The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 635 Supreme Glory
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Chapter 635 Supreme Glory


Achilles White was watching the fight all the time on the side. He felt satisfied more than word could

describe. He looked at Jack Hughes who was dying on the ground, cynically said, "You are so dead


His voice was especially clear when echoed in the silent workshop.

Eight Golden Guards nodded to show their agreements.

"But ..., why the Commander didn’t use all his strength? He could have broken his ribs."

"Yeah, with that palm, it only came out with the strike but not the result."

"Even though Jack has the amazing "battle instinct", but when he faces the absolute strength of the

Commander, there is nothing he can do."

All the Golden Guards kept judging.

When one of the Golden Guards mentioned Jack's "battle instinct", the other Golden Guards kept

nodding as they couldn’t agree more.

Everyone was shocked when they witnessed how much power could Jack broke out while he was

fighting with Achilles.

But the strike Zenith used was obviously "sealing" Jack's "battle instinct".

The strike was even faster than Jack’s instinct.

Absolute power could suppress everything!

"Don’t you want to go back? Your wife is waiting for you."

Zenith leaned his body toward Jack, staring him coldly with his sharp eyes.

No one in the room couldn’t feel his intention of killing.


Jack wiped off the blood at the corner of his mouth. He tolerated the killing pain from his chest and

slowly got up.

He frowned and looked at Zenith.

Jack doubted about the Zenith's strikes, he felt all his strikes were quite familiar.

Jack's thoughts rapidly spinning and quickly searching for the combat gestures in memory that could

against Zenith.

"Second strike!"

Zenith did not give Jack's any opportunity, with the word, he rushed directly to Jack.

His speed was like a thunder. With all the killing purpose, his figure crushed towards Jack from top of

him just like a tsunami.

No one could or dared to stop him.

By seeing the scene happened in front of Achilles and eight Golden Guards, they got an illusion that

there was a blood sea with bones floating inside after Zenith’s figure.novelbin

Unstoppable killing God!

He WAS the real God.

However, when they saw Jack, they was stunning by him.

At this time, Jack didn’t even move a bit but stood in the original place.

In the face of Zenith, he was not moving?

Was he dead?

In their opinions, if he wouldn’t move his posture, the only possibility was that he was waiting for death.

Jack at this time, put all his attention and pined his sight on Zenith’s feet.

Zenith sprinting to him like a lightning.

But his footsteps were messy.

Of course, it was only seemed messy. It was a tactic to make people confused.

It seemed messy but it was extremely calm.


Jack thought he definitely saw it somewhere.

Jack's eyebrow frowned into an odd knot.

He did nothing but made two fists.

Ignoring either the pain on his body or Zenith.

In his eyes, he only saw Zenith's steps!

"You are the first who dare to ignore me when we fight!"


With the Zenith's fist cut through the air, Jack could feel his face was already in pain.

Zenith's fist was directly punching into Jack’s face.

The strike was simple, straightforward even rude.

But this was a deadly punch!

Time seemed to be slowed down at this moment.

The pupils of Achilles and eight Golden Guards shrank into the size of needle top, and they looked at

Jack surprisingly.

Until now, Jack still refused to move a bit!

He didn't even blink his eyes.

Really... he was waiting for death!


"Uncle Brown Hughes!"

Right in the second, Jack suddenly remembered Brown Hughes’s figure in his mind.

At this moment, he felt a divine enlightenment, he finally matched the familiar feeling with

corresponding man.

Brown Hughes!

In an instant, Jack seemed fully awaken.

He neither looked up nor dodged.

It was completely came out from instinct, it looks like all was under his expectation, he tilted his head


This inadvertently, seemingly random movement, however, avoided Zenith's fist easily.


Zenith's expression condensed and a trace of horror appeared in his eyes.

Achilles and eight Golden Guards who watched the battle from a distance were even more terrified at

this moment. Their bodies trembled at the same time with their mouth wide open.

"How was it possible? How did he elude his fist?"

"How the hell could he even avoid the Commander’s strike by just tilting his head? This was insane!"

"Same things happened again! Why he wasn’t sealed?!"

They couldn’t believe what they saw.

Meanwhile, the eight Golden Guards screamed as if they saw a real ghost.

Their voice not only with shocking but also carried an inexplicable anger.

All of this happened in a flash.

After avoiding Zenith's fist, Jack guessed out his next move and shouted out, "Neck!"


Zenith's hand made a wind breezed away.

He couldn’t hide his horror.

Because, as Jack predicted, his strike was changing his fist into a claw after Jack avoided his fist. He

also tried to use elbow to directly lock on Jack's neck.

As Jack spoke out, his neck drooped suddenly and his chin touched his chest.

Jack was right, Zenith's right hand swept across back of his neck in the air.

The strong wind caused Jack's back neck to be torn with three blood stains.

But he really avoided Zenith's claw-like hand!

One move was over.

Zenith stepped three steps back, he was too shocked to react.

As he was the Commander of the 300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers, he managed his emotion so well

that nothing would be afraid of him even at the time he faced millions of enemies. But this time, he

couldn’t help himself to make such a horrified look.

Achilles and Eight Golden Guards slightly opened their mouths at the same time and rounded their

eyes, their facial expressions were exaggerated.

They wanted to say something but they were too shocked to do so.

For a moment, it was as if an invisible hand was strangling everyone's throat.

The entire workshop was instantly plunged into a weird silence.

The air seemed to be freezing.


Jack looked up to Zenith who stood three steps away from him. Jack’s sight was flickered but they

were also fulfilled with doubts.

"Your battle instinct, among the people who have had fight with me, is the best. I, Zenith, admit you are

the strongest!"

Zenith said those words in a powerful, firm voice and he couldn’t hide how excited he was to meet such

a competitor.


Achilles and Eight Golden Guards were completely blanked out.

There was nothing compare to the shocking brought by the words Zenith just said.

Zenith, who managed the 300,000 Dragon Cavalry soldiers as well as killed countless foreigners, was

legend in people’s mind.

He never gave compliment to anyone else!

Even to Achilles, when he first became to the Chief Guard, he only got a "Looks like you are handy!"

from Zenith.

This praise could be called the supreme glory among the Dragon Cavalry.

"Were you surprised by my battle instinct?"

Jack looked at Zenith and asked that inexplicably.

He thought that Zenith was amazed by the other thing!

"What else could it be?"

Zenith shrugged to released part of the horrible vigour. And his voice also so eased a bit, "What did you

think I was surprised?"

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