The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 433 Where Should Those Worth Tens of Billions Sit?
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Chapter 433 Where Should Those Worth Tens of Billions Sit?

“How do you know?” Amidst his drunkenness, Jeweline asked Jack in astonishment.

Jack rubbed his nose and chuckled, “We’re kind of similar.”


A hint of joy appeared on Jeweline’s youthful face.

At this moment, Jeweline felt that he had finally found someone who could relate to him.

Then, Jack smiled at him.

“Yeah, but although I’m considered as collateral, I’m better than the so-called elites.”

Jeweline’s expression froze and felt empty within again the next second.

His feeling of familiarity towards Jack was crushed in an instant when those words came out. It was

even a little disbelieving for him.

“What does this have anything to do with your father’s birthday celebration?” Jack asked.

This question made Jeweline sigh, “Though I am the young master, I become the joke of the night

whenever there is a family gathering. How could I be happy with that?”

“Some of the collaterals who are extraordinarily talented don’t even have any respect for me, and they

never fail to humiliate me.”

Jack understood Jeweline’s feelings instantly. No one would like getting shamed in front of so many


Moreover, Jeweline was the young master of the Hunter family who had the outside world’s attention.

He was flattered and praised by outsiders but became a person who even the collaterals could ridicule

upon returning home.

The colossal contrast made Jeweline’s current situation reasonable.

Silence filled the car for a few seconds.

Jack said slowly, “Can I attend your family’s banquet tomorrow?”


Jeweline threw Jack a strange glance, “I remember who are all the big shots in this city. I’ve never seen

you before, so you must be from another city, aren’t you?”

He was not that stupid after all.

Jack smiled. Since Jeweline was still young, he thought that he could get what he wanted in one shot.

“You are a foreigner, and yet you want to attend my dad’s birthday celebration. Do you know what the

banquet meant in this city?”

Jeweline just stared at Jake as if he was a weird person.

Now that he was a little soberer, he became more rational too.

Today’s matter was too strange no matter how he thought of it.

A stranger knocked him out so that they could have a chat.

And now, the stranger wanted to attend his father’s birthday celebration banquet.

Although Jeweline was incapable, that didn’t mean he was dumb.

“Something everyone wants to attend?”

Jack said.

“Yes, exactly!”

Jeweline nodded his head arrogantly, “Hunter family of Jeweline Group is the wealthiest in this city. It’s

what all the upper class looks up to. My dad’s birthday would cause a sensation in the whole city every


The wealthiest?

The upper class of this city?

Jack sneered in his heart. The upper class of such a small place is considered as true socialites too?

This wasn’t just about the difference in level.

But between the realm of classes!

“That is why I want to take a look too.”

Jack shrugged, “I’m here for a vacation anyway. And I heard about how prestigious Jeweline Group is,

so I wanted to join in the fun as well. Could I attend the banquet as your friend?”

“Pfft, do you think I’m an idiot? I’m leaving.”

Jeweline snorted, opened the door, and got down from the car.

Brent wanted to stop him subconsciously, but Jack spoke first, “Brent, it’s okay.”

Jeweline felt at ease when Brent let go of him.

He turned and threw a sideway glance at Jack, “Forget what I said earlier. Otherwise, I cannot

guarantee that nothing will happen to you.”

It was a threat to Jake.

However, it made Brent curl his fingers into fists as he suppressed his urge to slap the heck out of the


Jack only smiled and nodded.

After Jeweline left, Brent got into the car, “Young master, how could you smile when he was threatening


“The brat is only a little over 20 years old. He is used to being arrogant, and he just needed to find

some of his pride back by saying things like that.”

Jack wasn’t bothered and rubbed his nose as he smiled, “Plus, I’ve already gotten the information I


“What information?” Brent’s eyes lit up.

“It’s the birthday of the Jeweline Group’s CEO tomorrow. All the big shots will be attending, and so are

we.” Jack said.

“How are we going?” Brent was slightly stunned.

“Could they kick us out after accepting our gift?”

Jack shrugged and said with a meaningful gaze, “Tell me, do you think I’ll see my dad at the banquet?”

Brent froze and fell silent.

In contrast, Jack only chuckled and leaned back on the seat.

When he learned that the Hunter family of the Jeweline Group chose their inheritors based on their

capabilities, he became more confident that his assumption was correct.

For an ordinary wealthy family, it was difficult to find one who had such courage to choose the

strongest among the line as the inheritor instead of selecting the next in line.

“Drive back to the hotel.”

Jack patted Brent’s shoulder.

“What about Mr. Ward?” Brent asked.

Jack shook his head, “He is busy with something else tonight.“


The next day.

The rising sun shone on all parts of the earth.

The whole city plunged into a lively and exciting atmosphere.

All the upper class in this city was heading in one direction.

The city was stuck in a traffic, and it could be clearly seen if one looked at it from the top.

At the manor in the outskirts of town.

The manor was magnificent, grand, and covered a vast piece of land.

It was bright and filled with a joyful atmosphere.

As it stood amidst the desert, it formed a clear contrast with the empty land in the distance.

There was a distinct difference between the desolation far away and the crowds in the manor.

Many guests were already at the entrance.

The open space out there was already parked with luxury cars, and there was still a steady flow of

traffic that was still coming this way.

Exchanges of salutes and greetings sounded one after another.

Under the ushers’ orderly guidance, the attending guests were led into the manor one by one.

A Mercedes G-Class skimmed over the yellow desert and stopped at the car park outside the manor.

After getting out of the car.

Jack, who was dressed in a suit, was surprised by the sight before his eyes.

“What a grand occasion in the middle of a desert. It’ll be difficult to see this even from the real giants

though, right?”

“Indeed. I heard that the Hunter family welcomes everyone. As long as their guests have a littlenovelbin

accomplishment and they came with a gift, they would be allowed in there.” Mr. Ward yawned. He had

a tired expression on.

Jack looked at him helplessly, “You’re already so old. You need to manage your time well.”

After that, he turned to Jack, “You prepared gifts, right?”

Brent nodded, and with the gifts in his hands, he followed Jack and Mr. Ward to the manor.

Soon, an usher approached them, “Hello, Sir. Welcome to the Hunter family’s banquet.”

Jack nodded and motioned Brent to pass the gifts over.

The usher took it over and passed it to her partner.

Then, she invited the trio to go inside.

Jack felt pleasant. Initially, he thought it would be difficult to get in the banquet, but who knew it was

this simple?

“Sir, I’ve never seen you around before. You are not local, aren’t you? Could I know what you do, what

accomplishments do you have, and what is your net worth?”

All these questions from the usher affected Jack’s mood.

“Are you guys this direct about this kind of question?”

The usher smiled, “To be honest, our master has friends from all over the world. Although you are not

local, but we never refuse any guests. Since you are here to celebrate his birthday, we definitely

welcome you.”

Upon seeing the frowns on the faces of the trio, the usher explained, “It is not absurd and rude for us to

ask for your net worth and background. It’s the rules of the Hunter family, and all the locals know it. The

information will be used in arranging the seats for our guests.”

After taking a few steps, they were already in the manor.

The usher pointed to the spacious courtyard which was filled with banquet tables, “The seats here are

for the ordinary guests, while the seats in the inner courtyard are for the upper class of the city.”

“The seats are arranged according to the net worth of the guests.”

The initial abrupt and rude questions sounded like a matter of course to the usher.

This was the confidence and arrogance endowed by the status of Jeweline Group and the Hunter

family in the city.

“I shouldn’t be sitting out here,” Jack said.

“No worries. Please, follow me to the inner courtyard.” The usher said and led the way.

After entering the place, the tables were less in number, and the decoration was more exquisite than

that of the outer courtyard.

“Sir, have a look. These are the closest seats to the entrance. Those with a net worth of over a million

would sit here. The seats are arranged according to one’s net worth, and the more inside we get, the

higher the net worth of the guests would be. Only those with a net worth over a billion could sit near the

main table.”

The usher looked at Jack.

“It’s a little difficult for us to arrange it.”

Jack rubbed his hands together and got closer to the lady as he asked in a low voice, “Where do those

with a net worth over tens of billions sit?”

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