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Chapter 714

Chapter 714

“I’m gullible, right? I’m so easily tricked!” thought Warren.

That was why Irene was able to deceive him for so many years.

The person Warren wanted to protect had ended up being the person he retaliated so harshly against.Was there anything more ridiculous than this?

These two days, he had been staying in the hotel room. He did not even know how to face Amelia.

“What should I say? Do I apologize? Or should I make it up to her somehow?” muttered Warren tohimself.

Warren had always regarded Amelia as his enemy’s daughter, but now she had become his life-savingbeneficiary. This twist had confused Warren, and he was unsure of how to respond at the moment.

If Warren had found out on time that Irene was lying to him that year, and if it were Amelia whoappeared in front of him back then, would these things still have happened?

Even if Amelia was the daughter of an enemy, he would have let go of his hatred and not hurt her likethat. Warren would not have made her hate him as she did


Suddenly, his phone rang. Warren picked up the phone and answered it.

“Mr. York, we found out what you asked us to investigate. At that time…”

The voice from the other end of the phone made Warren’s heart sink, but he felt that everything hadbeen exactly as he had thought.

It turned out that he was really a fool. An utter fool.

Even the Fletcher family and Irene could deceive him like this.

Irene felt very uneasy in the ward. She could not get through to Warren’s phone now, and he had notreplied to her messages, which made her more anxious. Given how quickly information could spread,Warren must have seen the video by now.

Even if he were unaware, people would have mentioned it to him.

Moreover, nobody in the York family called her to ask if the video was real or not. It was as if all her tiesto the York family had dissolved overnight.

“No! I must find a way to see Warren! The longer I delay this, the greater this hidden danger becomes!”thought Irene.

Thinking of this, Irene was about to leave the hospital to see Warren. However, someone pushed openthe door to the ward, and Warren walked in.

The three members of the Fletcher family in the ward were all surprised, but it was Thomas who spokefirst. “Warren, y-you’re finally here. Everything you’ve




seen on the internet is not true. Someone deliberately framed Irene! They must have found a similar-looking person to put on a play!”

Ivy also nodded quickly and said, “Yes! That’s true! Someone has framed Irene! Warren, you’ve beenwith her for so long now! Surely your relationship isn’t that fragile? You cannot be so easily fooled bythis!”

“Fooled, you say?” Warren suddenly whispered in a hoarse voice, which sounded dangerous. “Indeed,I have been fooled by everyone else for so many years! Was I really that easy to lie to? Is that why youtruly think you can convince me that what’s wrong is right?”

As soon as he said this, the expressions of the Fletcher family members changed immediately.

Irene felt a chill go down her spine and shivered subconsciously. “What does he mean by that? Doeshe intend to…” thought Irene.

“Warren… I-I don’t understand what you mean. Y-You think I’ve been lying to you? I-I don’tunderstand!” Irene feigned innocence, and her eyes were filled with tears. She looked absolutely pitiful.

But at this moment, what Irene did only made Warren feel extremely disgusted. “You don’tunderstand?” He suddenly laughed mildly, before taking out his phone and pressing it twice.

Just then, an audio recording of a call between the bone marrow bank and Irene began to play.

When Irene’s voice was heard, both Thomas and Ivy’s expressions turned very dark. Irene, on theother hand, was flushed from holding in her anxiety, with beads of sweat pouring down her faceuncontrollably.

“Goodness! Is this the recording Rosalie mentioned the other day? It must be Rosalie who gave therecording to Warren!” thought Irene, fuming. She hated Rosalie even more now.

“Well, Irene. You’ve really outdone yourself, this time.” Warren walked slowly to the bedside and staredat her coldly. There was a deep anger in his narrowed eyes. “I didn’t expect you to fool me for so many


“But… The recording is fake! It’s not real!” said Irene, in denial. “That person in the recording is not meat all!”

“Isn’t it you?” Warren then hurled the stack of documents in his hands at Irene’s face.

“I’ve found the doctor who called you from the bone marrow bank and compared your voiceprints withthose in this recording. It turns out that it is the same person’s voice! Irene, what else do you have tosay for yourself?”

Irene became flustered and stammered, “A-Anyone who d-donates bone marrow cells at the hospitalwill have files on them. A-As long as you look into it, y-you’ll see if it’s true or not…”


10:25 D

But before she could finish her words, another man walked into the ward.

Irene immediately widened her eyes and looked at the man in the ward in disbelief. It was none otherthan Brayden.

She thought, “Shouldn’t he have already taken the money and gone abroad? Why is he here now?”

Irene watched Brayden walk up to Warren, rubbing his hands with an

embarrassed expression. “Mr. York, it was Irene who asked me to falsify records of the bone marrowdonation. But I didn’t deliberately let slip that it was you whom she’d refused to make a donation to.She pored through the materials I’d brought back from my hospital and found out on her own!”

While Brayden confessed to this, he was also wiping his slate clean.

“Brayden, you’re slandering me!” said Irene anxiously.

Yet, Brayden retorted, “What are you talking about? I’m telling the truth! Didn’t you give me 10 milliondollars this time just to stop me? But Irene, I didn’t expect you to be so cruel. You were pregnant withmy child and came up with such a ridiculous scheme to be rid of the baby!”

Irene rushed out of her sick bed and hurled herself at Brayden, trying to stop him from saying anythingmore.

However, before she could take a step, she was stopped in her tracks by the bodyguards who camewith Warren.

Thomas and Ivy wanted to step forward, but they were stopped by Warren’s bodyguards respectively.

The three members of the Fletcher family exchanged helpless glances.

Irene said desperately, “Warren, no. Don’t listen to Brayden. He set me up. He deliberately got medrunk and set me up! If anything, he must have been instructed to do so by Rosalie. Since Ameliamade me miscarry and was sent to prison for her crimes, so Rosalie framed me like this to helpAmelia!”

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