The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 435 Raging Incompetently
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Chapter 435 Raging Incompetently

Jack Hughes looked calm as he looked at the main entrance of the inner courtyard.

At the moment, a young man in a high and vigorous spirit walked into the inner courtyard, surrounded

by a lot of people.

The young man was two or three years older than Jeweline Hunter. He looked arrogant as if his eyes

were shining.

There were also a few young men following him closely.

As they walked forward, they raised arms to greet the guests in the inner courtyard who stood up.

The entrance they made was much more splendid as compared to Jeweline Hunter’s.

Even Jack could clearly feel that the attitude of the guests towards the two was a world of differences.

They only put on a show because of Jeweline’s identity.

However, they acted in awe and veneration towards Jeweshine Hunter who just came in!

“Jeweshine has the most outstanding ability and skill among the younger generation of the Hunter

family. If there isn’t any accident, my father would let him inherit the head of the family.”

Jeweline held the teacup tightly and said the words through the gaps of his teeth.

His tone was full of unwillingness and rage.

“Those three men behind him are also the few of the best among the offshoots.”

Jack smiled and did not care about it.

As Jeweshine and the others walked in.

The discussions about Jeweline and Jack among the crowd had also changed to Jeweshine quietly.

“Young master Jeweshine was very outstanding and he had exceptional qualities. With this kind of bold

vision, he is qualified to be the head of the family.”

“It is a pity that someone like Gilbert Hunter who has outstanding wisdom has such an inferior child. It

is so sad.”

“Don’t compare Jeweline to Jeweshine. He is not even comparable to those behind him.”

The discussions had made Jeweshine and the others happy.

Jeweline who sat beside Jack was smiling too.

Yet, his smile was full of bitterness.

He raised his eyes and looked at Jack, “I am inferior for the eldest son, right?”

“A little.”

Jack did not hide at all.

The Hughes family and the Hunter family had the same approach to elect the head of the family.

Jeweline was Gilbert’s own son and he was also Patrick Hughes’s own son.

Yet, their personalities were not the same even if they were both under the same circumstances.

After patting on Jeweline’s shoulder, Jack slowly said, “Don’t you know that human intelligence can win

against nature? If you only bow down to your fate and do not keep forging ahead, why are you talking

about the injustice?”

Jeweline’s body trembled and glowing lights could be seen in his eyes.

Jack smiled naturally, “Internal competition cultivates the best as the heir of the family. Why are you

sticking to your own identity instead of thinking about becoming a winner to rule?”

The lights in Jeweline’s eyes were glowing as his right hand released the teacup quietly.

“You thought everything should belong to you just because you are the eldest son of your family. You

detest the people with outstanding abilities. However, you ask yourself in your heart, could you really

stabilize your power if you have become the head of your family?”

“Why are you telling me this?” Jeweline asked.

Jack smiled lightly, “I am the same as you but also different from you. I did not complain about the

injustice I faced. That’s why I could toy with them. Yet, you could only endure the mock from everyone

and reply it with a smile.”

The light in Jeweline’s eyes glowed brilliantly. He held his fists tight and blue veins could be seen.

At the moment.

A cold voice suddenly spoke.

“Jeweline, don’t you even know the rules anymore?”


Jeweline’s pupils contracted. He calmed down his surged emotions and slowly turned towards

Jeweshine and the others.

“What rules?”

Jack was silent as he looked at Jeweshine.

At this moment, Jeweshine was surrounded by a lot of people and he looked domineering as he looked

down on Jeweline.

His manner and speech did not have any respect towards the superior.

His eyes were even full of scorn and disdain.

Jeweshine raised his hand and pointed to Jack and the others, “These three people here broke the

rules! You, as the eldest son of the Hunter family, who does not know what shame is, even bring this

kind of people to the main table?

Upon hearing this, Brent showed a cold look and wanted to get up immediately.

Yet, Jack raised his hand and pressed his lap to stop him.

Jeweline slowly got up. He looked angry and his eyes looked fierce.

This look had made Jeweshine and the others’ expressions serious.

‘This loser, did he change his character today?’

In the inner courtyard.

Everyone gazed at them and they showed a surprised look.

Anyone could clearly notice that the fight was getting intense.

However, no one who knew about the situation of the Hunter family had expected Jeweline’s reaction.

In the past, Jeweline looked much weaker when facing Jeweshine and the others!

“Since you still know that I am the eldest son of the Hunter family, am I still to be commented by you?”

Suddenly, Jeweline said with a cold voice, “If any kind of people could comment on me, then what kind

of the eldest son of the Hunter family am I?”


The inner courtyard was in a commotion.

Many discussions were heard suddenly.

“Is Jeweline crazy today? Why does he look like a different person?”

“The rules of the Hunter family have always been like this. Why does he act abnormally today? Does

he want to ruin his father’s birthday banquet?”

Jeweshine was stunned for a moment. Then, he laughed scornfully.

“The eldest son of the Hunter family? We are giving you face to treat you as the eldest son of the

Hunter family. You are such a mediocre and incapable person who only relied on your father’s power.

When the head of the family has changed, do you still have the right to act arrogantly?

Upon hearing the words, those three standing behind Jeweshine laughed and mocked at Jeweline


“Jeweline, today is your father’s birthday banquet. Although we are the offshoots, we have outstanding

abilities. Are you trying to make trouble at your father’s birthday banquet by acting like this?”

“Jeweline, I advise you to stay calm. If you make trouble, even your father would help us. Don’t forget

that it has always been like this before!”

“Quickly drive this kind of people to the back. Otherwise, you will follow them to the back. Empty some

seats for us and don’t waste time.”

Jeweline lowered his head. He held his fists as he slightly trembled.

Humiliation, anger, the unwillingness to resign, and all kinds of emotions were engulfing his body.

He clenched his teeth and had a sharp look in his eyes. He pointed at Jack and the others behind him

with his hand, “They are my friends. I would like to see who dares to drive them away today!”


Jack’s lips closed for a moment and he laughed.

“Someone, drive these people away for me!”

Jeweshine acted domineering and waved his big hand.

At that moment, seven guards of the Hunter family came forward.

“I will see who dares!”

Jeweline shouted loudly.

However, the guards of the Hunter family ignored him and kept moving forward.

This move made Jeweline extremely furious as he glared fiercely and it had also let Jeweshine laugh


Jeweline who was humiliated and furious was about to scold them.

Suddenly, an old man came towards them from the side.


The slap was clear and loud.

The old man scolded with a deep voice, “You are trash. You always act arrogantly and domineeringly

outside, relying on the identity of being the eldest son of the Hunter family. However, today is your

father’s birthday banquet, do you still want to make a scene? Is this the tone you should use to speak

with Jeweshine and the others?


Jeweline was stunned immediately. He could feel the pain on his cheek.

But at the moment.

A large hand landed on Jeweline’s shoulder.

“It’s fine. Three of us will just go and sit at the back. They should be inviting us here later.”


Everyone was surprised.

Jeweshine and the others immediately laughed loudly.

‘Was this guy a funny clown?’

‘Did he really think that he had a high social status just because he was close to Jeweline who was the

eldest son of the Hunter family?’novelbin

Even the guests in the surrounding laughed scornfully.

Jack ignored Jeweline.

He directly brought Brent and Mr. Ward to the back.

Jeweline who acted like this had no difference compared to someone who was raging incompetently. It

would not make any influence on this matter.

It would only make everyone here laugh more.

He was here to find out news about his father.

Putting aside the news whether his father was here at Jeweline Group.

If he really showed his identity on the Internet, the Hunter family would not dare to not invite him to the

main table.

This was because the Jeweline Group from the Hunter family had just earned a lot in the stock market

because of him!


After he walked a few steps.

Jeweshine’s scornful laughter sounded behind him.

“Oh, invite you? I, Jeweshine Hunter, am not so poor to invite a dog to the main table.”

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