The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 409 How Could You Show no Regard to Mr. Hughes?
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Chapter 409 How Could You Show no Regard to Mr. Hughes?

In the yard,.

The wind in autumn was soughing.

Scarlet leaves rustled in the breeze.

The murderous atmosphere was imperceptibly filled the air.

Jack arched his body to a combat posture as if a strong bow waiting to be shot.

His cold eyes targeted at Rena Yales who was sitting on top of the car.

Facing Jack, her hussy smile disappeared out of the way, even a trace of anger that was flaring up just

now melted away.

“Do you think that I’m a frivolous woman?


Jack responded coldly.

Rena Yales slightly frowned her brows. Slowly getting up, but she lay on the roof instead.

The posture was extremely bizarre.

“Then fight!”

As Rena Yales shouted out, her arms and feet jerked on the roof, in a flash she was just like a hunting

cheetah straightly pounced towards Jack.

Jack focused his gaze, without evading, he shook his fist right to her. The punch brought a drive of

fierce winds.

In a split second, Rena Yales sank her body and survived from Jack’s punch.


Jack’s face turned pale.

Before pulling back his fist, he could feel a blast of air blowing under him, out of the corner of his eye,

Rena Yales was moving briskly, she turned to Jack’s back fast with a quick movement around his waist.

At the same time.


A sound of tearing could be heard suddenly.

Jack moved sideways instinctively, looking down, and he saw the clothes around his waist was torn

apart, upon his abdominal muscles, there were three red wounds, blood oozing out, flesh flipping out.

Such a sharp hand?!

Jack was shocked, he glanced at Rena.

Rena did not further attack him after the hit.

Instead, she remained in place seeming like showing off. With Jack’s gaze, she gently threw the few

pieces of fabric to the ground, stuck out her carmine tongue, and licked up the remaining blood on her


Slowly putting her forefinger into her mouth, she sipped it gently.

“Mr. Hughes’ flesh is truly delicious as expected,” she seductively said.

This scenery was extremely tantalizing as if the slender finger meant something.

But Jack looked extremely cold. Facing Rena’s “provocation”, he spoke in a cold voice, “Aren’t you

afraid that I’m a carrier of HIV?”

Rena was speechless.

The right forefinger in her mouth froze up, like an electric shock, she took it out in an instant.

“Why are you so filthy?” Rena yelled.

Jack sneered, “Just a kind reminder to you, girls away from home need to have self-regard, don’t

simply suck something else.”


Rena’s glorious face expression hardened in a sudden.

She rushed out with anger. In a second, she lifted her right foot with mud flew in the air, moving straight

towards Jack like an arrow that flies out of the spring.

Jack looked serious and a dignified sense could be seen from his eyebrow.

He didn’t take Rena seriously just now, which caused the successful attack by Rena, he

underestimated Rena the “Lieutenant” with too much self confidence.

Jack had a new impression on Rena now after the first battle.

Now he became more serious when facing Rena, dared not be reckless.

Grand Freemasons, which had thrived for over two hundred years, definitely none o the Lieutenant

could rise to an upper position with just their beautiful face.


Rena’s right hand caused a gust of strong wind, heading straight to Jack’s face.

Jack didn’t dodge, he moved his body to confront her attack directly, and swung with both fists with

strong strength.

Defeating the weakness of the enemy with ones’ particular strength, seeking the right chance, finishing

it with just one attack, this was the exact key point in real fighting.

Under hardcore training from Brent and self persistent practices, Jack’s body had surpassed most of

the ordinary people, he was trained to an exclusive strong body already.

Rena Yales was a Lieutenant, but she was also a woman after all.

Men vs women, if men’s strength was wasted , could they have to use any other skills to win women

when in a battle?

Jack’s strike was very fast, and it was barely seen clearly from other’s view.

With heavy strike and kick towards Rena, Jack’s speed was as fast as the thunder.

Just as Jack expected, Rena was also quick, but eventually, she lost on physical strength. Compared

to heavy punches, her skills had no chance to show, she could only struggle to cope with it.


With a fist landed, Rena staggered backward.

Her beautiful yet cold face suddenly flushed.

Rena got to open her mouth and exhaled a heavy breath only after holding back for a second. She

nearly lost her breath with the strike just now!

“So, is that all you got?”

Jack relaxed his shoulders and smirked, “Aren’t you powerful? I was just warming up, ”

Warming up?

Rena’s brows knitted together, she felt a deep humiliation!

As one of the Lieutenants of Grand Freemasons, she won the status with her skills in long term battles.

And now she was treated as … warming up?

“Very well, I was also warming up.” Rena raised her brow stubbornly and smiled.

Before she could finish her words, she dashed at an unprecedented speed, heading straight toward


“Huh?!” Jack was shocked.

All of a sudden she’d changed her style?

Previously Rena’s style was feminine and mostly with agile skills.

But now she became tougher.

In a flash, Rena dashed toward Jack’s side.

“Dragon Suppressing Palm! ”


Jack could feel a buzz ringing through his ears. Within his sight, Rena’s right fist was attacking in an

overwhelming vigor.

In an instant, Jack turned serious, without evading, his right fist threw out.

The advantage of his physical strength had given confidence to his attack.


A loud sound was heard.

As soon as both fists smacked together, Jack’s eyes widened with shock.

He could sense a formidable force passing through from his arm to his shoulder blades, the vibrations

even caused his joints to be paralyzed.

In this shocking moment, the buzzing sound rang again.


Once again, Rena raised her left fist towards Jack.

Jack turned serious suddenly, he shouted out loud further with a left fist smacking out.


The feeling of palsy struck again.

Rena suddenly showed a devil smile, “As a dignified man, you’re a failure. ”

Jack, who was in shock, immediately burst into anger.

He bent over his body, following with a furious roar, he attacked Rena with his vigorously wide


Rena’s beautiful face went shocked.

At this critical moment.

She raised her arms, “Light Lever Strong!”


Jack’s shoulder hit Rena’s palms severely

Both of the two stepped back at the same time.

After stabilizing his figure, Jack frowned. He shook his arms instinctively to scatter the numbness over


On the other side, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of her lips, her hands lying beside her body,novelbin

she was trembling.

She looked at Jack, she was not like before, who thought Jack was weak, but she looked more


“Your strength is truly mighty!”

A fierce battle intent could be seen from Rena’s eyes, “Nobody could force me to defend with Taiji

before I perform Dragon Suppressing Palm, you…made me fascinated.”

In a short moment.

Rena’s strong aura rose, her killing intent became strong in an instant.

Just when she took one step out.

A spatter of applause echoed in the yard.

Meanwhile, a voice sounded out.

“Stop it Rena, How could you show no regard to Mr. Hughes?”

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