The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 432 Cultivate the Best as the Heir of the Family by Internal Competition
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Chapter 432 Cultivate the Best as the Heir of the Family by Internal Competition

“You really don’t want it?”

Seeing Jack Hughes who got up and wanted to leave, the girl’s eyes looked reluctant.

One million for one time. This was much more generous than Jeweline Hunter.

They both wanted her to use her mouth. Jeweline forced her to drink a lot but Jack only wanted her to

speak a few words.

This deal was so worth it!

Yet, Jack ignored her and walked straight towards Jeweline’s place.

Brent followed closely behind.

However, Mr. Ward’s voice was heard suddenly after they walked a few steps.

“Yes, I want it!”

Mr. Ward’s fatuous voice sounded.

Jack and Brent suddenly stopped their steps.

After that, the girl said, “But you have already had one.”

“Only children make choices.” Mr. Ward laughed, “I am giving one million per person!”

“Young master, should we stop Mr. Ward?” Brent looked nervous and asked.

He and Mr. Ward worked together and they were both Patrick Hughes’s close subordinates. However,

the cognition he had towards Mr. Ward had completely collapsed.

“It’s fine. You and I are enough.”

Jack shook his head and walked straight towards Jeweline.

At the seat in KTV, a few girls shook their bodies following the music under the influence of the alcohol.

Being surrounded by girls, Jeweline kept showing a cold face and remained unmoved.

When Jack and Brent walked to the seat in KTV, the girls stopped immediately.

“All of you get out.”

Brent took a step forward. His strong and tall body gave them a lot of pressure. The yell he made let

the girls leave in fear.

Jeweline frowned, “Are you touching my toys?”


Jack felt surprised in his heart. ‘Did he act this cold and detached because he treated the girls like


“Hello, my name is Jack Hughes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hunter.”

Jack smiled while reaching out his right hand.

The eldest son from Jeweline Group. He was the real owner!



Jeweline raised his hand and slapped the back of Jack’s hand.

“Get out!”

Jack smiled and did not feel angry.

Instead, he sat beside Jeweline.

Jeweline’s cold and detached face looked angry. He gave a stern look to Jack and said coldly, “Did I

fucking let you sit?”

“No one dares to not let me sit if I want to!” Jack replied coldly.

It was domineering, peremptory, and full of scorn.

Anger could be seen in Jeweline’s eyes.

He held his fists tightly.

He was the eldest son of Jeweline Group. He could even do anything he liked in this small city.

Who would not give him respect whenever they saw him?

Jeweline who was used to be arrogant and imperious said with a deep voice, “I am angry right now.

This is the second time that someone dares to oppose me. Leave in three seconds, if not I will let you

lay down to leave the bar.”

“Three seconds?”

Jack frowned and smiled, “I only need one second to let you lay down and leave.”


Jeweline was shocked and frightened.

He felt the colorful lights in front of him became dim almost at the same time.

A strong and tall figure stood in front of him like a giant mountain.

A big hand instantly moved towards him.


Jeweline received the slap fully. Half of his face became red and swollen. He directly fainted in the seat

as his eyes closed.

“Carry him, we are leaving.”

Jack got up and walked towards the exit of the bar calmly.

He did not suit to be in this noisy environment.

He had no desire to talk about the matters here.

Brent carried Jeweline as if he was carrying nothing and followed Jack closely.

The music was extremely loud and the light was also extremely dim in the bar.

Therefore, they did not attract any attention from the others.novelbin

After walking out of the bar, Jack stretched his body and let out a carefree breath.

“It is better to be outside which is quiet.”

At that moment, a few security guards of the bar came out.

“Friend, do you guys know Mr. Hunter?”

Jeweline was the big customer of the bar and now he was carried out of the bar by someone.

Obviously, the security guards could not ignore it.

“He is my friend. He was drunk. I will bring him to stay in the car for a while.”

Jack simply said some words. However, Brent showed a cold look and he was giving pressure invisibly

to the security guards.

The security guards were scared. Yet, they still did not dare to give up and they followed Brent and

Jack to the car.

“Brent, put him into the car. You will guard us outside there.”

Jack said calmly and got into the car first.

The perturbations that the security guards had were relieved when they saw Brent put Jeweline into the

car and stand outside the car.

They moved backward one by one. In this way, they could guard Jeweline but also would not disturb


After all, Mr. Hunter was a friend of Jack who was in the car. They, as security guards, could not afford

to make someone who had such an existence as Jack angry.

Jack opened a bottle of mineral water and directly splashed the water onto Jeweline’s face.

Jeweline immediately woke up. He was frightened as he looked at Jack.

“You, what do you want to do? I am the eldest son of Jeweline Group. If you touched me, you would

not be able to get out of this city!”

Jack was as calm as usual. He had completely crushed Jeweline no matter in terms of experience or

mental age.

The threat that Jeweline had made felt like a joke in his heart.

“I just reached here. I don’t plan to get out yet.” Jack smiled, “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I saw you

seem to be a little unhappy. I am also unhappy so I brought you here to have a talk.”


Jeweline was stunned. ‘Who the fuck came, gave you a slap directly and made you faint to have a


He did not believe Jack’s words. However, he did not dare to make a move.

“What do you want to talk about?”

Jack rubbed his nose, “Do you have anything that makes you unhappy? Just say it out to me to make

me happy.”

“You…” Jeweline’s face became red as he gritted his teeth.

“Or I will slap you to make myself happy.” Jack raised his right hand.

Jeweline frowned and suddenly trembled with fear when he recalled Brent who had fainted him by

giving him a slap.

He glanced at the strong and tall figure outside the car.

He could not help but swallow some saliva.

In the past, he would have shown his domineering true color for being the eldest son from Jeweline

Group a long time ago.

However, he really felt depressed in his heart tonight.

Now, he was forced to talk about his innermost thoughts and feelings and he could let them out. It was

such an unexpected happening. Jeweline slowly opened his mouth to talk.

“Tomorrow is my Dad’s 50th birthday banquet.”

“Your Dad’s birthday banquet and you are not feeling happy?”

Jack was surprised as he looked at Jeweline. ‘He was a son of a bitch.’

Jeweline shook his head, “You won’t understand the worries of rich people.”

He leaned against the chair and rubbed his face to sober up himself. He looked at the lights outside as

he murmured.

“Everyone thought that I am the eldest son from the Jeweline Group and I have a bright future.

However, they don’t know that there is no confirmation that the eldest son could inherit Jeweline


“In our family, if an offshoot is strong and powerful enough, he could be elected to be the owner

Jeweline Group and I could be simply ignored. In other words, my identity as the eldest son is actually


“Cultivate the best as the heir of the family by internal competition?”

Jack was shocked. This approach was the same as the Hughes family.


The guess in his mind was getting stronger and stronger.

Yet, Jack suppressed his agitated feelings and laughed coldly, “So, you, as the eldest son of Hunter

family, actually have poor abilities. You couldn’t shine because the other offshoots are holding your

back in Hunter family or Jeweline Group, right?”

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