The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 429 So What If You’re The Ancestor In “Juan” Generation?
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Chapter 429 So What If You’re The Ancestor In “Juan” Generation?

At TM Villa District.

Jack stared at Amber’s clothes in the wardrobe.

He smiled helplessly, “So eager to leave that you didn’t even pack you stuff, huh?”

He rushed to the airport the first thing after he got the call from Brent.

Amber still took off before he reached the airport. And the thing was, she didn’t even left for home from

Seawater Mountain but left straight for the airport.

The scene at home and the luggage Steve and Rosie brought her were solid proof.

Knock knock.

Someone knocked on the door.

“Young master…”

Mr. Ward’s voice was heard from outside the door.

Jack rubbed his face and said with a low spirit, “Mr. Ward, can you leave me alone for now?”


Mr. Ward left.

In a daze, Jack looked at his wedding photo with Amber on the bedside cabinet with teary eyes.

He didn’t expect things would turn out like this just because of a misunderstanding.

Rena’s appearance was the cause of all this.

Jack felt like giving himself a slap in the face when he thought about how he hesitated and didn’t take

the chance to explain to Amber.

Maybe… this wouldn’t have happened had he been firm enough in handling the situation.

“Amber…” Jack was dispirited. Amber’s leaving left a hole in his heart that he felt so empty.

In a mansion at the suburb.

There was silence in the living room.

The tea on the teapoy was steaming.

Carlos and Rena were sitting on the sofa with mixed feelings which were shown on their faces.

Rena’s delicate face was dim, her hands squeezed together in restlessness.

Carlos had on a grave expression, seemed to be pondering something.

They were both at a loss after the encounter at Seawater Mountain.

Carlos wanted to explain things to Jack the first thing after the encounter, but Jack’s response implied

him what had happened.

This was what giving Carlos a hard time.

He spent so much effort trying to recruit Jack into Grand Freemasons. If this in anyway affected Jack’s

life, he had no doubt that Jack would cut ties with Grand Freemasons.

The fact Jack was an ancestor in “Juan” generation at Grand Freemasons, the title that was greatly

pedestalled, wouldn’t change anything at this point.

“Grandpa, let’s go to TM Villa District.”

A tiny hint of hope flashed across Rena’s eyes. She looked at Carlos with anticipation, “I should go

apologize no matter what since this happens all because of me.”

“All right. We have no choice but to do that since we cannot get in contact with Jack at the moment.”

Smiling forcefully, Carlos slowly got up with the help of his walking stick.

Knock knock knock…

Someone knocked at the door.

Carlos frowned. This was a century-old mansion they were staying in, which was nothing but a legacy.

Only a handful of people knew about this place.

“Is it Jack?”

Rena asked while raising her eyebrows. But she immediately deemed this hypothesis was ridiculous.

Jack should be extremely frantic at this moment.

He had no reason to visit.

“Rena, open the door.”

With the knock on the door growing more fierce and aggressive, Carlos said in a deep tone.

Rena got up and walked up to the door.

Sensing the force of the knocking, she frowned and involuntarily grabbed the miniature vase behind the


Grand Freemasons was a very well-established group, but it was impossible to not have some enemies

after its two-century-long period of operation.

The barbaric knock carried a hint of hostility.

The door was opened.

Rena was dumbstruck when she saw the person at the door.

The visitor straight up ignored Rena.

He entered the room with long strides.

Carlos was taken aback too.

With a grave face, the visitor walked up to Carlos.

“Are you happy now?”

Carlos smiled and shrugged, “It wasn’t our intention at all. This is all a pure misunderstanding.”

“But this was one hell of a misunderstanding!”

Boiling rage was oozing off the visitor’s raspy voice.novelbin

“Sir, we’ve already planned to visit TM Villa District and apologize in person,” Rena said hurriedly.


Twitching the corner of his mouth, the visitor gave off a wry chuckle, “You’re even shameless enough to

want to apologize in person?”


A burst of light flashed across the air.

With a “Bam”, a machete cut into the teapoy. The blade was vibrating, giving off a buzzing sound.

“How dare you!”

Rena was shocked and was about to go up against him.

Carlos face went dim, “Hold it, Rena!”

Calling off Rena, Carlos gave the visitor a long look with a calm expression, “You want to kill me

because of this? At the face of Grand Freemasons’ 3,600 subsidiaries?”

“Stop playing dumb. You know I’ve never been afraid of Grand Freemasons’3,600 subsidiaries!”

A grim chuckle sounded.

The next moment, the visitor stepped forward and flung his open palm.


A forceful slap landed on Carlos’ face.

The force was so great that made Carlos, who was already weak physically, lost his balance and fell

onto the sofa. His cheek immediately swelled up.

“How dare you hit my grandpa!”

Rena was furious. As the lieutenant of Grand Freemasons, she was not afraid of this man in front of


She held back a moment ago because of her grandfather’s order. But now that her grandfather had

been hit, she could hold it in any longer!

In the blink of an eye.

Rena dashed towards the visitor and was about to fling her fist at him.

The next moment.


Another flash of light in the air.

The machete that cut into the teapoy was now in the air with its tip at Rena’s throat.

In that moment.

Killing auras were shooting through the air in the room.

It was too quick!

Rena was completely stunned and froze on the spot.

Cold sweat rolled down her cheek from her temple.

Her throat was tense. She subconsciously felt like swallowing, but suppressed the desire to do so out

of fear.

Because she afraid with any slight motion at the throat, it would touch the tip of the blade.

“That’s enough, won’t you say? I’m the ancestor of the ‘Juan’ generation in Grand Freemasons, and I

let you slap me. She’s my granddaughter, why be so serious with a kid?”

Carlos got up wobbly. Even with his cheek swollen, his expression was calm as still water.

The “Juan” generation in Grand Freemasons, the almighty title that all 3,600 subsidiaries pedestalled.

If this incident was spread out, it would create chaos in not just the 3,600 subsidiaries.

But… the whole world!

“So what if you’re the ancestor of the ‘Juan’ generation?”

The visitor smirked and put down the machete he held at Rena’s throat.

The tone in his voice was filled with tyranny and complacency.

Rena was again completely stunned.

She looked at the visitor in horror.

No one had ever bad mouthed her grandfather like this!

But there was no slightest change in Carlos’ expression.

“You have the right to say that.”

Putting away the machete, the visitor calmly sat down on the sofa.

Completely ignoring Carlos and Rena, he drank up the tea on the teapoy.

Then, he got up and left.

With a cold voice, the sound of two words thundered and echoed in the mansion.

“Screw off!”

Until the visitor left.

Rena was still in a trance.

What happened just now had overthrown her impression of her grandfather as the almighty authority in

the Grand Freemasons.

After a few moments.

“Rena, pack up. Let’s go home,” Carlos said.

Rena trembled a little and looked at Carlos in horror, “Grandpa, who was that?”

Carlos forced a wry smile, “Oh, him? Just an immortal legend.”

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