The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 430 Heading to the Jeweline Group
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Chapter 430 Heading to the Jeweline Group

It has been a day and a night already.

Jack Hughes has made numerous attempts to call Amber Knight.

But her phone was switched off.

Just because of a misunderstanding, the most affectionate companionship tore and cut Amber Knight

into a thousand pieces.

Jack’s guilt hit him hard as if he had fallen into a dark abyss of despair.

At dawn.

Jack, who hasn’t slept all night, finally put his phone down weakly.

His phone was still on the call interface. But, the automatic system response only reminded him that

her phone’s still shut down.

After vigorously rubbing his face, Jack silently got up and entered the bathroom to wash up.

In the dining room.

The aroma faintly drifted across the dining room.

But Mr. Ward, Brent, and Daisy Hill have no appetite.

The problem between Jack and Amber tugged their hearts along and made them worry.

“Mr. Hughes is here,” Daisy said all of a sudden.

Mr. Ward and Brent quickly stood up to welcome him.

“Let’s have breakfast.”

Jack calmly said.

Mr. Ward and Brent stared at each other.

Wasn’t this overly calm?

Jack didn’t look as gloomy as they expected. Thus, the words of comfort they prepared had no use as


But his calmness left both of their hearts hanging in their throats.

After sitting down.

Brent said, “Young master, Carlos Juan Yales and Rena Yales have already left.”

He had said it before in their encounter in Seawater Mountain. If anything happened to Jack and

Amber, he would go and find them.

Last night, he found out their residence through investigation and rushed over through the night.

However, when they arrived, they’d already left.

“Oh.” Jack drank his porridge.


Mr. Ward, Brent, and Daisy were all shocked.

Jack’s composed response was simply unusual in their eyes.

It was so unusual that all three of them were astonished.

“Young master…”

Mr. Ward slowly opened his mouth, but Jack interrupted him by raising his hand.

Jack wiped the corners of his mouth and calmly spoke, “Mr. Ward, make an arrangement. Today, we

are going to the North Jeweline Group.”


All three of them were shocked.

Daisy stuttered, “Don’t we need to find Ms. Amber?”

“Priorities first.”

Jack shook his head, “Amber left with her parents, so there won’t be any danger, but my dad still can’t

be guaranteed that he is safe at all times.”

Over the night, he had tried contacting Amber.

He was also thinking about what he should do next.

Amber left with her parents-in-law, thus, her safety was assured. Besides, Amber and her parents-in-

law were still angry. Even if he chased after them to the other side of the ocean, they still won’t see


On the contrary, his father was of immediate priority.

It was still a guess that his father was in the North Jeweline Group, but he needed to verify it as soon

as possible.

More importantly, he needed to make sure that his father was currently safe.

Even though his father told him before that he was safe, but the fact that the head of the Hughes familynovelbin

had been hiding his whereabouts, he might be apprehensive of something.

And whatever his father was anxious about may instantly pull him from safety and put him on the

border between life and death.

“I’ll go and arrange it for you.” Mr. Ward nodded.

Jack calmly said, “Brent, accompany me on this trip along with Mr. Ward.”

Brent nodded and went upstairs to pack up.

Then, he turned towards Daisy, “Ms. Hill, when we are not around, please help me contact Amber.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Hughes.” Daisy nodded.

After ten minutes.

The Rolls Royce then headed towards the Suburban Airport.

Along the way, Jack never stopped. He had a meeting through a video call to arrange some follow-up

work for DT Real Estate Agency to Corbin Koch and Lone Wolf.

There was still a lot of work to be done!

Romance could only be temporarily set aside.

Jack could still remember what his mother said before she left. That was… her last wish.

When they arrived at the airport, the three of them went straight into the VIP passage and boarded the

private jet.

Looking out the window at the sea of clouds, Jack asked in a low voice, “Mr. Ward, is there a Hughes

family office in the place where the North Jeweline Group is located?”


Mr. Ward shook his head, “The area in the North is too large. In addition to the lack of financial

resources, the Hughes family office only set up one in the major city. However, the area where the

Jeweline Group is located is simply a small town. That’s why it’s not necessary to set one there yet.”

“How small is it?”

Jack suddenly revealed a peculiar smile.

Mr. Ward pondered and answered, “Permanent residents are fewer than a million within and around the


“That’s really small.”

The smile on Jack’s face became bigger.

Mr. Ward was talking about the population in the whole city, which meant that the population of less

than a million included all within and around the city, and the suburbs under its jurisdiction.

It was really small!

“Young master, do you have any questions?” Mr. Ward felt a little weird.

Jack rubbed his nose, “Mountains are high, but because the emperor is far away, he could not keep

everything under control. A sparrow is small, but it has all its vital organs. If the Jeweline Group could

stand in such a small city, then it must be a local giant!”

Mr. Ward’s eyes suddenly lit up, and he understood something.

Without the office of the Hughes family, didn’t it mean that they were free from their monitoring in this


That was the key point!

After his senses came back, Mr. Ward was excited and slapped his head, “Oops! Why didn’t I think of

that crucial point at first?”

“Is it really there?”

Brent asked softly. He wasn’t as thoughtful as Jack and Mr. Ward.

However, to achieve the status as the head of soldiers, relying solely on the physique and fighting skills

was not enough. Intelligence was the most important of all.

“We’ll see.” Mr. Ward casually smirked.

Although there was no direct confirmation, the bright eyes and beating chest due to excitement seemed

to have explained it all.

It was around four o’clock in the afternoon when the plane landed at the airport.

Because the city where the Jeweline Group was located was so small that there wasn’t even an airport,

they decided to land in a major city nearby.

After spending half an hour, they were able to rent a Mercedes Benz G-Wagon and headed towards

the city where the Jeweline Group was located.

The road was filled with yellow sand all the way. There were only endless deserts next to the highway.

They saw a few speeding SUVs. But, compared to the wide road, the road appeared extremely cold

and deserted.

Fortunately, the sun set very late in the North.

Although it was already nine o’clock at night when they arrived at the town, the setting sun still hung

high up in the sky.

“Let’s find a place to settle in first.”

Jack was not in a hurry. Now that he’s here, it’s so much easier to go to the Jeweline Group.

Taking this opportunity, he could learn what the Jeweline Group was like from the general population!

The Jeweline Group was a corporation that existed in a remote town with a population of less than a

million. However, it was able to get a piece of the pie when the big companies fought in the stock


Then, the Jeweline Group might not be that simple locally!

Finally, the setting sun sank slowly.

Jack returned to the car after finding a hotel to keep their luggage.

Brent, who was driving the car, asked, “Young master, where are we going?”

Jack Hughes hesitated a little and said, “There should be a bar in this town, right?”

“A bar?” Mr. Ward was startled.

Immediately, upon realization, a smile emerged on his old face.

Brent, who was driving the car, also enthusiastically started the car.

Jack smiled and looked out of the car, “There’s no better place to gather information in than a bar.”

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