The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 718 Missing Noble Family
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Chapter 718 Missing Noble Family

Important news?!

Jack was surprised deep down in heart.

He just asked Grand Freemasons to help investigate the Kool Family.

Rena Yales arrived right after it, did she know the Kool Family?

If it was something else, Jack would never leave Amber alone for a while, but if it was about the Kool

family, he must think about it thoroughly.

While he was hesitating.

The phone received a WeChat message again.

"Kool Family!"

The simple two words immediately let Jack make up his mind.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

When Amber saw Jack stunned, she asked worriedly.

"No, it's okay, I'm going out later, Mom and Dad and Daisy will take care of you." Jack squeezed a

smile on his face.


Amber seemed a bit upset.

After telling what to do to Steve Knight and Rosie, Jack left the ward with Mr. Ward.

After Jack left.

Daisy and Vinna Vaughn went to take care of Brent and Yael Quinn.

Steve was annoyed, "Amber is still suffering, shouldn’t Jack put her into first priority?"

"Oh, stop being mad at him, ok?" Rosie groaned.

Amber squeezed a weak smile and explained, "Dad, Jack has also been very sad all these days. If it

was not a very important thing, he would never leave me alone."


Steve didn’t buy it, what could be more important than his daughter now?

There was no clue about the Kool Family...


Steve was shocked immediately. Could it be a clue about the Kool Family appeared?

Outside LJ Hospital.

After getting in the car, Mr. Ward asked, "Master, where are we going?"

"Picking up a person at the suburban airport," Jack said.


"Rena Yales."

Mr. Ward's expression changed. When Rena was in the other side of the ocean, he knew clearly about

what her thoughts to Jack.

If it was in normal days, he wouldn’t concern it too much.

But now...

Mr. Ward couldn't help but reminded, "Mrs. Hughes is still in the hospital, is it the good time to pick up

her now?"

Jack rubbed his nose and said calmly, "She came to send clues of Kool Family."

Outside of the suburban airport.

Rolls Royce pulled into the parking lot.

Mr. Ward's expression was complicated.

On the one hand, Patrick Hughes strictly ordered to prevent Jack from taking revenge to the Kool

family. Since they wanted to prevent it, Mr. Ward even hoped that Jack would not be able to detect

clues of the Kool family. He would do nothing under the situation he knew nothing about the Kool


However, Patrick did not order him to stop Jack from investigating the Kool family. It was

understandable that it may cause Jack to be angrier if he was not allowed to find information about

Kool Family.

Earlier, Mr. Ward heard from Jack that the Dragon Cavalry and Grand Freemasons could not find clues

to the Kool family. In fact, Mr. Ward felt happy about it at bottom of his heart.

But now Rena has come here in person!

As for Jack sitting in the back row, his sight also showed expectation.

His hands were tied so he could only postpone his revenge.

But this did not mean that he could tolerate ignorance of the Kool family.

If you didn't even know who your enemies were, how could you take revenge?

Rena's arrival brought him hope.

Soon, Mr. Ward found Rena was walking towards them.

He got out of the car and greeted Rena to get into the car.

"Where is your luggage?"

There was no old friend's small talks and no superficial greetings.

Instead, he started with a somehow weird question.

Rena shrugged, "I was in a hurry and had no time for packing. I'll go back after I tell you the


"Oh, ok, let’s be quick about this, so you can just catch the next plane after you are done here." Jack


Rena felt speechless.

When could the guy stop being annoying?

Mr. Ward had no idea about what to say.

Jack shrugged, "You know, I am not interested in anything other than taking revenge for my wife and


Rena shrugged, pretended nothing happened and said, "Okay, I also want to visit Amber as well. About

the Kool family, let's talk about it on the road."


Jack nodded in response.

Mr. Ward started his car and drove onto the road.

"What is the clue of the Kool family?" Jack asked directly.

Rena thought for a while, but finally picked a euphemism.

"In fact, Grand Freemasons didn't really get nothing. Only grandpa thought it was dispensable and

irrelevant. As for more, I couldn’t find anything, so I could only tell you that there was no clue."

Jack looked at Rena grimly, "You came here to tell me clues that were dispensable and irrelevant?"

"I am mainly worried about Amber and you," Rena said.novelbin

Jack did not respond her.

Instead, Mr. Ward, who was driving, glanced deeply at Rena through the rearview mirror.

After that, Rena continued, "That Kool family is a Noble Family, to be precise it’s a missing Noble


"A missing Noble Family?" Jack frowned and wondered.

Rena continued, "I haven't found out the details. Anyway, when this Kool family was in its heyday, it

was a formidable Noble Family. By the way, you should know the differences between those Long

Thriving Noble Families?"

Jack nodded.

He knew it before.

Several titles seem to be the same, but in fact there were still different.

The most inferior was Wealthy Family, then Long Thriving Family, then the Noble Family, and the

ultimate was Long Thriving Noble Family.

Almost the same appellations, but they implied a harsh level.

Hughes Family, for example, was a Long Thriving Noble Family, but the title was imposed, so it could

be the family in between Noble Family and Long Thriving Noble Family.

The root cause was that the Hughes family had the strength of a Long Thriving Noble Family, but

lacked the long-thriving part.

Thousands of years of prosperity could be called a long-thriving family.

However, when this Kool family existed, it was a Noble Family, which surprised Jack a lot.

The foundation...was not shallow!

"I heard from grandpa said that the Kool family still had a deep friendship with the Hughes family at the

time. Although the Hughes family was the leader of all the Wealthy Families, but the Kool family was

not weak at all. Even though it was not the leader, at least it was one of the top Wealthy Families.”

After a pause, Rena continued, "But then there was no reason why the Kool family suddenly

disappeared, so that many people now didn’t know the existence of the Kool family, even to the ones

from Wealthy Families. Only a person who truly experienced the period of the existence of the Long

Thriving Noble Families."

Jack didn't say anything, but looked at Rena and waited for the following story.

Rena also stared at Jack and said nothing.

"And then?"

Asked by Mr. Ward who was driving.

He was also a little curious about this Kool family, after all, even he didn't know this family.

"That’s all." Rena said.

Mr. Ward was speechless.

Jack sneered, "It is indeed optional, irrelevant."

Right after what he said.

Rena suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "By the way, my grandfather found out that Kool family

seemed to be disgraceful at the stage of development and growth. It seemed that its disappearance

was because of that disgraceful past."

Jack raised his eyebrows and in deep thoughts.

Inside the car, it was in absolutely quiet.

It was when Rolls-Royce arrived at LJ Hospital.

A private jet just landed on the runway of suburban airport.

Isaac Wells, dressed in a long black windbreaker, got off the plane, took out his mobile phone and tried

to call Rena, but her phone was turned it off.

He frowned and stood by the runway and waiting for something.

Soon, a strong man hurried over, "Mafia Boss, Rena has left the airport."

With the word, Isaac's eyes suddenly twitched a bit.

Was it too late?

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