The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 621 As My Man, Jack Will Definitely Come Back
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Chapter 621 As My Man, Jack Will Definitely Come Back

Late at night.

In the TM Villa District, the lights were on.

Amber Knight, Daisy Hill and Vinna Vaughn were sitting in the living room.

Every now and then, all three were looking upstairs.

Mr. Ward and Yael Quinn were both in Jack’s study.

For three days, always like this.

Mobilizing all the strengths at their disposal, they were frantically searching for Jack’s whereabouts.

They had to sit in front of a computer all the time, skimming over all the intelligence information that

was being sent from everywhere.

For Mr. Ward and Yael, that round-the-clock work was a physical and mental suffering.

But for the three of them, who was not so?

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps on the stairs.

“They are coming down, I will bring the soup”, Ms. Hill said, and she quickly got up and headed for the


Amber cast a worried glance at Ms. Hill and bit her red lips.

She had been worrying about Jack for three days, and also Ms. Hill, wasn’t she always feeling anxious

about Brent in the ICU?

But she has always tried to suppress her emotions to manage that family.

“Amber, I, I suddenly found myself so useless...” Vinna suddenly said, “I wasn’t able to give a help in

such a serious situation, Ciara Wattson could still use her connections to help the investigation, but I

could only rely on my own family”, she added, blaming herself.

“It’s okay!”, Amber said, shaking her head and looking at Vinna’s tired but still self-reproaching face.

She unconsciously hugged Vinna. “With Yael and the others here, it will be all right. Jack will surely

come back, and also Brent will be safe as well.”

At that point, Mr. Ward and Yael finally dragged their exhausted bodies downstairs.

Both of them had bloodshot eyes, and their haggard appearance made their faces look extremely pale.

Especially Mr. Ward, when going downstairs, was so tired that he stood unsteadily, completely relying

on Yael’s support.

Amber looked at their appearance and took a deep breath and suppressed the impulse to immediately

ask for clues, soothed to them, “Eat your soup and have a rest”.

She knew that in these three days since the accident of Jack and Brent, the whole family had been

running at full time, and for Mr. Ward it meant burning his life.

Everyone had already done that step, and she didn’t complain at all.

On the contrary, as Jack’s wife, she should calm everyone down at this time. If even she was in a hurry

and panic, she could only make everyone more anxious.

Yael helped Mr. Ward sit down on the sofa.

Ms. Hill brought chicken soup, a bowl for each of them. They ate it straight up.

Mr. Ward wiped the corners of his mouth and, shaking the head solemnly to Amber, “Still have no clue”

That sentence made Amber’s heart sink instantly to the bottom.

Her eyes became red and she clenched her teeth around the lips.

In the living room, the atmosphere was heavy.

Quiet and silence.

Mr. Ward and all the others looked at Amber worriedly.

As witnesses of Jack and Amber’s relationship, they could all realize how anxious she felt in her heart

at this time.

What’s more, now Amber was pregnant, and she could not bear that suffering.

A few seconds later, Amber slowly raised her head and forced a smile, “Okay, everyone is tired now.

Let’s have a rest tonight”


Mr. Ward, Yael and all the others there were stunned.

“People are not made of iron. If both you and Yael, continue to endure like this, your bodies will have

problem before you can find Jack”

Amber got up slowly, while Ms. Hill and Vinna hurriedly held her by the side. She was always

restraining herself and, with a forced smile, soothed everyone, “Now the whole family is counting on

you two to find Jack, if you both fail, what will happen to the three ladies of us?”

“Mrs. Hughes, I can still stand it and it will be fine if I stay up for a few more nights.”, Mr. Ward said


Also Yael said earnestly, “Amber, now the top priority is to get Young Master back. We can all stand it.

If that information is not collected and screened as soon as possible. I’m afraid that…”.

But he couldn’t even finish speaking.

Amber, with a stern expression, said sharply, “There’s nothing to be afraid of! Jack is my man, he will

definitely come back, and now, in the name of Mrs. Hughes, I order you all to take a rest tonight!”

That sudden energy made everyone surprised.

Mr. Ward and Yael wanted to start arguing, but Ms. Hill was able to mediate the dispute at the right


“Take a break. Amber is right, if you two keep enduring like this, you will be exhausted first. Anyone can

collect the information, tonight I will do it!”

“Ms. Hill…”, said Amber, looking at her in astonishment. Her intention was to let everyone have a rest

for one night, these three days of suffering were a huge burden for everyone, but the decision of Ms.

Hill made her surprised.

“Don’t worry. The three of us have been resting at home these days. Besides, don’t forget I used to be

a boxer, and I also worked at a construction site. It will be easy for me to stay up one night”, Ms. Hill

said with a smile and made a fist at Amber.

With Ms. Hill in charge of collecting and screening the information, Mr. Ward and Yael no longer

argued, three days of non-stop work made both of them extremely tired.

Being able to hold on was entirely dependent on the eagerness to find Jack.

Ms. Hill helped Amber going back to her room and left alone.

Amber sat on the bed, but didn’t lie down immediately.

She couldn’t sleep.

Something happened to Jack, so she was unquiet and uneasy all the time.

During these three nights, although she forced herself to sleep just for thinking about the baby, she was

always not at ease during the sleep.

When she was alone in her room, all the strength that when she was showing to Yael and Mr. Ward just

now completely disappeared.

Amber’s beautiful eyes became red and tears were slipping down her cheeks.

She raised the hand, wiped the corner of her eyes, and said obstinately to herself, “No, I don’t have to

cry, he’s my husband, he’s the father of my son, he will definitely come back and take me and the baby

enter with dignity into the Hughes family.

She was whispering in tears, but she had an incredible determination.

That was Amber’s trust in Jack!

Her man couldn’t have an accident that easily!

She believed in her own vision and she also believed that Jack would be able to create miracles again

and again, just like before.

The bedroom was dark.

There was only a table lamp at the head of the bed blazing with a faint yellow light.

Yael took a hot shower and came out from the bathroom exhausted.

Vinna, dressed in pajamas, was waiting under the covers.

Yael didn’t know what to do, but he finally got into bed.

A pair of gentle and slender hands landed on Yael’s temples at the right moment, gently pressing.novelbin

“Go to sleep, these three days you were too tired, I can’t do anything, I can only help you relaxing and

let you sleep well”.

Those soft words blew into Yael’s heart like a gentle spring breeze, making him a little cranky all of a


He closed his eyes and whispered, “Do you think something bad that would happen to Young Master?”

“No, of course no”, Vinna replied. She was massaging Yael carefully, that was also her first time to do

massage, so she was worried that if she didn’t massage well, she would hurt him.

“Right, of course no. He’s my Young Master, he’s the person I admire the most, he will surely come


Yael closed his eyes and murmured firmly, “I would even accept to sacrifice my own life to have Young

Master back”.

As soon as he said it, the hands pressing on his temples stopped.

Vinna, her beautiful eyes in tears, mourned, “What about me?”


Yael twitched his mouth and didn’t open the eyes to look at her, but sighed, “Do you know that he was

the only one who gave me light when I was in the dark? If it wasn’t for him, I would have already died

thousands of times, how could I have this relationship with you?”

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