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Chapter 708

Chapter 708

He still remembered the day he went to the hospital for a checkup. At the time, Irene had walkedtoward him with a smile and said, “I inadvertently learned that it was you who I saved. It’s really good tohear that you are recovering well!”

It was not until then he found out what kind of person the donor of his bone

marrow was.

The first time the doctor found a matching donor in the bone marrow bank, he called to ask the donorbut was rejected.

At that time, Warren felt that the whole world seemed to have become a dark place. He still had toomany things to do, and he didn’t want to die yet.

Finally, the bone marrow bank found another donor who was a match. This time, while he was waitingfor the reply, he was extremely nervous every day as he was afraid of being rejected again.

It was at that point he realized that living was a kind of extravagance that required the compassion ofothers.

He was afraid that he would be rejected again.

Utterly terrified, in fact!

Thankfully, later, the hospital gave him good news. The donor promised to donate without anyconditions attached and said that they would actively cooperate.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, he had wanted to thank the other person face-to-face.

However, it was a double-blind donation, and the other party had no intention of revealing themselves.Nonetheless, they asked the doctor to bring him a message: “Live well, and maybe one day, we willmeet again in this vast world!”

Then, when Irene finally appeared in front of him and he got a glimpse of the woman who dragged himback from the brink of death, he swore that he would use all his strength to protect this kind woman.

He could give all the best to Irene. If she loved him, he could also give her status, glorious wealth, andwhatever kind of life she wanted.

As for Amelia, he used to be with her just for revenge. He had no real love for Amelia; everything hadbeen a ruse!

Yes, there was no love!

After all, how could he possibly fall in love with a Haab?

Warren walked to Amelia and loomed over her, staring down with an expression, that couldn’t be anychillier.

“You shouldn’t have slandered Irene like this. Did you think I would believe you?



No, I’ll always believe in Irene! Now, bow to her and apologize!”

The next moment, one of the two men restraining Amelia pressed her head toward the ground.

Amelia tried her best to resist, but her head was pushed closer and closer to the ground.

She knew that she likely couldn’t escape this humiliation today. Her putting up resistance was onlymaking things more painful for herself.

Her eyes were fixed on the man in front of her, and she had to practically squeeze the hoarse wordsout from between her clenched teeth. “Warren, I never knew I could hate a person so much in my life. Ihate you!”

Following those words, her forehead finally made contact with the ground.

With a loud thumping sound, not only was her forehead wounded, but also her pride.

She had thought that she could treat him with apathy until the end of her life.

Originally, she hoped that the grudges between them would disappear with her death. All she wantedwas for him to be nicer to their son and that Aiden would be happier in the future.

But now… It turned out that she couldn’t do it.

It seemed like the damage he dealt her would never end!


Warren’s whole body stiffened as those words rang in his mind, “I hate you!”

Her voice was not loud, but it exploded in his ears like the roar of thunder.

He took revenge against her, so she hated him – a logical consequence of his actions. He didn’t carewhether she hated him at all. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have revenged on her in that way back then.

But when the word “hate” actually left her mouth, he felt as though sharp swords. were stabbing at him.

Her head was forced down again and again, and her forehead hit the tile floor again and again, makinga thumping sound each time.novelbin

She owed it to Irene, but why did those sounds grate on his ears so?

At that moment, she was like a soulless body, forced to endure the humiliating


And the order had come from him.

“That’s enough!” He wanted to say. He didn’t want to watch it anymore. Such an apology was enoughfor her and him!

Although she was the one being forced to kneel and bow at this moment, he felt as though that personwas him.

Just as Warren opened his mouth and wanted to shout for them to stop, the door of the ward wasabruptly kicked open by someone outside. When Rosalie saw the



scene in the ward, she almost lost her balance.

She couldn’t believe her eyes. How could these people treat Amelia like this?

“Stop!” Rosalie suddenly shouted, “Who allowed you to do this to Amelia? Which one of you is qualifiedto have her kneel and bow!”

She was so angry that her voice trembled.

Jonathan hurriedly steadied her and ordered his men to take action.

A few seconds later, in the ward, Warren’s men had been subdued, and Jonathan’s men hadsurrounded the Fletcher family and Warren.

Without anyone holding her up, Amelia fell to the ground limply, panting hard while clutching herabdomen.

The severe pain caused by her disease threatened to devour her in that instant.

“Amelia, what’s wrong with you?” Rosalie hurriedly asked.

“It hurts… I… My painkiller… I didn’t bring it…” Amelia said with difficulty.

Rosalie took in Amelia’s pale face, bloody forehead, and obviously slapped cheeks.

“Okay, I’ll take you to the doctor!” She instructed someone to pick up Amelia before turning toJonathan. “Jon.”

“I know. I’ll ask someone to arrange for a doctor immediately,” Jonathan said.

Amelia was carried out in a hurry. Rosalie looked around at the three people from the Fletcher family,and then her eyes fell on Warren. “Warren, you’ve truly opened my eyes to the meaning of the word‘ingrate. Amelia saved your life selflessly, yet this is how you repay her? You put her in jail and let herbe so humiliated in front of the people who had hurt her! Warren, you are cruel! Beyond cruel!”

Warren’s body trembled at the words as he suddenly remembered what Amelia had said to him in thecar today.

From the way his body was shaking, it was as if something horrible would happen.

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