The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 500 What is the Point of Our Marriage
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Chapter 500 What is the Point of Our Marriage

She was determined.

Jack froze on the spot.

His eyes widened as he stared at Amber with indescribable astonishment.

Under the faint yellow light, her haggard face looked extremely sullen.

She clenched her teeth tightly as pearly tears began to fall out of the corners of her eyes down her


“You have always been my wife. This fact hasn’t changed even a bit.” Jack said.


Unable to contain her anger, Amber raised her hand and slapped Jack angrily across the face.

Jack was completely stunned.

In the face of her rebuttal, he was completely out of his wits, unable to make any sense of the matter.

Amber gritted her teeth and sobbed, “I came back to you when you were the most destitute, not for the

glorious future but to stay with you for better or for worse and to help you make a comeback.”

“At the time when you endured the rumors and slanders, I chose to believe you regardless of

everything. I stood firmly in front of you and took all kinds of insults for you.”

“I still held your hand when thousands of fingers pointed at you and you were at the verge of despair

and didn’t let go.”


Her heartbreaking cries stabbed Jack’s heart like a sharp knife.

Amber took a deep breath, restrained her sobs forcibly and stared decisively at Jack.

“I chose you! That means you will be my man forever, in life or in death.”

Her voice raised tremblingly, “What about you?”

“Me?” Jack frowned deeply.

Amber sobbed shudderingly, her tears were falling and her red lips were trembled, “Have you ever

considered me your wife? Have you ever taken the initiative to keep me besides you and let me face

everything with you? Why must you fight everything by yourself? Do you think husband and wife are

just two birds in a forest who fly different ways as soon as a disaster strike?”

A series of questions were pointed towards Jack.

By the time Amber was at her last sentence she was sobbing so much that her voice was almost lost.

Jack mumbled to himself, “I just didn’t want to make you worried, didn’t want you to be in danger. I was

just trying to protect you.”

“I don’t want all that!”

Amber shook her head as tears streamed down her face, “What I want is for you to treat me like your

wife. I don’t care whether you are safe and happy or dying in the face of danger, I want you to hold my

hand tightly and keep me close to you! I don’t want you to bear everything alone while I stay safe.”

Jack looked like he had been struck by lightning. His heart thumped ferociously.

An intense choking feeling engulfed him.

His whole state of mind felt chaotic and messy.

The sound of Amber’s cries echoed in his ears.

Since the moment he had decided to be with Amber, he had always tried to give her only joy and

happiness. He had never wanted to make her unhappy or let her face any danger.

He had always thought that “To make you the happiest woman in the world” was the most beautiful

happiness in the world.

But he had never put himself in her shoes. He had never carefully thought from Amber’s perspective.

“Jack, you are really selfish!”

Amber bit her lip so hard that it bled. She shook her head and smiled bitterly, “You are so selfish that

you can’t even let your wife to share the dangers and the sorrows with you. You always consider

yourself alone! Do you know or not, since the day I came to you, you are no longer alone?”

“You hide everything from me and bear it all alone, so that you would rather have me think that you

died than to let me know that you are alive in the time of a crisis. Do you know that because of your

selfishness, I can’t even live properly nor die! You have always been like this! What is even the point of

our marriage?”


Jack’s complexion changed suddenly.

He panicked.

Amber’s words had extreme decisiveness to them.

Losing his mind out of fear, Jack grabbed her hands hurriedly, “I was wrong! I have been very wrong all

this time! I am sorry. I am really sorry! I was very selfish. I just wanted to give you happiness and

protect you from pain and sorrow. I was very selfish! Please calm down! Our marriage is important,

please don’t be impulsive!”

Frantic and terrified, Jack’s heart was full of guilt and remorse.

He had never felt such flustering restlessness.

Regardless of his divorce with Kathrine at that time, or facing life-threatening danger this time, he had

always been able to keep his breath steady and calmly move forward step by step to look for life even

in desperate situation.

But facing Amber right now, all of Jack’s morale faded away.

Because his love for her was too deep, he was afraid of losing her.Because he was afraid of losing her,

he was panicking and terrified.

Amber struggled angrily, trying to remove her hands from Jack’s hands.

But Jack’s hold was very strong; he held on her hands firmly and didn’t loosen up even slightly.

This struggle went on for a long time.

Finally, Amber accepted defeat and gave up.

She wailed loudly and suddenly threw herself into Jack’s arms.

She cried loudly, tears streaming down her face.

“Promise me that you won’t be selfish again. You have a wife, a family. I am pregnant with you.

Promise me you will never make me and your baby worry about you like this again!”

Jack knelt on the ground, trying to straighten himself, so that Amber with her big belly would not be


He said firmly while rubbing her back, “I promise! I swear!”

This time, he had been really scared.

On the first floor of the villa.

Mr. Ward and Steve stood by the stairs.

Rosie also hurried out of the kitchen still wearing an apron and stood in front of the stairs, listening to

Amber’s wailing sounds coming from upstairs.

Rosie looked worried, “Did something happen? Should we go up and see?”

“Amber is still pregnant. With such violent mood swings, she will become weak and exhausted. I think

we should go upstairs!” Steve held Rosie’s hand, about to go upstairs.

Mr. Ward hurriedly held them both back.

“What? Are we not having today’s reunion dinner?”

Steve and Rosie paused in their tracks simultaneously.

Steve and Rosie exchanged a glance and Steve gestured her to go back to the kitchen to prepare


Rosie was very anxious, she hesitated for a bit before finally choosing to return to the kitchen.

In Amber’s bedroom.

The sound of her crying weakened gradually.

Bearing all of her weight, Jack was trying hard to keep his body straight.

There was a sharp pain in his knee that was being rubbed on the ground, and he could feel it bleed

lightly .

He hadn’t moved even a bit.

Amber’s trembling body in his embrace gradually softened.

Along with the sound of crying, the sound of her sobbing breath also slowly evened out.

Jack calmly patted her on her back, still unable to stand up.

After he was sure that Amber was asleep, he frowned, showing the pain on his face.

The sharp pain in his knee and the numbness in his legs from kneeling for a long time had made him

extremely sore.

Even then, Jack got up very slowly, supporting Amber carefully for the fear of waking her up by any

sudden movement.

He knew that by now Amber had not been able to sleep for many nights.

And by doing that, her pregnant body was harmed a lot.novelbin

The top priority was to ensure that Amber slept well and ate well.

Jack lightly supported her, laid her down on the bed and very carefully covered her with the quilt.

He laid down with her and turned sideways to let her rest on his arm, watching her silently.

Jack’s heart was filled with warmth as he felt her breath steadily and looked at her brows slowly unfurl.

But at the same time, he also felt a little dubious.

Since he had entered, Amber’s attention had been between them.

However, the matter between him and Rena was not mentioned much.

While he was lost in doubt, Amber slept turned on her side languidly in his arms looking like a cat. A

cellphone with a bright screen was showing out from under her pillow.

And on the screen, a text message was left opened.

The lengthy text in the message was densely packed.

Jack picked up the phone and looked at the message. His expressions suddenly turned a little


It was a message from an unknown number explaining the matter between him and Rena.

As his eyes slid speedily through the text, a few simple words caught his eye.

[Apologies. Sincerely, Rena Yales.]

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