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Chapter 174

Chapter 174

Rosalie took the boxed meal and quickly dug in with her head lowered. At that moment, she onlywanted to finish the meal and leave as soon as possible.

“Rosie, you’re eating so fast. Are you so eager to leave?” Jonathan’s voice sounded in the office.

Rosalie was choked and coughed, almost spat out the food in her mouth. She could only cover hermouth with her hand and struggled with the cough. Her face turned red a moment later.

After some struggle, she finally stopped coughing. However, the palm covering her mouth was nowstained with food, so she planned to wipe it with a tissue.

Before she could take out the tissue, Jonathan grabbed her hand and pulled it toward his front.

She shook her wrist uneasily but did not break free, saying, “My hand is dirty. I need to wipe it clean.”

“Dirty? I don’t feel dirty at all.” He chuckled. Then he lowered his head and pressed his lips against herpalm, licking the food

in it clean.

Rosalie’s body immediately stiffened. She only felt her palm burning, as if his light lick was touching anerve in the palm of her hand and spreading throughout her body.

At the same time, the burning sensation in her palm seemed to make her body temperature risethrough the flow of hernovelbin


“Done.” Jonathan’s voice rang out and sounded a little reluctant.

Rosalie shuddered and came back to her senses. Only then did she find that he had licked the food inher palm clean.

He still held her hand and did not let go, though. Staring at her intently with his charming eyes, he said.“The food in your palm tasted very sweet, Rosie. If only there were more.”

Upon hearing that, Rosalie felt her heart skip a beat. His words seemed to imply something, and hiseyes were filled with a kind of desire.

She hurriedly lowered her gaze to stop looking at his eyes, which seemed to possess a certainenchantment and kept tempting her heart.

Fortunately, he did not hold her hand the entire time, and her hand was finally free when he slightlyloosened his grip.

Rosalie hurriedly continued to eat the rest of her boxed meal.

After a while, Jonathan’s voice sounded in her cars. “Eating with you like this makes me feel like we areback in the old days,


She paused for a moment.

Speaking of the old days, which were like a dream, she thought she might never have it again, andwhatever belonged to Jon had already been buried deep in her heart.

It was almost one o’clock in the afternoon when Rosalie returned to the diner. Although Amelia did notseem to be suspicious of Rosalie for taking nearly an hour to complete one takeout delivery order,Rosalie took the initiative to apologize. “Sorry for taking so long.”

“It’s okay. There are so many takeout delivery orders. I’m afraid it will take you several trips to deliverthem alone. Thank you for your hard work. By the way, did the customer say anything when you sentthose takeouts over?” Amelia asked.

As an operator, she was naturally most worried about customer complaints, asking for refunds, or so onafter they had sent the takeouts over.

“No.” For some reason, Rosalie felt guilty when she answered that question.

After that, Rosalie continued to complete the rest of the takeout delivery orders and did not eat muchduring lunch at two o’clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that. Amelia asked, “What’s the matter? You ate very little. Is the food not to your liking?”Usually, she would get the chef to prepare several dishes when the diner was less crowded, andeveryone would eat together.

“No. Maybe I overate before I came to work in the morning. Rosalie glanced at Aiden and said, “Howabout all of you continue to eat while I feed Aiden fruit? I’m full anyway.”

And so, Rosalie took an apple and peeled the skin. Then, she cut the apple into small pieces and fedAiden.

The little one opened his mouth obediently, ate the apples one by one, and occasionally smiled atRosalie.

After finishing the fruit, he was sleepy and yawned. He spread his arms and gestured for Rosalie tohold him. Rosalie naturally held Aiden in her arms and gently coaxed him to sleep.

Although he could not hear what she was humming, he gently pressed his tender fingers against herlips as if he were trying

to listen to her voice clearly.

It was only after a few moments that the little one finally fell asleep. Looking at the sleeping tiny body,Rosalie only felt her nose sting. She thought. “Such a lovely child. What a pity he can’t hear a thing.Life just isn’t fair sometimes.”

She hoped Aiden would be able to hear the world after installing cochlear implants into his ears in thefuture so that such a regret would not follow him for life.

“Let me take him back to the room to sleep.” Matilda stepped forward and took her grandson fromRosalie’s arms.

Behind the diner was a small, simple dwelling where Amelia lived with her mother and Aiden.

Amelia said to Rosalie, “Rosalie, you’re going to be a good mother in the future.”

Rosalie smiled faintly at the mention of a good mother, but her heart was full of bitterness. In truth, shemight never have had the chance to be a mother because she had suffered from abuse in jail backthen, and the kick had injured her womb. Even the doctor had asserted that it would be difficult for herto get pregnant in the future. Even if she were pregnant, her womb would not be able to bear thegrowth of the fetus.

At three o’clock in the afternoon, the diner received another takeout order, but the customer’s addressand name made Rosalie frown.

It was from her former law firm again, but the person who ordered the takeout this time was Elodia.

She recalled the chance encounter with Elodia last time. Elodia was so sarcastic in her words and keptmocking Rosalie’s pathetic life. Rosalie was afraid that the order was not a coincidence, but Elodia hadplaced it deliberately.

That was not a big deal for her, though, as she had been through the worst.

Rosalie took the takeout prepared by Amelia and hopped on an electric scooter.

When she arrived at the law firm, the receptionist said at the sight of her, “Please wait a minute,Rosalie. Elodia asked me to inform her once you arrive so that she can come over to pick up thetakeout.”

The receptionist then made a call from her landline.

Shortly after, Elodia walked out quickly. She wore business attire with delicate makeup on her face,curling the corner of her lips into a proud smile.

When Elodia saw Rosalie, she said, “Rosalie, so it’s true that you are delivering takeouts now. Icouldn’t believe it when I heard about it yesterday.”

While saying that, Elodia took the takeout from Rosalie’s hand, placed it on the front desk, and heldRosalie’s hand warmly as if they had a good relationship.

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