The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 415 The Person Behind
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Chapter 415 The Person Behind

Mr. Ward's dark eyes suddenly looked shining.

He quickly went around and behind Jack to look at what he was pointing at.

Even Jack's eyes were turning fierce.

The information was kept short, if he hadn't read every single word and sentence carefully, he wouldn't

have noticed it.

Especially since this information seemed more than just normal.

The content was that the Jeweline Group was once a subsidiary company of the Hughes family, and

they had cooperated on a mine, the time was limited for one year, in the end the contract was ended

because the amount of coal was too less.

"One year, this is actually a normal cooperation time." Mr. Ward frowned.

Just looking at the words, this line didn't seem important.

But Jack smiled and said, "It indeed is, it even couldn't be called as a good cooperation, but now that

the Jeweline Group stepped in the situation, don't you think that the meaning of this information


Mr. Ward's complexion darkened, he still didn't understand.

"Young Master, maybe you are overthinking it?"

Jack wasn't in a hurry, and said, "They are a small company, where would they have the money to join

into the issue with Yael? And where did they get their courage to do something that even you wouldn't

dare to?"

As he said so, he pointed at the line on the document again.

"If we take this cooperation as the starting point, and pretend this was the situation, and now let’s try to

think about what the Jeweline Group is doing?"

Mr. Ward trembled, with his experience, he suddenly understood everything after Jack had put down

his hypothesis, and there was only one possibility.

"Old master?"

Mr. Ward said immediately.

Jack smiled openly, and said with deep eyes, "Maybe after things calm down with Yael, we should take

a trip to the North."

If they took on the idea that the Jeweline Group could be connected to the Hughes family.

Then the disappearance of his father.

If the Jeweline Group was by itself, Jack wouldn't believe that they dared to do something like that.

But if his father was part of it, with what he could do, this wasn't that strange anymore.

"Right, right right, we should, definitely!"

Mr. Ward's eyes were brightening up, when he saw Jack's eyes, he was even more surprised, "Young

Master, your idea makes sense, if this really is what old Master was doing, then all this seems to be

coming natural, even if there is a 1% chance, we should go to the North."

"As long as we can find old Master, as long as we have his shelter, Young Master, you won't be

constrained everywhere, and you can actually get rid of the situation you are in right now."

Jack's eyes were deep, his lips curled into a smile.

If he could find his father, maybe he could find out what his disappearance was about.

At the same time, in the Hughes family.

In a small yard.

The water was flowing.

George, Killian and Ivy were gathered together.

"This time, that bastard Jack won't be able to turn around again!"

George was sitting in the wheelchair, and said proudly, "Why don't we add some more bargaining chips

to make him lose for all?"

"Three billion, is that not enough?"

Killian raised his brows and said, "George, you only know obtrusion, do you have any idea what it had

cost us just to pull Zooko and Seava in? And with the Rothschild, I have used up every favor that I still

had with them."

Money had worth, while favors didn't.

But even within wealthy families, a favor had to be returned, everyone would remember it.

"Right, George, Killian is right, we want to take down the finance company of Jack, we have already put

in three billion to do so, when Zooko and Seava will do their action, they will have to put in their part, if

we add on it, they won't do it for us anymore."

Ivy's face was cold, "Killian has used up his only favor with the Rothschild, if we put in more, they won't

talk to us again."

"If it's not possible then fine, with what we are doing right now, even if that father murderer from the

Quinn family is helping the bastard, he won't be able to stand long."

George laughed with pride, but his eyes were lush, filled with hatred as he looked down on his legs.

An injury on the bones and ligaments took 100 days to heal, but until now, he was still in the


And, it was the second time already!

"This time even God is helping us, it was only three forces that were going to help attacking that

bastard, who knew that Grand Freemasons would join in, they probably also want their share from it,

but what the Jeweline Group from the North did was really interesting, I guess since the prey was

already caught by the wolves, they also want to have a piece of meat."

George leaned back in his wheelchair, "These days, Jack must be really worried about this, that Yael

has nothing that he could do to help, I haven't even looked at the market today."

"I haven't either."

"Me neither."

Killian and Ivy looked at each other and smiled.

The end was already written, the story did draw in their attention for two days, but now that they

already know the ending, it wasn't as interesting anymore.

"But, won't we make the ancestors mad with what we are doing?"

The girl was more sensitive, Ivy said in a small voice, "He is still one of the heirs?"

Because of what happened last time, she was the one that had the worst luck within the three of them,

she lost her foundation in the entertainment world, and she had no hope to be the head of the family innovelbin

a year.

If she wasn't careful, she would even lose what she had left.

"Pff, did you grow up in fear?"

George shrugged his shoulders, "Grandma and the others are busy trying to find the head of the family,

we are doing everything under cover, they would never find out, and even if they do, Grandma and the

others would probably praise us, don't forget that he is a bastard, if the head wasn't protecting him, he

wouldn't be anybody at all."

The three of them were going about secretly, so secret that only the three of them and those three

forces knew.

Killian nodded and added, "Stop worrying, this is us heirs fighting each other, we haven't gone against

any of the house rules, and plus, that bastard is allowed to, why aren't we?"

"You are right!"

George laughed and nodded, then his eyes were fierce, and he bit his teeth and said, "Ivy, you and I

are not going to be the head of the family anymore, but Killian might, so if we can fight off Jack, then

we can help Killian to be the heir, when he is the head of the family, both you and me would have a

good life."

Ivy's eyes were shining.

She agreed with George and nodded, "Right, anyone in the Hughes family can be the head, but not

Jack, we have to ruin his finance company, then it would be like breaking one of his arms, then he can

wait for his death."

When the other's heard that, they all started laughing.

Killian's face was blushed, and he was filled with pride.

He was scheming it all, he was the outstanding one within the elite kids of the Hughes family, and even

this time, he was making the plans.

Just as Ivy said, anyone could be the next head of the family, even if it was not going to be him, he

couldn't allow that bastard to be the head.

However, his phone suddenly rang.

Killian picked up the call, and his face immediately changed.

There was no trace of his pride, all that was left was endless gloom.

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