The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 416 Put In The Long Haul
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Chapter 416 Put In The Long Haul

"Fuck! How could this be?"

Killian got up in a hurry. His complexion was dark to the extreme.

His sudden explosion made George and Ivy shocked.

Both of them were looking at Killian in shock, they had no idea what just happened.

They both knew Killian pretty well. They knew that it must have been something really big to make him

so emotional!

"I don't care what you have to do, but I want him dead!"


After hanging up the phone, Killian's eyes were extremely gloomy.

"Killian, what happened?"

George asked, voice trembling.

"Look at the market!"

Killian strode towards the room.

George and Ivy's faces turned pale at the same time.

Was there something wrong with the targeting?

They hurriedly followed Killian into the room.

Killian quickly turned on the computer and took a look at the market.


He slapped on the table, "Damn it, God damn it!"

George and Ivy also hurriedly looked closer, then they were stunned on the spot.

"How could this happen? It was fine when the market closed yesterday!"

George was irritated. He glared and pointed at the computer screen, "What happened so early this


Ivy said nothing while she was looking at Killian with a pale face.

Killian bit his cheek tightly, trying to suppress his anger. He uttered some words from in between his


"As soon as the market opened this morning, the Grand Freemasons decided to turn and support Yael,

and the small trash company which is Jeweline Group also turned to raise Yael!"

"The five companies that were against Yael have now become three, and the three capitals were

caught off guard by the Grand Freemasons. They were troubled by the Grand Freemasons. They

dropped by 10% in just one hour!"


His words exploded like thunder.

George and Ivy were completely dumbfounded.

A bit of cold rushed from the soles of their feet to their heads.

10% loss?

How much money was that?

Targeting Yael's tens of billions of his assets, the funds that had to be spent was definitely a high price.

And this 10% was calculated from this high price!

"Damn, are the Grand Freemasons pigs? Why did they have to do this when they have such a good

opportunity to earn a big profit?"

George almost jumped out of the wheelchair with anger. His face was pale, and he gritted his teeth,

"They suddenly decide to help Yael. Are they trying to fight us and make both sides lose?"

"The Grand Freemasons was originally an outsider who came into the market to make a profit, but now

suddenly they turned to help Yael, could it be that..."

Ivy who was still rational said with her pale face.

Killian and George were furious and shocked at the same time.

Killian was gloomy like a poisonous snake. He said coldly, "That bastard, where did he have so many

connections from the planet? Is he some kind of god that was sent to the earth?"

None of the three was stupid.

The Grand Freemasons suddenly changed their stand at this time. They only had to think about it a

little while to realize that Jack and the Grand Freemasons had reached some kind of agreement.

In an instant, the three were shocked and angry.

There were 3,600 associations of the Grand Freemasons and countless members in the whole world.

They were no different from wealthy families.

They were a giant, even if they were not better than the Hughes family, but the Hughes family had to

treat Grand Freemasons with care.

A bastard, a bastard that was just emerging, who was the one that asked the Grand Freemasons for


If Patrick had not disappeared, the three of them would not be as shocked as they were now.

With Patrick's status and skills, he could really do it if he wanted to ask the Grand Freemasons for help.

But now, Patrick was missing!

In the eyes of this trio, it was simply impossible for Jack to ask the Grand Freemasons for help!

Unless a miracle happened!

"Killian, can you think of a solution, what should we do now?"

George was so anxious as if there was a fire under his ass, and he couldn't calm down, "Three billion is

a small amount of money to us, but if we cannot make Jack in trouble, we are going to lose three

billion. I can't let this go. If Jack is going to get any profit while playing with fire, we will be on shame!"

Killian and Ivy's expressions froze.


This was a financial battle, and those who took action first won the battle.

The funds flowed quickly among people.

It was disgusting enough having to pay double the penalty.

If Jack took in all their paid penalties, what was his plan this time?

Contribute to the charity?

Rob himself to help the poor?

At this time.

Killian's phone rang again.

Killian was stunned when he saw the number.

He picked up hurriedly.novelbin

After only two seconds, he put the phone down again.

Killian smiled sadly, "It was a call from the Rothschild."

"What did they say?"

George asked impatiently.


Killian angrily threw the phone to the ground, which was smashed into pieces.

With a raging chill, he said , "The game is over, they have withdrawn their money from the market!"

On the spot.

There was dead silence in the room.

George and Ivy were completely dumbfounded.

If the Rothschild's funds were withdrawn, wouldn't it be 2 vs. 3?

If it was only the other two capitals, the three of them could still find a way.

But the Rothschild was different, they entered the market only because of favor to Killian.

Now that they have withdrawn their money from the market. The favor was used, and there was

nothing they could do!

"So we are just going to wait for death like this?" George's expression became a little dazed, and he

looked at Killian and Ivy with a sad smile, "Wait for Jack and Yael to come back and show off to us?"

"Then what do you suggest?"

Killian glared at George.

The defection of the Grand Freemasons made him angry, and now with the Rothschild backing off, his

original plan could not run completely.

The possibility of overthrowing Jack was now very slim!

"How about... we raise?" Ivy suddenly proposed.

Killian smiled bitterly, "Do you think the Zooko Investment and the Seava Capital are our kids? If you

say raise, then they will do so? They won't put all their money to fight with Jack!"

Just as he said that.

George glanced at the computer screen casually and suddenly screamed out loud.

"Killian, Ivy, something changed! It looks like we won't lose yet!"

Killian and Ivy took a closer look and they were overjoyed.

"It must be the two capitals that are raising their money." Ivy reacted instantly, "If the Grand

Freemasons hasn't helped on a deeper level, the two capitals still have a chance to fight with Yael."

"It soothes us a lot. But, now that the situation has become better for us, we can also discuss a raise

with the two capitals."

Killian had a look in his eyes, and said, "How about an additional two billion?"

"Five billion! If you want to play, play big! Ivy is right. It seems that the Grand Freemasons didn't put in

a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't be reversed by the two capitals so quickly." George grinned.

"I agree." Ivy echoed.

On the other side.

In the DT Real Estate.

Jack looked at the WeChat message sent by Amber, and couldn't help showing a pleasing smile.

He glanced at the stock market.

The smile on his face turned bigger.

His phone rang and it was Yael.

Jack answered and Yael was saying something happily.

"Jack, the bait was released."

Jack smiled, his eyes were sharp, "Let's put in the long haul. If you want to eat me, you will have to spit

it all out again, and they even have to return something to me!"

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