The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 717 Nightmares
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Chapter 717 Nightmares

As night fell upon them.

Jack carefully fed the soup that Daisy had brought over to them by first blowing gently on the spoon

and then bringing the spoon over to Amber’s mouth.

Amber, who looked as if she had lost her soul, was rejecting the food at first.

However after Jack and Steve’s insistence, she chose to try and eat what she was given little by little.

It took a long time, but she eventually finished the whole bowl of soup.

Jack then wiped the corners of Amber’s mouth with a tissue and said with a gentle smile, “You should

take a rest now for I need to go and speak to Mr. Ward about something. Then tonight I will ask your

parents to go home and I’ll stay here with you for the rest of the evening.”

Amber nodded her head.

Once he said this he then turned his wheelchair around and headed out into the corridor.

Mr. Ward was currently waiting for him on a chair.

When he saw Jack, he got up and said, “Master Hughes, Brent is out of the ICU now, do you want to

go and check up on him?”

Jack then looked rather sad.

When he was kidnapped by the Twelve Golden Guards, Brent had fought hard and in the end managed

to kill three of the Golden Guards.

This was already very impressive, the Twelve Golden Guard possessed the highest combat skills out of

everyone in the Dragon Cavalry!

Zenith had carefully selected them out of the 300,000 soldiers, he was outstanding!

With this in mind, the battle that Brent had fought really should be impossible.

Jack had fought against the Chief Guard Achilles, and since he knew the strength that the Golden

Guard possessed, he guessed that the strength of a Chief Guard and Golden Guard must be very


So at that moment he was already facing great danger around him when he was up against Achilles.

However Brent was on his own and had to face a group of the Golden Guards.

To be able to survive this fight as Director Lansing said it all relied simply on his unmatched willpower

and good luck.

But as he thought about Amber, Jack suppressed his thoughts and said, “Let’s go check up on him

tomorrow; Amber is alone in her ward so I’m a little worried about her.”

“Alright.” Mr. Ward nodded his head.

Jack then hurriedly said, “I still feel that things are kind of strange, even after consulting the Dragon

Cavalry and Grand Freemasons, there is still no clue regarding the Kool family.”

Mr. Ward looked startled, he then frowned and remained silent.

Jack then said calmly, “You all forced me to put off my revenge, but never told me I wasn’t allowed to

investigate the Kool family.”

When he heard this.

Mr. Ward’s expression eased slightly and then murmured, “It is indeed rather strange. Both the power

of the Dragon Cavalry and Grand Freemason’s is greater than the Long Thriving Noble Family and

their abilities are very close to the Hughes family’s investigation team. However what is really strange is

that we still haven’t found any clue about the Kool family.”

“Has there been any news from Patrick?”

Jack suddenly asked.

Mr. Ward’s pupils shrank and looked at Jack rather shocked and stopped talking.

He knew that Patrick’s way of dealing with this situation had left a big gap in Jack’s heart.

Otherwise why would Jack suddenly mention him?

“There’s been no news.” Mr. Ward said rather helplessly.

“Well then, you should go home and get some rest. I am going to go back and stay with Amber.”

Jack frowned, then turned around and entered back into the ward.

As he watched the door of the ward close.

Mr. Ward looked rather sad and solemn; he then let out a long sigh and whispered softly, “The son

doesn’t know of the suffering of his father, and that his father has been trying his hardest to protect him

without explaining. When will they both make up for the gap that has been created over the past two


Inside the patient ward.

Jack was lying on the hospital bed, his arms were around Amber.

Amber fell into sleep slowly with even breathing.

However Jack didn’t feel sleepy and instead was looking up at the ceiling lost in his thoughts.

His father had not told him anything about the Kool family.

The Dragon Cavalry and Grand Freemasons also had no information to give.

The three best resources he hoped would provide some clues had all failed him.

This made Jack feel slightly stuck.

To have to face the Kool family not knowing much about them made Jack feel a sense of obliteration

and made his chest feel tight, as if he was suffocating.

He had been thinking of getting revenge against them for a while now, but now he wondered how this

would be possible when he didn’t even have a way to find out information about the enemy.

While feeling dejected, he also started to feel a surge of guilt and self-blame.

Jack looked down deeply at Amber in his arms.

But this time as he looked at her, he could see clearly that she had a tense look on her face.

As well as there was a look of pain and horror on her pale face.

Her body that was curled up in his arms trembled slightly.

Beads of sweat then suddenly began to leak down from her forehead.

This worried Jack so much and he was very anxious.


He then tried to wake her up.

Amber still didn’t move, but while still trembling with fear, she then suddenly raised her hand and

grasped his wrist tightly.

Even her nails started to dig slightly into his skin.

Then all of a sudden a panicked and painful whisper sounded from her mouth, “Baby… my baby…”

As she was whispering, tears then started to fall from the corner of her eyes.

Jack looked shattered.

He continued to call out her name.


Amber suddenly screamed in his arms and opened her eyes immediately.

“It’s ok, I’m here, it was just a nightmare…”

Jack hurriedly tried to comfort her.

But as soon as she woke up and saw Jack she suddenly began to cry and said, “It wasn’t just a dream,

that wasn’t a dream, I saw my baby, and he was covered in blood. He was crying and asked me why I

didn’t want him, boohoo…”

Her agonized cries were heart piercing.

In an instant, tears then began flowing quickly down from her eyes as her body trembled.

Jack’s expression grew tense, suddenly feeling rather suffocated.

What Amber had just said, made it seem as if a big hand had suddenly appeared and was choking his

throat, squeezing all of the air out of him.

No words could describe this feeling.

Absent-minded, Jack felt his heart hurt and his eyes began to turn red.

However he tried his hardest to push back the tears and gently comfort Amber.

As he waited for Amber to gradually calm down.

Jack gently asked, “Last night you were waking up all throughout the night, was it because you were

having this kind of nightmare?”


Amber nodded her head while sobbing.

“It’s ok; the baby will not blame us, so please relax. The most important thing right now is for you to

take care of your health.” Jack didn’t dare look directly at her and instead looked up at the ceiling and

tried his hardest to make sure his tears didn’t start falling from his eyes.

Amber also tried hard to stop her cries and said, “But I blame myself, I blame myself for not being able

to protect my child.”

Jack took a deep breath, tried to calm down, bowed his head and kissed Amber’s forehead and said,

“Don’t blame yourself, you had already done such a good job, it’s my fault for not being a good father

and husband. Now try and sleep, don’t be afraid, I am with you now.”

While comforting her he gently rubbed her back.

Once Amber had finally calmed down, she soon slowly fell back to sleep once more.novelbin

She was in a very weak and fragile state. Since she was constantly feeling tensed and immersed in

pain, even falling asleep was a nightmare. However, whenever she finally calmed down, her body was

so weak that she had no energy to keep her eyes open.

This night.

Jack didn’t fall asleep.

This was because, just like last night, Amber would be awakened by her nightmares once again not

long after she had fallen into asleep.

When dawn arrived, things seemed slightly better. Although she didn’t wake up during the night, she

wasn’t able to sleep peacefully.

After dawn.

Steve and his wife, Daisy, Mr. Ward, Vinna and the others had all arrived as scheduled.

Jack carefully fed breakfast to Amber once more, and after she had eaten, he then received a message

on WeChat.

It wrote, “Pick me up at the airport; I have important news for you, from Rena Yales.”

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