblood residence, maybe he would not have been

kidnapped!” Rosalie choked.

“Rosalie, don’t cry. I won’t let anything happen to Zeki. Trust me!” Jonathan said firmly.

“Okay, I believe you,” Rosalie sobbed. “I-I’m going to Zeki’s place right now. I’m going to confirm if he’sreally been kidnapped.”

After all, the note didn’t state who that child was.

“Okay, I’ll be right there too,” Jonathan replied.

After the call ended, Rosalie cried her eyes out. In the past, when she heard Amelia talking aboutZekiah, all she had felt was sympathy for him. He had encountered these things at such a young age.

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