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Chapter 543

Chapter 543

The woman almost fled in haste.

A faint smirk crossed Amelia’s face as she watched the scene unfold, thinking, “Warren has alwaysbeen too proud to be easily tempted.”

There was a time when a minor celebrity tried to drug him, hoping for a night of passion, but he choseto leave while enduring the effects of the drug rather than letting that person lay a finger on him.Naturally, the fate of that minor celebrity afterward was horrifying, and as for that night….

The memory of that night made Amelia shake her head vigorously.

“Don’t dwell on it; just treat everything from the past as a nightmare! The only good thing Warren hasleft me with is Aiden!” she muttered silently.novelbin

However, as she suppressed those memories and glanced out of the corner of her eye in Warren’sdirection, she noticed his deep eyes were fixed on her.

Instantly, a wave of stiffness washed over Amelia’s entire body.

For a moment, it felt as though she was frozen in place, her gaze locked onto his face as if she couldn’ttear her eyes away from him.

His gaze felt like a tangled web, ensnaring her completely.

After an uncertain amount of time, an unexpected voice interrupted Amelia’s thoughts. “Hey, lady boss,what’s this… a tender gaze exchange? How about us two guys join in and have a look too…”

A strong whiff of alcohol wafted into Amelia’s nostrils.

She turned her head to find two inebriated men now focusing their attention on her with ill intentions.One of them seemed overly eager to get all handsy with her.

Amelia quickly sidestepped, putting more space between herself and the two men, eyeing themskeptically. “These guys… they don’t seem like the usual troublemakers around here. Could they…have been replaced? And is ‘harassment’ the play they’re unfolding today?” she pondered.

“Why are you avoiding us? You look pretty good, lady boss. Come on, give me a kiss, and I’ll pay youlater. I promise you’ll live a good life. No need to… hiccup… work so hard setting up stall…” The manburped as he spoke, then lunged toward Amelia once more..

Amelia dodged their advances once again. “If you keep this up, I’ll call the police!”

At this hour, it was already 2 a.m., and the street was deserted, with only a few vendors and scatteredpassersby. However, these onlookers seemed unwilling to get involved and simply watched from adistance.

“Sure… call the police… We’ve never been afraid of anyone…” The man chuckled and lunged atAmelia again.

As Amelia evaded their advances, she reached into her pocket to grab her phone with the intention ofmaking a call. However, the phone was suddenly knocked out of her hand by the other man and ittumbled to the ground.

The two drunken men closed in on her, trapping her from both sides. Amelia’s attempts to avoid themgrew increasingly flustered and exhausted. Suddenly, one of the men seized her and tightly wrappedhis arms around her, moving in for an unwanted kiss on her face with his plump lips.

But in the nick of time, a foot came down hard on the man who was about to kiss Amelia. He was sentsprawling to the ground, but since he still clung tightly to Amelia, it seemed as though she might fall

with him.

In that critical moment, an arm quickly encircled Amelia’s waist, and the next second, she found herselfenveloped in a wide, reassuring embrace. A familiar aura instantly surrounded her entire being!

Amelia gazed at Warren in astonishment as he held her.

“Is he… actually saving me? I expected him to revel in my humiliation, to find joy in my torment andsuffering,” she thought.

At that moment, another intoxicated man launched a punch toward Warren. Without any hesitation,Warren swiftly pushed Amelia, still wrapped in his embrace, to the side. He raised his hand andunleashed a powerful blow to the man’s abdomen.

Amelia was well aware of Warren’s formidable fighting skills. During their time together, he had sparredwith professional fighters, and she had witnessed it on multiple occasions.

Therefore, she had no doubt that he could handle these two drunken men.

What surprised her, however, was why he would save her.

Sure enough, in no time, those two drunkards were beaten up to the point where they were begging formercy, their intoxication had mostly cleared, and they scrambled away almost on all fours.

Warren walked up to Amelia and said, “In the future, don’t set up your stall here.”

Warren thought about the harassment earlier; if he hadn’t been here, those two drunkards would havesucceeded in their ill


The mere thought of it made him inexplicably uncomfortable, and he even felt that just letting those twogo like that was too lenient.

Amelia suddenly chuckled. “So, Mr. York, are you trying to completely cut off my path? Sending thosepeople to disrupt me before wasn’t enough, and now you want to send two more to play a scene andpersonally warn me? Actually, you might as well not bother; maybe the lesson I learned would be moreprofound.”

Warren furrowed his brow. “The two people today weren’t sent by Irene.”

“So, does that mean the troublemakers from the other day were sent by Irene?” Amelia asked.

Warren pressed his thin lips tightly together and didn’t refute; instead, he tacitly agreed.

Amelia’s smile broadened, yet it carried a profound undertone of bitterness.

“It really was Irene. I’m already in dire circumstances, but Irene is still unwilling to release her grip onme? No… perhaps it’s more accurate to say that the man standing before me is the one who trulyrefuses to let me go,” she thought bitterly

“So, Mr. York, what brings you here today? Are you just here to give me a warning to stop setting upmy stall?” Amelia asked, casting a quick glance at the time. As it was nearing closing time, she startedto organize the tables and chairs, neatly arranging the plates and some uncooked ingredients.

Warren observed her coldly as she tidied up. “Are you implying that you still intend to continue settingup your stall here?”

“If I don’t set up my stall, how am I supposed to survive?” She raised her gaze to him, her expressioncold. “I have limited abilities, I’m an ex-convict, and finding a job is tough. Cooking is the only skill I

have, and setting up a stall is the only way I can make a living. Of course, Mr. York, if you genuinelywant to cut off my livelihood, I’m sure there are plenty of ways to do it.”

Suddenly, a wave of turmoil surged within Warren. He had indeed forgotten that, despite her oncebeing an outstanding secretary with professional skills, her criminal record would likely deter mostlegitimate companies from hiring her.

In the days after her release from prison, even though he had sent people to investigate and learnabout her, thinking about it now, she was probably struggling even more than he had originally thought.

“What if I help you find a job? Would you consider not setting up your stall here?” The words slippedout of his mouth without him intending them to.

Amelia stared at Warren in disbelief. “Mr. York, are you serious?”

Warren was equally taken aback by his own words, perplexed about why he had uttered them.

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