The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 622 Heaven In One Moment And Hell In The Next
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Chapter 622 Heaven In One Moment And Hell In The Next

Early the next morning.

Mr. Ward and Yael rested for the night and woke up early in the morning. Both of them walked into the

study at the same time and chuckled when they saw each other.

“Both of you woke up so early?” Daisy was monitoring the computer and remarked in surprise.

“I’ve nothing on and had slept enough.” Mr. Ward yawned and was startled when he looked at Daisy,

“Daisy, why are your eyes red and swollen?”

Daisy panicked when she heard that and quickly looked into the mirror. Then she said nonchalantly,

“It’s okay, I look like that whenever I work through the night.”

Mr. Ward smiled awkwardly and said, “Go and take a rest.”

Once Daisy left, Mr. Ward heaved a sigh, and said to Yael, “Daisy must have cried for a long time last


Both of them could tell why Daisy’s eyes were red and swollen but it wasn’t appropriate for them to

expose her lie.

Both of them sat in front of the computer and inspected all the information Daisy had gathered. In the

end, both of them felt helpless. All of the information was unusable.

Both of them leaned back onto the chair at the same time.

Yael was upset and said, “With the abilities of this city, the help of Minister Mable, the Quinn family of X

city, the Wattson and Vaughn families of the capital, the QY International group from overseas, and

even the wide-reaching intelligence of the Hughes family, why can’t they find out where Jack is?

Couldn’t they even find a lead to his whereabouts?”

There was no trace of him after three days. Yael was furious to feel so helpless and useless.

“There must be a way, there is no perfect crime.” Mr. Ward said with certainty and continued, “The

opponent must have come prepared for him to be able to hurt Brent to such an extent. The person

must be very skilled and it will be difficult for us to investigate.”

Yael ruffled his hair in frustration, “Isn’t the mysterious person, who you all are referring to, constantly

keeping an eye on Jack? Why didn’t he do anything this time? Could it be that he was the one

responsible for it?” What Yael said immediately caused Mr. Ward to be unsettled.

Had it been the past, he would have believed Yael’s guess. But after the trip to the North, had it not

been the timely arrival of the mysterious man, all three of them would have died there. With that

incident, now Mr. Ward was unable to be certain if this was done by the mysterious man.

Just at this moment, Mr. Ward’s phone rang.

“It’s Lone Wolf.” Mr. Ward said solemnly to Yael.

Yael’s expression turned dark. Lone Wolf had been looking after Brent at the hospital. The call must be

about Brent.

Before Yael could hurry Mr. Ward, the call had been answered.

“Mr. Ward, Brent is awake!”

Kaboom! The voice of Lone Wolf was like a clear day thunderbolt to them.

Mr. Ward rejoiced immediately and stood up excitedly as he said, “Really? That’s great! We’ll go over

immediately!” He hung up the call after saying.

Mr. Ward almost jumped up in joy. Now that Brent was awake, they could ask him what had happened

last night. This was their only hope for a clue. They were repeatedly notified by the hospital that Brent

was in a critical state. Even what Director Lansing said dashed their hopes.

But then, the unthinkable happened and Brent had willed himself to wake up.

“Brent… Brent is awake!” Mr. Ward said excitedly as he stammered.

Yael’s eyes opened wide and quickly stood up to leave with Mr. Ward.

At the LJ Hospital.

Lone Wolf and Lyndall were waiting outside the ICU ward. Both of them were startled when they saw

Mr. Ward and Yael running towards them.

“Mr. Ward and Yael, wait a minute. Director Lansing and the others are examining Brent. We need their

approval before going in.” Lone Wolf said as he blocked them.

“Okay, okay, no hurry. It’s great that he’s awake. It’s great.” Mr. Ward wrung his hands nervously and

mumbled, “This guy is really hardy! Even the Grim Reaper also doesn’t dare to take him, ha ha..." Mr.

Ward giggled like a child.

Yael, Lone Wolf, and Lyndall also started to laugh along with Mr. Ward. This was the first piece of good

news in three days which made everyone laugh heartily.

Very soon, the doors opened and Director Lansing walked out. Mr. Ward and the others rushed over to

him. Director Lansing pulled down his surgical mask and heaved a sigh of relief. He maintained a

surprised expression and said, “It’s a miracle, a huge miracle. He actually pulled through by his sheer

determination and will to live. I had been a doctor for so many years and this is the first time I see a

person with such a strong will to live!”

Director Lansing personally treated and attended to Brent since his admission to the hospital. That was

why Director Lansing understood Brent’s medical condition so well. Each of his notifications to Mr.

Ward about Brent’s critical condition was done with the utmost consideration for them before he

decided. In reality, Brent’s condition was far more hopeless than Director Lansing had admitted to


“Director Lansing, can we go in to visit Brent? Can he speak now?” Mr. Ward asked directly. Brent’s

regaining of his consciousness was the only hope of finding out what happened to Jack. Jack

disappeared without a trace three days ago like a rock sinking into the deep ocean. As to the reason

why, they could not find any leads no matter how hard they tried. At this juncture, Mr. Ward didn’t

bother to choose the appropriate words to ask.

“Yes, but he is rather weak now. I suggest that you just ask a couple of questions and do not agitate

him. Otherwise, his condition may worsen.” Director Lansing knew that the situation was very pressing

and he could only frown and agree to their request.

“Couple of questions?” Mr. Ward and the rest were stunned. How could they find out from Brent what

had happened that night with just a couple of questions?

Director Lansing said sternly, “Jack is my nephew-in-law and I also hope that he returns unscathed but

Brent is my patient and I have a duty to ensure his recovery. It was already a miracle that he regained

his consciousness. Now he needs all his strength to fight the Grim Reaper. A couple of questions is

already the limit!”

“Okay, come with me, Yael.” Mr. Ward nodded solemnly. A couple of questions were better than none!

Director Lansing led Mr. Ward and Yael to prepare. Mr. Ward followed closely behind Director Lansing

as Yael followed behind him.

As soon as he stepped into the ICU, his cellphone started to ring. Yael frowned as soon as he looked at

his phone. It was Vinna.

“Keep up, Yael!” Mr. Ward hurried him along.

“Coming!” Yael replied and answered the call. Before Yael could say anything, Vinna said as she cried,

“Yael, something bad happened! Amber had been abducted and Daisy had been severely injured and

is unconscious!”

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