The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 666 Chief Guard Token, Sloppy!
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Chapter 666 Chief Guard Token, Sloppy!


Jack’s joking laugh fell into the ears of everyone present, and it was more ear- splitting than the roar of

the fighter jet above the sky.

Everybody was looking at Jack.

However, it was shocking to realize that at that time Jack had no panic or fear at all. Instead, he was

calm and even…playful.

That was the scene.

Those who had power in the Hughes Family, although they were used to dangerous situations, also got


Especially Madam Hughes and Carter Hughes’ faces were extremely gloomy.

“Would there really be a turnover?”

Patrick Hughes stood silently in the same place, with huge waves in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, his brows frowned and his eyes were full of confusion.

The “Kill Declaration” killed George, the Hughes Family’s successor.

Such a heinous crime was not inferior to Monkey King’s “Havoc in Heaven”.

That made Patrick rack his brain all night, but there was no way to solve the problem.

Jack…where did he get the solution?

It was a dead trap, how could it be turned over?

The same doubts also haunted the minds of everyone present.

One man challenged the great Hughes Family.

In such a monstrous crime, even for the wealthiest families or the Long Thriving Noble Family would

have been impossible to have room for convolution.

How could a bastard like Jack could turn things around?

It was not that people there were conceited, but even if the Long Thriving Noble Family were invited to

show up in that matter, they would never intervene and stun the Hughes Family.

Boom, boom!

Above the sky, there were loud roars of a fighter jet.

That sound shook the sky.

It also shook the heart of all the Hughes Family’s members.

Madam Hughes’s eyes were fixed on Jack, who was unperturbed and playful, and her brows furrowed

with suspicion.

After all… who gave him that confidence?

In a flash, Madame Hughes’s expression suddenly turned hostile.

It was the time to make a decision or it would be too late!

She could not figure out where Jack’s confidence was coming from, but she would not let anything

unexpected happen, not even a one in a billion chance!


Madam Hughes stomped on the ground with her dragon head crutch.

She shouted angrily, “Carter, Jack has been condemned to death, kill him right now!”

When those words were uttered, all the people present turned pale.

“Stop it!”

Patrick’s face changed greatly.

However, Carter, following the order of Madam Hughes, had already stood up brazenly and, he was

holding a dagger in his right hand, rushed directly towards Jack.

He also ignored Patrick’s anger.

The killing intent was surging.

Patrick, with a look of hatred, was about to step forward to stop Carter.

Nevertheless, Madam Hughes, seeming to have expected that, stood up and blocked Patrick’s way,

wailing angrily, “Master, are you still the Master or not? He deserves to die for his crime, do you still

want to cover him?”

Patrick stopped abruptly.

After Madam Hughes’ words, he instantly felt countless eyes fixed on him like swords.

The great Hughes Family, many powerful people.

At that moment, they made him unable to resist.

Time, at that moment, seemed to slow down.

Patrick’s eyes were red, he was staring at Carter who was rushing towards Jack.

Quietly, Patrick clenched his teeth and held firmly his fists like a fierce animal.


Where was his turnover?

He didn’t know how Jack would turn the tables.

But he was sure that Jack’s confidence came from the fighter jet reverberating above the sky.

And it would be the only turnover in this dead trap!

“Go to hell!”

Carter rushed up to Jack without hesitation, the dagger in his hand shot a deadly cold light and stabbed

directly towards Jack’s heart.

A stab…would kill him!

He would never allow Jack to have the slightest chance of turning around.

Only When Jack would become a dead body, then everything would be a success.

The ecstasy that Madam Hughes and he had before could finally become a reality!


What made Carter flustered was that at that moment, even if a dagger stabbed towards Jack, he didn’t

move a single jot.

On his calm and unperturbed face, he always kept a playful smile.

Maybe the only change was the killing intent burst into his squinted eyes.

That made Carter even more flustered, and he also had a strange sense of shame and anger.


As the knife pierced towards Jack’s heart, Carter looked fierce and roared.

Finally…it was over.

Seeing that scene, whether it was Madam Hughes or Archer Hughes and all the powerful members of

the Hughes Family present there, they all calmed down one by one.

Once that bastard was died, not only the Hughes Family could redeem its reputation, but the Family

could also quiet down.

“The turnover…where is his turnover?”

Patrick did not move, but his mind was already in panic, his whole body was trembling and his eyes

were wide open with rage.


A sound of breaking wind suddenly exploded.

Like a thunder.

As the sound rose, an object flied directly into the meeting hall.


The object hit the dagger in Carter’s hand with perfect accuracy, and sparks flied in all directions.

The tremendous force was so violent that the dagger directly flew out of Carter’s hand.

Carter let out a scream, staggered back.


The trajectory of the flying object didn’t change at all. With a destructive force, it passed directly across

the meeting hall and brazenly nailed to the pillar.

Inside the meeting hall, there was a dead silence.

That unexpected event made everyone’s expression change greatly and looked frightened.

Especially Madam Hughes instantly had a fierce look like that of a beast, she gritted her teeth and her

old body shook suddenly.

As for Patrick, he became wild with joy in an instant, his eyes were glistening, the turnover…was


Carter staggered back a few steps and after standing firm, his body was still trembling without stopping.

He was completely seized with terror and his head was tingling with scalp.

The corner of his mouth kept twitching and he looked horrified at his right hand, whose part between

the thumb and forefinger was completely disintegrated by the shock just before, and blood dripped

down to the ground along his fingertips.

That force…was so terrifying!


Sitting on a wheelchair, Jack shrugged his shoulders and said smiling indifferently, “Just in time.”

As soon as his words came out, all the terrorized people finally came to their senses.

They looked for an instant to the object nailed to the pillar.

That look.


The meeting hall suddenly resounded with the sound of a gasp.

Those present there were all Hughes Family’s powerful big shots. Looking at the object on the pillar,

their hearts could not help beating wildly and they got goose bumps all over the body.

Even Madam Hughes, staring angrily, staggered and took a step back.

On the thick pillar was inlaid a golden token. A terrifying force stuck the token in halfway through the

solid wood pillar.

On the golden token, there were carved a pair of entrenched golden dragons. They were the symbol of

great strength, and, in the middle position, there was the impressive word “Order”.

“Chief Guard Token!”

In the silence, a powerful member of the Hughes Family could not help it and exclaimed, “This is the

Chief Guard Token of the Chief Guard of the Dragon Cavalry’s Twelve Golden Guard!”

The Dragon Cavalry, the Chief Guard of the Twelve Golden Guard.

The two appellations crushed instantly into everyone’s heart, like a majestic mountain.

Madam Hughes and Carter looked very gloomy.

Madam Hughes stared at the Chief Guard Token inlaid on the pillar, gnashed her teeth and said, “So

what about the Dragon Cavalry? So what about the Chief Guard Token? The Chief Guard of the

Dragon Cavalry’s Twelve Golden Guards, do you think this title makes him the Commander of the

Dragon Cavalry? Do you think he can interfere with Hughes Family’s horrible crime?”

Those questions revealed the panic in Madam Hughes’ heart.

But it also lifted the spirits of everyone.

Indeed, that humble Chief Guard of the Dragon Cavalry’s Twelve Golden Guards was not qualified to

interfere with the punishment of the Hughes Family!

However, Jack raised his hand, rubbed his nose, after he squinted his eyes, and smiled playfully, “Your

conclusion…is a bit sloppy.”

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