The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 665 Blood is Thicker than Water?
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Chapter 665 Blood is Thicker than Water?

Throughout most of his life he had suffered various ups and downs.

But Patrick had never been in such a helpless and desperate situation like this before.

Jack had blatantly provoked the Hughes family, caused their family to lose their position at the top and

crashed it down to the bottom, and now had even killed George who was one of the heirs of the

Hughes family.

A cruel but swift and resolute death.

The killing was done so bluntly that Patrick was unable to find any way to help Jack to get out of this


The Hughes family would never tolerate this.

Not even the Long Thriving Noble Family would dare do what Jack did to the Hughes family.

Patrick, as the head of the Hughes family, must protect the dignity, reputation and fairness of this


But now his own son had done something so unforgivable and terrible, and because this was his son, it

was making him hesitate on what to do.

He wanted to get Jack out of this situation, but what could he do?

His thoughts were turning restlessly; but no clues, he really was in a great state of turmoil.

When Madam Hughes and Carter finally entered the Meeting hall.

The gazes that were fixated onto Patrick immediately shifted towards the direction of the entrance.

“Madam Hughes, we have been waiting for you.”

Archer spoke first and said rather impatiently.

What a dog!

Jack who was sat in his wheelchair felt sick when he looked over at Archer.

He really was a despicable and shameless person who always seemed to be searching for some

sense of purpose.

“Master, now that everyone has assembled here; it’s time to make a decision!”

With Carter’s help, Madam Hughes sat down next to Patrick and gave him no chance to say anything


For he needed to hurry and make a decision!

To ensure no troubles would arise later!

Since the beginning she had predicted that Jack wouldn’t be able to kill George, and that the Kill

Declaration would determine whether he would live or die.

But George now who had been killed meant that a life of an heir of the Hughes family was involved.

And now Madam Hughes was sure on one thing, that even if Patrick held a highly esteemed position

within this family, there was no way to get Jack out of this situation.

Now was a golden opportunity and Madam Hughes would not let it slip away.

Once she had said this, everyone’s gaze once again rested upon Patrick.

Everyone was all waiting.

They just needed to wait for whatever would come out from his mouth next.

This matter had affected the whole family, and even with the power and control he possessed, he was

not allowed to spare even the slightest bit of mercy.

“Patrick, Jack may be your son, but this bastard has committed the most heinous of crime and yet you

have been silent on the matter for a long time now. Could it be you wish to cover up for him?”

Archer was full of anger and took the lead in attacking Patrick.

This scene stunned many people inside the room.

But at the same time, everyone agreed with what Archer had said.

Even though they could see the internal strife between Patrick and Archer.

However, this was what everyone had wanted to see!


Patrick slowly opened his eyes.

However he didn’t respond immediately but looked at Jack in the wheelchair with a painful expression

on his face.

Blood is thicker than water.

But now, everyone was forcing him to betray and kill his own son!

He felt as if his heart had been cut, and unable to breath from the pain.

Patrick, as the head of the Hughes family, his usual dignified look had completely vanished at this


He was full of despair and unable to be apart from his son.

His eyes were beginning to turn red, tears were lingering within his eyes.

He made no effort to conceal this.

If people were to hear about this, then it would certainly cause ridicule from the other rich and powerfulnovelbin


For who could ever have imagined that the head of the Hughes family, who had always displayed such

arrogance and prestige would actually possess such a soft heart?

This scene caused Madam Hughes and Carter to both sneer inside.

The murderous intent inside their eyes was turbulent to the extreme.

Patrick, with how matters stand currently, did you still stand a chance?

As she gazed at Patrick, Madam Hughes didn’t even attempt to hide the grin on her face.

In the past, Jack had committed murder crimes time and time again, but under Patrick’s reckless

protection, Jack was always left unscathed from his actions.

But this time, now that the whole Hughes family was involved, if Patrick dared to protect Jack once

more in this case, then he wouldn’t be unable to convince everyone, and his position as the head of the

Hughes family would become unstable?

“Patrick, how long do you intend to make us wait?”

Sensing Patrick’s hesitation, Madam Hughes urged and whined, “Could it be that I have to wait until the

bones of George turn cold, and the Hughes family is left with nothing but humiliation, before you finally

make a decision?”

“Madam Hughes!”

Patrick’s voice was sad, and he was unable to hide the look of sorrow on his face.

At this moment, Patrick didn’t look as if he was at the prime of his life, but instead he seemed to look a

few dozen years older.

But then.

A cold laughter suddenly resounded throughout the Meeting Hall.

“Let me speak, to be honest I have already prepared for my death when I came here!”

Everyone turned their gaze towards Jack in an instant.

Jack who was sitting on his wheelchair, with blood stained his face, displayed the most fearless and

carefree smile.

This smile paired with what he said.

Causing a chill down everyone’s spine.

Unconcerned with whether he lived or died and his determination of kill, was this really how a person of

his age should be?

What he did was not just some reckless act committed on the streets.

Youths on the streets, they could hardly judge the seriousness of the matter, but they always regretted

for their reckless acts afterwards.

However, even though Jack knew just how serious and complex things were, he still acted the same.

He knew the danger that he was going to face.

Patrick’s body trembled, and he gaze encountered with Jack’s.

Compared to Jack’s carefree smile.

Patrick was unable to hold back his tears anymore, and the tears began to stream out.

However he then quickly grabbed the armrest of his seat.

And quietly squeezed the wooden armrest into dust with his hands.

“Patrick, what are you still hesitating about?”

Madam Hughes stood up angrily and said rather domineeringly.

“Patrick, please make a decision!”

Carter then said after her, with a both cold and triumphant expression in his eyes.

Archer then added, “Patrick, we know of everything that has happened, and you must face the facts.

So now please, hurry up and sentence this bastard child to a death penalty!”

“Patrick, please make a decision!”

“Patrick, please make a decision!”

“Patrick, please make a decision!”

Those with power within the family all got up one after another and repeated this same sentence that

echoed throughout the Meeting hall.

It was like thunders, boomed on Patrick’s heart.


Amidst everyone’s angry demands.

Patrick suddenly stood up.

At this moment, a look of resolution was displayed on his face.

His pupils shrunk, his eyes narrowed with full of anger.

Patrick raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes.

“Well then, since you all cannot wait any longer for a decision, then I, Patrick, will bless you all with a

decision today!”

His voice was hoarse, as if like a beast.

At this moment.

Jack and Patrick’s eyes were interlocked with each other’s.

Patrick felt both grieved and resentful.

While Jack appeared indifferent as usual, still showed the same carefree smile.

After Patrick had said what he said.

Everyone began to feel tense; their hearts were rising up to their throats.

Madam Hughes and Carter however both had pleased and triumphant smiles displayed on their faces.

The one thing in their way would finally be gotten rid of!

This bastard child… would finally die!

However at this moment.


A thunderous boom suddenly sounded above them.

The boom shook the sky.

Was this a fighter jet?

Everyone’s expressions changed drastically in an instant.

Patrick’s eyes narrowed and the words that he was about to say suddenly stopped short behind his


Almost at the same time.

A funny laugh echoed in the Meeting Hall.

“I come here, I have indeed prepared to die, but are you… really able to kill me?”

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