The Born Winner (Jack and Katherine)

Chapter 365 Unbelievable Disappearance
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Chapter 365 Unbelievable Disappearance

This night, it was supposed to be a noisy and joyful night in the bamboo forest courtyard, but instead it

was immersed in a nervous atmosphere.

The air seemed to be freezing.

Jack stayed up all night.

As if he was lost, he still sat in a daze on the chair in the hall, the nails on his hands had long been

nibbled to the skin.

Amber and Yael and the others had been by his side.

Mr. Ward and Brent, who hurriedly led the security team away, there has been no news.

The sky brightened as daytime came around.

Jack's cell phone rang suddenly.

The ring tone reverberated.

It instantly refreshed everyone's spirits.

It was from Mr. Ward.

Jack hurriedly connected the line.

"Mr. Ward, how is my dad?" Jack asked hurriedly.

On the other side of the line, Mr. Ward was silent for a few seconds.

Then he said slowly, "Young Master, me and Brent are already on our way back."

What kind of answer was this?

Jack immediately became anxious, "I was asking you, how is my dad?"

The sudden voice made Amber's hearts sink.

Obviously, the situation was not optimistic!

On the phone, Mr. Ward was silent for a few more seconds.

Finally, he sighed and slowly said, "The old Master is missing."


The low and sad voice was like thunder in the sky.

Jack stood as if he was frozen on the spot, his eyes widened and his face filled of shock.

Seeing that something was wrong, Amber hurriedly took the phone from Jack, turned on the speaker

and asked Mr. Ward again.

When Mr. Ward's low and sad voice came out of the phone, Amber, Yael and others were all stunned.

Everyone looked erratic and couldn't believe it.

In the phone, Mr. Ward's low voice spoke, "But Young Master and Miss, you shouldn't worry. According

to the current information, the old Master should be fine, he is just missing."

With that, the doubts of Amber and the others deepened.

Jack suddenly felt that it was a little funny.

The murder happened in the Hughes family even though it was heavily guarded.

But the final result was actually that the his dad was missing?

It was not that he thought his father should be in trouble, but that the result was too absurd!

After the Ghost's assassination, the Hughes family had raised their security level to the top. Even if

there was no security team to protect him, the security level could definitely be called the best among

the wealthy families.

Someone assaulted to kill his father and obtained his phone.

In this case, the best result was that his father could successfully be rescued and the assassin was

shot dead on the spot.

Otherwise, it could be the worst result.

However, what was happening now has been such an absurd result that is almost impossible.

The head of the family was attacked in the Hughes home, and now he was even lost in the Hughes


"Where is the killer?" Jack asked.

"He has been shot dead on the spot." Mr. Ward said.novelbin

Jack smiled, but there was endless coldness on Jack's face, "Then there is no proof?"

After a few seconds of silence, Mr. Ward slowly said, "This is kind of a good result. The old Master is

just missing and there is no danger to his life. The Hughes family is already looking for him."

"I guess you are right."

Jack nodded, and after hanging up the phone, his eyes became extremely deep.

"I think it's weird."

Yael suddenly rubbed his chin and said, "Since the murderer has been killed, it is impossible for your

father to disappear in the Hughes Mansion."

Amber, Daisy, and Lone Wolf also nodded in agreement.

The murderer was killed, the crisis was resolved, and under heavy protection, Patrick couldn't simply


"Maybe the murderer is more than one person, he has a helper who took the head of the Hughes

family?" Lone Wolf said suddenly.

Daisy shook her head, "With the security level of the Hughes family and the geographical location, after

the crisis was resolved, no matter how many helpers the murderer had, it is impossible to take the

Hughes family head."

"Anyway, Dad is out of danger after all, isn't he?"

Seeing Jack's thoughts, Amber comforted him, "If he's just missing, with the power of the Hughes

family, they will get him back soon."

Jack glanced at Amber.

Then he smiled freely.

The huge rock in his heart finally dropped.

Indeed, a disappearance was much better than being assassinated by the killer.

Jack patted his knees with both hands, stood up and stretched.

"You have all stayed up all night, let's take a rest."

After speaking, he helped Amber into the bedroom.

Yael, Daisy, Lone Wolf and Amelia who were left behind looked at each other.

"Why do I feel that Jack's reaction is a little weird?" Amelia thoughtfully.

Yael rolled his eyes and chuckled, "His father is just missing, he is safe and sound, so the worry is

gone. Let's go, we've stayed up the night, and go to rest."

In the bedroom.

Jack and Amber laid on the bed hugging each other.

Thick curtains blocked out the sunlight.

It was just the two of them, but they were not sleepy.

Jack looked at the ceiling, the thoughts were written deep in his eyes.

And Amber laid in Jack's arms, also thinking.

After a long while.

Amber suddenly said, "Hubby, I'm sorry."

Jack recovered, knowing that Amber was talking about what happened last night.

He smiled, "There's nothing to apologize for, you were right to do that. I was really too impulsive at the


He scraped Amber's nose affectionately.

"When I went to the Hughes family, I guess it would have been of no help to father, but it would make

the situation even more complicated. Madame Hughes, they all regard me as a thorn in the eye and a

thorn in the flesh."

Amber looked at Jack, lost for a while.

"Why don't you want me to apologize? I really shouldn't have hit you."

Why was she holding on to that?

Jack was speechless and stared at Amber earnestly, "You don't have to apologize to me. No matter

what you do to me, I am willing to take it. If you really want to talk about apologies, you had waited for

me for three years and came back to me when I was the most poor. There aren't enough words for me

to apologize to you."

Amber's eyes flickered, and it seemed as if there were stars blinking in her eyes.

A few seconds later, she said slowly, "But you have to promise me that you won't be impulsive in the

future. You are going to be a father."


Jack froze.

Amber's words instantly gave him another sense of responsibility - the responsibility of being a father!

In a daze, he understood the deep reason why his father chose to leave.

"Okay, I promise you." Jack nodded in response.

Under Jack's comfort, Amber quickly fell asleep.

Jack was not sleepy, he was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

The disappearance of his father was strange.

Was this accidental or planned?

The head of the Hughes family, he disappeared when he was not even in danger, even under the strict

supervision of the top security level.

He didn't believe it!

Maybe... only when Mr. Ward and Brent came back he could ask for the specifics, then he could judge

the situation.

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