The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 501 The return
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Chapter 501 The return

In the silence of the night.

In the bedroom, the lamp was dimly lit.

The fragrance of lavender was deeply relaxing.

Jack Hughes was lying on his side, holding Amber Knight in his arms. He had not taken his eyes off her

serene and sleeping face the whole time, and had not moved half an inch.

His whole arm had gone completely numb.

However, he endured the numbness, which felt like an electric buzz in the arm. He simply would not


He was afraid that any tiny movement would disturb Amber’s sleep.

Meanwhile, Mr. Ward and Amber’s parents remained downstairs, they refrained from going upstairs to

disturb the young couple, even though it was getting extremely late.

The sounds of sobbing subsided into the quiet of the night.

Steve Knight and Rosie, whose hearts had been hanging in the air, finally felt a sense of relief.

Finally ... the storm had passed.

In the dining room, the lamp was still brightly lit.

Mr. Ward, feeling famished, checked on the time, “It’s already one o’clock.”

Steve asked, “Perhaps we should go check on them.”

Rosie shook her head, “Amber had not been able to get a good night’s sleep for over a month. Aren’t

you the least bit heartbroken?”

She paused, then got up, “I’ll go and get bowls and plates. You and Mr. Ward, go ahead and eat

something first. After dinner, you can go and rest. I shall wait for them. In case Amber gets up, I can

warm up the food for them.”

Just as she was about to proceed into the kitchen.

There were finally the sounds of footsteps coming from upstairs.

Jack helped Amber to walk down.

Mr. Ward and Steve, who were sitting in the dining room, got up hurriedly.

Steve happily shouted to Rosie in the kitchen, "Dear, don't bother getting the dishes, Jack and our

daughter are coming now."

"Mum and Dad, I've caused you to worry."

Jack said apologetically to Steve and Rosie, who was walking out of the kitchen.

This past month had been an unspeakable ordeal for Amber.

As Amber’s parents, why would it any different for Steve and Rosie?

Steve and Rosie could put aside the pain of the misunderstanding and came to his assistance when

they learnt of his difficulties. The depth of their affection was clear to Jack.

That was because he had a completely different experience in another family.

What a contrast.

Those three years could be described as dark. The feeling was clear.

And precisely because of this, Jack held even higher regard of the affection of Steve and Rosie.

"You are family."

Steve said cheerfully and waved his hand, pointing to the table, "Sit down, quick, let's have a good

reunion meal."

"Right, that’s right, I'll go and heat the dishes, they are all cold now."novelbin

Rosie was overjoyed and smiling from cheek to cheek, she started bringing the cooled dishes on the

table back into the kitchen.

Mr. Ward smiled gently and proceeded into the kitchen to help.

Jack and Amber kept Steve company in the dining room, chatting idly.

Very soon, the dishes were all warmed up and ready to be served.

The family dined together, the atmosphere was warm and lively, they were chatting and laughing away.

Of course, Jack also deliberately concealed matters regarding Felix and the Hughes family and

remained tight-lipped when Steve inquired.

Additionally, he reminded Steve and Rosie to help keep the secret that his legs were not actually


The truth about his physical paralysis was a trump card he was intent on keeping.

A trump card that could be such a bombshell, surprised Madam Hughes’ jaw to drop.

When the meal was over, it was already 2:30 am.

Jack assisted Amber to return to their room, then cuddled with her, comforted her, till she fell asleep


After a few days.

The dust had settled, and the ultimate goal of the trip had been achieved.

Jack was not in a hurry to return, instead, he made full use of this time to take good care of Amber.

This past month had been an extremely tormenting time for Amber. She was exhausted both physically

and mentally, this was simply unbearable for a pregnant woman.

Judging from Amber’s secret confession to Jack, if she had not considered the baby, she might have

quietly ended herself during this time.

These were the words that caused Jack extreme guilt and regret.

He made up his mind to take good care of Amber.

Of course, it was unreasonable to expect Amber to have a complete recovery within a short time,

considering that she was physically and mentally completely exhausted.

So, at the very least, he had to wait until Amber recouped her energy somewhat before he could start

planning the return.

It required an entire week.

Jack spent the week at the Knight family villa, cooking all kinds of food for Amber.

When they had time, he brought Amber out for a stroll or for sightseeing to cheer up her spirits.

With excellent care, Amber managed to recover swiftly.

Although she was still thinner than before, at least her complexion had turned rosier. In addition, she

was glowing and smiling again.

This brought relief not just for Jack.

But also for Steve and Amber, and even Tiana, who had come visit on few occasions, observed the

improvement with joy and comforting relief.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

In the garden of the Knight mansion.

Under the starry sky and the bright moon, the garden was lit up splendidly with many wonderful

colourful lights.

Jack and Mr. Ward were strolling side by side.

"Young master, we are returning tomorrow."

Mr. Ward asked, "Should we inform the Grand Freemasons of our return?"

Jack pondered for a second and replied, "Let's do that, I owed my survival to the Grand Freemasons,

otherwise I would probably have sunken into the sea and been eaten clean by the fish and shrimps by


"Indeed. It's just that I don’t really understand why the old man Yales coerced you into joining the

Grand Freemasons in the first place. Or did he have the intention to let you become the clan master?"

His expression was one of complete incomprehension.

Jack rubbed his nose, "Neither do I. Mr. Yales has never explained the reason to me. Whether it is a

blessing or a curse, there’s no verdict now; but at least as things stand now, it is a blessing to me, as I

indeed do owe the Grand Freemasons my life."

Only after Mr. Ward nodded his head in agreement.

Jack then asked, "During this past week when I was looking after Amber, was there any news of

sighting of the Hughes family?"

With Felix’s death, the death threat of assassination was finally over.

What was still causing Jack uneasiness, was that the news about his legs not being actually disabled

would reach the Hughes family.

He was not worried about the family ironclad rule of noninterfamily mutiny.

This incident was completely conspired by Madam Hughes, she ordered Felix in secrecy to kill Jack.

She would have to be mentally defective, if she were to resort to this rule of no interfamily killing to put

pressure on him.

The whole affair was conducted in secrecy. By quoting the family rule to pressure Jack, it would

inevitably reveal the trace of the treachery to herself.

Her whole case simply could not stand up to scrutiny.

Suppose she would even dare to apply the ironclad rule of non-interfamily feuding, she would be

bringing upon self-destruction!

"There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary over the Hughes’ family office. I think it is because Madam

Hughes is keeping a low profile, so as not to reveal her true colours." Mr. Ward responded respectfully.

Jack secretly heaved a sigh of relief at the possibility that Madam Hughes only had a vague knowledge

of what was happening over here.

Then, even if his father was no longer in the Hughes family, Jack still had a chance to pull strings with

some members of the Hughes family.

Mr. Ward looked up at the starry moonlit sky and commented with a worried tone in his voice, "I just

wonder, after such a long time, what has become of our own family."

Jack was shaken.

It had been more than a month. That was too long a time.

His disappearance for such a long time was tantamount to leaving all the businesses under his charge

being without a decision-maker.

And initially, when he left, his explanations to Yael Quinn and company that he would return after a

week latest.

If Mr. Ward were still at home watching guard, there would be little cause to worry.

But Mr. Ward had set out in great haste, rushing over here to rescue him. And during this past month,

no one could tell what could have happened back home.

Above all, Madam Hughes had already secretly instigated Felix to murder Jack.

Why would she let go of such a golden opportunity to suppress the order and stage a takeover!

"Let's just hope that Yael can still hold down the fort." Jack said in a low and deep tone.

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