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Chapter 366 Control

The night was as cold as water.

Mr. Ward and Brent finally returned to the Four Impressions Club.

Jack did not wake Amber who was still sleeping, and quietly signaled Mr. Ward and Brent to walk into

the yard.

From beginning to end, both Mr. Ward and Brent's faces were full of gloom, extremely solemn.

"Tell me what happened."

After they seated, Jack asked calmly.

Mr. Ward and Brent looked at each other, and then Mr. Ward spoke slowly.

The more Jack heard, the more he was frowning.

There were no ups and downs, no bloody fights.

To be precise, when Mr. Ward and Brent brought the security team back to the Hughes house, the

assassination was already over.

The murderer was shot dead by the Hughes family's security personnel, but his father was missing.

There was nothing remarkable, as if it was an ordinary assassination that couldn't be more ordinary.

But in such an ordinary assassination, his father got lost within the Hughes house.

After listening to them, Jack let out a breath, "Have you even looked for my dad?"

"We did, Young Master." Mr. Ward's old eyes were filled with doubts, "The Hughes family had checked

all the locations, but there was no trace of the old Master."

Brent also added, "Yes, when we arrived, the assassination was actually over. The Hughes family,

including Madame Hughes, had already sent a large number of servants and security personnel to

search, but the old Master was missing. There was no clue."

After a pause, Brent said, "Besides, there was only one assassin and no accomplices."

"Interesting." Jack sneered, his eyes flashing coldly.

Mr. Ward and Brent also frowned.

This assassination was incredible.

Patrick's disappearance was incredible.

"Was there anything unusual about Madame Hughes?" Jack asked suddenly, raising his eyebrows.


Mr. Ward shook his head, "The Hughes family is now a mess. Madame Hughes is more anxious than

anyone else. The old Master is missing. The Hughes family is now without a leader. This matter was

suppressed by Madame Hughes herself. If it gets out, it won't be favorable for the Hughes family."

The Hughes family dominated the world's wealthy ones, standing high in the clouds overlooking all


Even the wealthy families were no different than ants in the eyes of the Hughes family.novelbin

The head of the family disappeared so suddenly. Once it got out, it will definitely cause turmoil within

their territory, and even make news in the world.

The Hughes family didn't dare to bear such a price!

Jack wrinkled his brows tightly, his mind seemed to be in a mess.

The disappearance of his father was indeed fortunate while being in an unfortunate situation, at least

they could temporarily prove that he was all right.

But he was missing, this was still not good news.

The only thing he could be sure of was that the person who assassinated his father and the person

who helped to assassinate him were the same, or the same power.

Otherwise, they had no clue!

"Young Master, rest assured for the time being."

Mr. Ward reminded softly, "The Hughes family will try their best to find the old Master. The head of the

family is missing is making them more anxious than anyone else. Not only will they lose face but it will

also affect the big interests. The most urgent matter, Young Master, is still the one year limit."

"Thanks for your hard work, go and rest."

Jack nodded, and managed to squeeze a smile.

While looking at Mr. Ward and Brent returning to the house, he felt helpless.

Scratching his head irritably, Jack tried to suppress his messy thoughts.

Now all he could do was to pray that this matter was not a conspiracy controlled by the insiders of the

Hughes family.

He was about to get up when he received phone call.

Ciara was calling!

During the horror of the assassination mission, the Vaughn and Wattson families helped a lot. Simply

trying to suppressing the mission to get out of the dark web and into the internet took a lot of effort.

Now that the dust had settled, Jack was also grateful to the Vaughn and Wattson families.

After answering the phone, Ciara laughed and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Hughes, you are out of


Jack smiled slightly, he actually liked Ciara's character and style of doing things.

At least, since the Vaughn and Wattson family came to draw him on their sides, he was on Ciara's side.

"Thanks to you, I haven't even had the time to say thank you." Jack said.

"It's not a big deal, no need to mention it."

Ciara said calm like ice, the same as she was usually, "There is something now that requires you to

come forward."


Jack did not hesitate. Since Ciara asked him for help, it must be about their cooperative company.

Otherwise, ordinary things could be easily solved with the energy of the Wattson Family in the capital

city, and he wouldn't be bothered about it.

"In three days there will be a small-scale film industry exchange meeting held in the capital city. Both

the Wattson family and the Vaughn family hope that you can come and participate."

Ciara paused and added another sentence, "Of course, one reason is because Mr. Hughes has a

cooperative relationship with us, and the other is... the Burton family will come!"

Jack suddenly said, "You are helping the Burton family to pull the enemy over, reminding them not to

choose the wrong person for revenge?"

"No. No, you are going to take control of the situation." Ciara said with a smile.

Jack didn't refuse either, instead he agreed.

Jack and the Vaughn and Wattson families were already allies on the same boat, and he had no reason

to refuse.

Moreover, the foundation of the Burton family was not in the entertainment industry at all, but they still

went to participate in the film industry meeting, Ciara specifically called him, it was obvious that the

Burton family has some bad plans.

After all, the idiots of the Burton family still didn't figure out who killed the old Master Burton, and they

had suffered a huge loss because of the assassination mission of the Assassin Squad.

Their old hatred mixed with the new ones, the Burton family were about to explode.

"Burton family, you are really a bunch of idiots, you are messing it all up, old Burton would turn over in

his grave if he knew about this."

Jack rubbed his nose and sneered.

Two days later.

Everything was calm.

The assassination crisis passed.

Jack also made all his company's industries run.

The only thing he cared about was his father's matter.

For two days, after the Hughes family tried their best to search, there was still no clue.

As if his father really disappeared into thin air.

This incident was like a thorn, piercing Jack's heart fiercely, it made him still unable to rest assured.

With a blink of an eye.

It was the time he agreed with Ciara.

In the morning.

Jack took a private plane to the capital city.

When he arrived and left the airport, Ciara had arranged a car to wait for him.

After getting on the car, they went to the hotel that Ciara booked for him.

Jack looked at Yael next to him, "You are in charge companies that are worth tens of billions. Shouldn't

you be in the company at this time? Why did you come with us?"

"This is the film industry exchange conference, there must be a lot of female stars present, I am going

to feast my eyes!" Yael blinked with a smile on his face.

Jack rubbed his nose, "Oh, I thought you came to see Vinna."

The smile on Yael's face froze, he laughed and said, "How could I, she isn't as pretty as those stars."

"Yael, look at the sky in the capital city, it's filled with dark clouds, there might be a storm." Mr. Ward

said meaningfully, "Are you not afraid of being struck by lightning if you lie like this?"

Yael scratched his neck and was about to fight back.


There was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky covered by dark clouds.

Yael drew in his head in fear and closed his mouth.

And Jack turned his head and looked at the sky at the same time.

The dark clouds loomed over the top, layer upon layer, covering the entire sky in the city.

Even it was only morning, it seemed like darkness was falling upon them.

He rubbed his nose, "The weather changes fast here, only the Burton family is still standing still."

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