The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 634 Three Strikes to Fight with God
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Chapter 634 Three Strikes to Fight with God

There was a laughter.

It seemed like a bomb that fell among the golden guards.

The eight golden guards were stunned for an instant, and looked at Zenith in disbelief.

Achilles, who was kneeling on the ground, was shocked and immediately woke up.

"Commander, this is not fair!"novelbin

A grieving roar came from Achilles.

It echoed in the great factory.

In this moment.

The eight golden guards also regained their senses and were staring at Achilles approvingly.

No one thought that Achilles was being offensive.

Because in the hearts of the eight golden guards, this was indeed unfair!

The Dragon Cavalry had trained their future star, Chattis.

The lives of the three major golden guards.

There were so many revenges, it was uncountable.

And as the cause of all this, Jack was punished more lightly than Achilles?

Why was this?

Because of this unauthorized action, the Chief Guard of the twelve golden guards, Achilles, was beaten

to the ground and had to become a pawn.

But Jack, as long as he took three fights, could leave?

When did Dragon Cavalry's people become so humble?


Zenith stood tall, not too tall and terrifying, but he was exuding endless pressure.

As he turned, his eyes instantly locked with Achilles.

In an instant, Achilles' eyes flashed fear, his body was cold.

As he was looking at Zenith, he instantly felt the horror of facing the monstrous sea of blood and bones.

Zenith put his hands behind him, and said calmly, "You only need to block my three strikes, and I will

restore your official position."


Achilles and the eight golden guards were as is struck by lightning at the same time, dumbfounded.

The next second.

Everyone reacted.

Three strikes... these were really few!

But the one who was going to give the strikes was the Commander of 300,000 Dragon Cavalry, these

three moves would be... terrible enough!

If he used his full strength, let alone the eight golden guards, even Achilles, who was the Chief Guard,

was not sure if he had the confidence to take them.

The ordinary three strokes and three fatal strokes had a big gap inbetween!

Facing Zenith's cold gaze, Achilles blushed and lowered his head in shame.

He... dared not!

Even if the order was like a mountain, if he took those three moves, he would be able to resume his


But the risk was greater than that of being a pawn!

If he stayed alive... He still had a chance to turn over. If he died in the hands of the Commander now,

he would be gone.

Zenith looked at Jack again, "Do you accept, or not?"

Jack's face was solemn, his eyes deep.

The reaction of Achilles and the Golden Guards let him know the danger of these three strikes.

Just because Achilles didn't dare to accept it, these three moves were many times more dangerous

than the thirty moves Achilles had promised him before.

Amber's face emerged in his mind.

Jack slowly clenched his hands into fists and they creaked.

His deep gaze changed drastically at this moment, being firm and fierce.

In an instant.

Jack was like an unsheathed sword, wrapped in a majestic killing intent, soaring into the sky.

"I accept it!"

The harsh voice sounded suddenly.

A smile appeared on Zenith's face.

But Achilles and the eight golden guards were surprised at the same time.

The next second.

Achilles who was on his knees looked at Jack's eyes and suddenly became weird, as if he was looking

at a corpse.

Did he really think the three strikes of the Commander were to make him leave alive?

The word “dead”, the Commander would teach you how to write it.

In Achilles' heart, he was downgraded to a pawn by the Commander, and Jack was the reason why.

As long as Jack was killed on the spot, he was willing to be a pawn.

Inside the factory.

It was quiet and silent.

The fierce and majestic killing intent quietly filled the entire factory.

It was fierce like a sword.

Achilles and the eight golden guards retreated at the same time, leaving the field to Jack and Zenith.

Jack slowly moved his wrists and neck, he was tied for a long time, and it was making his hands and

feet sore.

His head was so painful as if it was about to explode.

"I won't deceive you, these three strikes I will only use 10% strength."

Zenith looked at Jack calmly, his eyes were not solemn, on the contrary, there was a kind of casual


This feeling was like an adult playing with a child, carelessly.

"At the same time, I will not attack your weakness."

Zenith slowly raised his finger to his head and motioned to Jack.

Jack suddenly understood.

The injury on his head was undoubtedly the biggest weakness at this time.

As long as he was slightly attacked there, it was enough to cause fatal damage to him.


Jack nodded solemnly.

Three strikes... Maybe there was a real chance!

Even if the opponent was the msater of Dragon Cavalry, the legends were spread all over.

"Amber, wait for me! I will be back soon."

This was the thought in Jack's heart. At this moment, his eyes condensed to the extreme, he slowly

adjusted his breathing.

Zenith, who was on the opposite side, did not rush to make a move.

It's okay to wait for a while when playing with children.


Achilles not far away had a sharp look, the blue veins in the corners of his eyes jumped wildly, he was

muttering, "The Commander only uses 10% strength, isn't it too gentle for him?"

"Too gentle?"

A golden guard glanced at Achilles sideways, "Have you forgotten that personal force is formed by a

combination of various methods? Physical, strength, fighting skills, and others, even if he reduces it to

10%, do you think he won't be able to kill people just by fighting skills? "

Achilles' eyes lit up, and he immediately understood.

Just then.

"I'm ready."

Jack let out a heavy breath, he has adjusted his state to the peak of his time.

When the lion fought with the rabbit, it was still using its full strength.

What was worse, what he was facing now was a legendary existence.

A single bit of negligence could cost a thousand mistakes.


Just as he said that.

Zenith slowly took off his uniform and threw it towards the eight golden guards who were not far away

without looking back.


His body slowly bowed, like a full stringed bow, ready to go.

Just like a fierce cheetah on the grassland that bowed before hunting, he continued his force, and

delivered a fatal blow.

The majestic and mighty killing intent was quietly released from Zenith.

In this moment.

Jack's body shook, as he stared at Zenith, he had a feeling of being locked in.

From head to toe, he felt a biting cold.

In a daze, he even felt that he saw a sea of blood in Zenith's eyes.

He was mighty and domineering.

But for a moment of shock, Jack's pupils shrank to the extreme.

Seeing Zenith's eyes, doubts suddenly appeared.

Such a fighting posture... was really familiar!


The next second.

The ground under Zenith's feet suddenly burst into two holes.

A strong wind roared like a tsunami, directly toward Jack.

The strong wind instantly narrowed Jack's eyes.

At the same time, Zenith ran towards Jack as if he was running into thunder.

Within a split of a second.

Jack was about to raise his hand to resist.

But just as he moved his hands.


A big hand was blatantly planted on his chest.

The terrifying force was like a high speed train, it instantly made Jack feel that his chest was about to

explode. At the same time, he flew out more than ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.


Jack's face was pale, his facial features were twisted, and a mouthful of blood sprayed out.

There was a sharp pain like a burst in his chest that swept through his body, making him unable to get

up for a while.

That was so fast!

This was the only thought that was left in Jack's mind.

When he looked at Zenith on the opposite side again, only the fear that came from the depths of the

blood was left.

There was a big difference between man and God.

Fighting with man, the tide could still be turned.

But fighting with God, he would only be left with endless fear and despair.

He fought with Achilles before, now he fought with Zenith.

Those two were the difference between fighting with man and fighting with God!

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