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Chapter 436 VIP!

The voice reverberated in the yard like a thunder.

Followed by rounds of laughter.

Mr. Ward and Brent put on a long face.

However, Jack smiled nonchalantly, “Let’s go sit at the table by the door.”

Jeweline was furious.

He knew Jack was trying to help him, but Jeweshine and the gang treated him with such arrogance.

Boiling rage filled his chest.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed Jeweshine and the trio away and walked up to Jack’s table with long


“Jeweline, the banquet is about to begin. Where are you going?”

The man being addressed as Paul berated.

Jeweshine stopped him, “It’s okay, Paul. You know him, he’s just a good-for-nothing. Let him be, or it’ll

be embarrassing for the Hunter family.”

Just as Jack and the other two sat down, another figure appeared and sat down beside them.

“They didn’t ask you to sit here.” Jack looked at Jeweline.

Jeweline smiled, “I don’t want to sit with those despicable people. I feel more comfortable sitting with

you guys.”

“It’s all right. Let’s go back to the main table later.” Jack patted on Jeweline’s shoulder.

“What are you talking about?”

Jeweline rolled his eyes indifferently.

Jack did give him the impression of a rich guy.

But a rich guy from outstation didn’t have the power to cause a racket in the city.

Unless he was a billionaire.

But Jeweline didn’t deem Jack was a billionaire. He never saw such young tycoon.

Jack simply smiled without saying anything.

Mr. Ward and Brent looked at Jack in confusion.

Mr. Ward leaned towards Jack and asked in a low voice, “Young master, are we not going with the


The purpose of attending this banquet was to investigate about Patrick’s whereabouts.

He understood Jack’s personality. Even if they were at the main table and went through what just

happened, Jack would’ve bear with it and continued with the plan.

But based on what he just said, he obviously changed his mind.

Jack patted on Mr. Ward’s shoulder smilingly and didn’t say anything.

He did want to go with the plan in the beginning.

But he had empathy for Jeweline when he saw what he was going through.

They were in a similar situation, it was just that they chose different ways of handling it.

In this out-of-the-way small town, it didn’t hurt to flex a little.

Moreover, Jeweline did give him a good impression.

At the main table.

Jeweshine and the trio turned around to look at Jeweline.

“Jeweshine, something’s wrong with Jeweline’s head today that he dares to throw temper in front of us

like that.”

“That guy has nothing but temper. He thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he’s the direct

lineage in the family? Too bad the Hunter family doesn’t run on the orthodox family rules.”

“Oh yeah Jeweshine, how much did you make on the stock market this time? It was such a great

achievement. Guess the old master is going to mention it at the banquet later. Jeweshine will definitely

secure the place as the rightful heir of the family!”

Jeweshine smiled complacently upon hearing the last sentence.

He said in a low voice, “Not much, just a few billions.”

A few billions? Not much?

The trio was agape.

And immediately echoed.

“Jeweshine is indeed the most accomplished man in the young generation. Who else can be the

rightful heir other than him?”

Jeweshine smiled brightly at the flattery remarks from the trio.

He enjoyed this very much.

He was ignored since knee-high because he was the side lineage in the family, which was why he

worked extra hard and aimed to be the heir of the family so people would look up to him.

He plowed through hardships for many years to be able to become the most accomplished man in his


But he was never contented. Because he understood nothing was certain before he actually got the

position of the heir of the family.

However, he was bursting with confidence now with his accomplishment of earning billions in the stock


This would definitely land him the position of the rightful heir of the family!

Jeweshine pretended to be humble and waved his hand.

“Let me tell you the truth. I’m actually lucky this time that I got a connection.”

“What connection?”

The trio was curious. Not many people knew about the stock market incident.

But they knew well about it as the important members of the family.

The old master ordered Jeweshine to enter the stock market to begin with.

They didn’t know about the further details.

Jeweshine smiled with pride, “Actually it was thanks to a VIP that the Hunter family was able to make

billions in the stock market. It seemed I was the one who was manipulating it, but it was actually the

VIP who manipulated the market.”


Intrigued, the trio widened their eyes.

One of them rushed, “Jeweshine, don’t keep it to yourself anymore. We’re families, just tell us


Smilingly, Jeweshine didn’t hold back anymore and explained in a low voice.

“The old master told me not to disclose the identity of the VIP, but I can tell you, it was the old master

who discussed with the VIP to let me join their plan, so I can get this accomplishment and secure my

place as the rightful heir of the family.”novelbin

Jeweshine couldn’t help but straightened his back proudly while saying that.

And his eyes were peculiarly staring at Jeweline who was sitting at the yard’s doorway.

Nothing was more exciting than getting tacit acknowledgement to be the rightful heir of the family.

If something like that existed, it’ll be the fact that Jeweline’s biological father didn’t help him but

acknowledge Jeweshine tacitly instead.

Upon hearing that.

The trio was astonished.

Staring at Jeweshine, the reverence in their eyes grew.

Jeweshine enjoyed this a lot. He smiled and scanned the surroundings.

Then he lowered his voice and said to the trio.

“Don’t say I didn’t clue you in on this. There’s a chance to build another powerful connection in this

banquet tonight. You guys better perform.”

“The VIP who helped me said that, there would probably be another VIP coming to this banquet

tonight, and I should put effort into networking with him. You guys pay more attention now that I’ve told

you this. It’ll benefit you guys a lot too if we get this connection.”

“VIP? How great is he?” One of them asked.

“Well, the VIP who helped me acts like a boss with the old master, and the old master always treated

him with reverence as if he was inferior to him.”

Jeweshine smiled mysteriously and blinked, “And when the VIP who helped me talked about that VIP,

his whole temperament was different. He was full of joy. That’s why the old master was very serious

about the attendance of that VIP. The status of that VIP should be on par with the one who helped me.”


The trio’s eyes lit up with fire upon hearing that.

If they could make connections with the VIP who made the old master behave inferiorly.

There would definitely be a bright future ahead of them even if they couldn’t become the head of the


In that moment.

The trio raised their cups and paid respect to Jeweshine.

“Thank you Jeweshine for the insider news. We’ll be your loyal followers from now on.”

“You guys are being too courteous.”

Sitting up straight, Jeweshine raised his cup and drank up. His gaze shot towards Jeweline at the

doorway again.

The disdain in the smile on his face grew.

He muttered, “It appears that some people just behave like a good-for-nothing with the status of the

direct lineage in the family, to the point his own father didn’t want to help him. He probably doesn’t even

know about this and made a racket about inviting some outsiders to sit at the main table just now. It’d

be such a disgrace if the VIP sees it. Frustrating, right?”

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