The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 410 The Juan Generation
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Chapter 410 The Juan Generation

There was a sudden, thunderous roar.

It caused the originally turbulent courtyard to come to an abrupt stop.

Rena stopped walking and stomped in a compliant manner, “Grandpa! He punched me till I spat blood.

Can’t I even hit him back?”


Jack’s gaze averted to the villa.

The door to the villa opened, revealing an old master donned in a black Tang suit. With a cane in one

hand to support him, he slowly approached the courtyard.

He was as thin as a stick, and he even had a hunched back. He was walking slowly with a cane, his

face covered with deep lines and age spots, and his hair was grey. He was a man weighed down by old


However, his eyes were exceptionally bright and full of energy.

With a gentle smile on his face, he looked just like any other grandfathers out there.

As Rena Yales’ grandfather, he couldn’t be just like other grandfathers in the neighbourhood.

Jack looked at the old master, unable to help himself, and showed a solemn expression.

“Mr. Jack, I am Carlos Juan Yales.”

The old master smiled gently and bowed a little as he greeted Jack.

Jack did not say any words in response.

Rena, who was watching from the side, had been initially already mad, but upon seeing this scene, she

felt as if she was about to explode from anger.

Good Lord! What kind of status did this man have?

Rena’s grandfather greeted him, but he was in a position high enough to ignore him. How could it be?

Rena couldn’t help reprimanding him, “Hey! Jack Hughes, where are your manners? My grandpa is

greeting to you, don’t you know how to reply to him? You need to know that no one in the Grand

Freemasons dares to treat my grandpa like this !”

“I am not in the Grand Freemasons.” Jack sneered.


Rena, who was annoyed, stomped her feet, “Then don’t you know that you should respect the old and

cherish the young?“


Jack gave her an indifferent smirk.

Rena was burning with fury at this point.

It felt like she was a bomb, and Jack was the wire that could make her explode any time.

This man was so infuriating!

“Rena! Enough!”

Carlos’s expression darkened, and he threw a sideways glance at Rena.

Soon after, a warm and gentle smile appeared on his face again as he invited Jack into the villa, “We

prepared some tea. Mr. Jack, let us go inside and have a chat.”

Jack did not move.

He did not know what can be chatted with the two people in front of him.

Rena raised her brows and provoked him, “Then? Are you afraid that we have hundreds of assassins

inside ready to ambush you? And kill you as you walk through the door?”

“I’m afraid of being eaten alive by you.”

Jack replied coldly and strode with big steps, overtaking Carlos, and walked towards the villa.

Rena furrowed her brows and gritted her teeth.

When she saw that Carlos was following Jack behind, she walked quickly to him and stopped him .

“Grandpa, this guy is too rude! Why are you still so nice to him?”

“Rude? I heard all of your flirtatious words from earlier clearly.”

Carlos gave her a sideways glance, “You little girl, I asked you to invite him, but just because you think

he is charming, you flirted with him. You deserved to be punched!”

Rena was speechless at his response.

She gritted her teeth in dissatisfaction, “Grandpa, I am just a girl here, and I am even your

granddaughter. How could you be on his side?”

“Gender doesn’t matter when it comes to being deviant.”

Carlos looked at Rena with a deep, meaningful gaze, let out an odd chuckle before he followed behind


Rena remained rooted on her spot and gritted her teeth in anger.

Who was being deviant?

It was Rena’s first time flirting with someone else, and her grandfather said that she was a deviant?

Oh god! Who was his real grandchild here?

The villa was spacious.

It wasn’t extravagant, but it had a sense of history.

The furnishings and the layout of the place was based on the style from nearly a century ago.

However, what made Jack uncomfortable was the fact that there was a huge incense table in the living

room of the villa.

On the incense table, there were some tributes. The censer was burning, releasing a fragrant smell and

smoke at the same time.

A memorial tablet was placed right in the centre of the table.

Whereas on the wall behind, hung three monochrome portraits.

This traditional design was incompatible with the entire style of the villa.

Carlos, who entered soon after, noticed Jack looking at the incense table and the portraits.

He explained gently, “Mr. Jack, these three men are the early founders of the Grand Freemasons. They

were also the forefathers.”


Jack nodded his head, turned, and headed into the living room. He took a seat on the couch.novelbin

After Carlos finished his words, he prepared to continue with his introduction.

But Jack’s action made him froze and swallowed all the words he wanted to say and take them back

into his throat.

“Grandpa, I told you, he wouldn’t accept your kindness.”

Rena whined and blamed him.

“Don’t be rude.”

Carlos gave her a sideways glance, scaring Rena as she shrunk her neck and stuck out her tongue.

After they took their seats, Carlos told Rena, “Make a cup of tea for Mr. Jack.”

Although Rena was unwilling to do it, she did not dare to disobey her grandfather and silently pour a

cup of tea for Jack before she moved and stood by their side.

But then.

Carlos turned to Rena with a stern expression, “Where are your manners? You were wrong at first.

Don’t you think you need to serve Mr. Jack tea and apologize?”

“Serve him tea and apologize?”

Rena was shocked, then her lips moved, uttering, “Grandpa, didn’t you…”

“Serve him tea and apologize!”

Carlos bellowed sternly and interrupted Rena.

Without a choice, she could only purse her lips, picked up the teacup in a grievance, and served it to


Jack took the cup from her and placed it back down on the table.

He did not have the patience to wait anymore and went straight to the main point.

“So, why do the both of you want to meet me?”

“Mr. Jack, you’re indeed straightforward!”

Carlos let out a laugh. After composing himself, he said slowly, “Actually, I brought my granddaughter

specially back to the country for you, Mr. Jack.”

He paused for a moment, then added, “Surely, as the senior in the Grand Freemasons, I should be the

one coming to meet you as to not degrade your status.”

His words managed to show his status and flatter Jack at the same time.

However, Jack was not interested at all.

And he did not have a good feeling about the two people in front of him as well.

If there was, then it could only be when he first met Lyndall Long. That time, he was indeed amused.

But annoyance and impatience were everything he felt towards them now.

Jack took a good look at Carlos, “Yeah, it’s pretty obvious that you’re the senior there.”

Carlos’ expression froze.

Rena, who was by his side, exploded in an instant.

“Jack Hughes! Who do you think you are talking to? Do you know who my grandfather is?”

She couldn’t care about her image anymore and started to scream at Jack, “There are 24 generation

names in the Grand Freemasons. My grandpa’s generation name is Juan, and among all the

generations, my grandpa is considered the seniors of the seniors. Even the Mafia Boss of the

association now has to greet my grandfather politely when they meet.”

“In the association, my grandfather is considered as the forefather, and everyone needs to show their

respect for him. How dare you treat him with such a terrible manner?”

Her words came out too fast, and Carlos was too slow to stop her.

Jack’s gaze was cold. He raised his head and looked at Rena without any expression on his face.

She gritted her teeth, “My grandfather deliberately lowered himself just to flatter you, but what did you

do? Who do you think you are?”

Jack found the situation funny.

He mocked, “Your grandfather is the forefather of the Grand Freemasons. I am not part of that

association, so do you think there’s any difference between him and another old man on the street to


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