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Chapter 96

Chapter 199


The room was beautiful to say the least and the bed was massive but I took note of a large chaiselounge by the corner. It seemed like a good place to sleep. I was sure I could get my hands onsome extra blankets if it proved to be uncomfortable. Ryker led me towards a large wardrobe and Istared blankly at the clothes in there.

“I don’t know the last thing about royal fashion,” I began slowly. “Do you think Christine can help meor something?”

“Christine is dealing with the elders right now. I don’t know if your wall is up but they have beenmind linking me non–stop,” I cursed. “I can help you if you want. I think I know enough to be able topick a decent outfit.”

“Will you help me put it on as well?“my cheeks heated as I asked those words. It was clear he hadseen me n*ked before. We had two children but that didn’t mean I wasn’t uncomfortable andapprehensive at the idea.

“I can direct you on what to do. You’ll only need my help for the corset.”

That seemed like a better idea and as much as I hated to admit it, I loved how considerate he wasbeing. He didn’t have to do all of this for me but he chose to and I found that to be such a beautifulthing to do.

It took us almost half an hour to get me dressed but just like he predicted, I needed his help with thecorset. My cheeks were flaming as I made my way over to him but he looked completely unfazed.

His eyes never moved lower than where they were meant to and he was careful as he pulled on theropes of my dress.

“Tell me if it is too tight,” his voice was huskier than usual and it was directly by my ear. I hated theway my b*dy reacted to it and I tried to ignore it but it was almost as if he already knew because hecursed loudly. “Camilla, I-”

His words were cut off by the door slamming open and a little girl rushed in. It was like looking at ayounger version of myself- excluding the eyes, she had Ryker’s eyes. Before I could process whatwas happening, she rushed over to me and threw her arms around my legs. I stilled for a splitsecond not knowing what to do until I heard her sniffling.

I felt my wolf stir and it was like something in me was awoken. I lifted her into my arms and it provedto be the right thing to do because she wrapped herself around me like a small monkey. I feltwetness on my shoulder as she sobbed into me.

“Where did you go?” she asked but I couldn’t form the words necessary to give her a response. “Iasked you to come back every day and you didn’t.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. I assumed this was Audrey and as much as I didn’t remember her, myheart still broke for her. There was no denying that she was mine and just knowing that I


find my way


She sniffled and pulled back as if to gauge my expression and whatever she found there must havebeen good enough because she smiled. She turned to face Ryker. “You brought her back, daddy.”

I felt Ryker smile at her. “I did, but you need to give your mùm some time to rest, okay? She washurt and she needs to get better.” Audrey pouted but she listened to her father and untangledherself from me. I watched her exit the same way she came and once she was gone, Ryker spoke.“I am sorry about that. I expected her to come find you but not this soon.”

I cleared my throat trying to get rid of the emotion lodged deep inside. “It’s fine, can you just finishwith my dress.”

His hands moved quickly as he tied it up neatly. It felt snug but not tight and as much as I wanted itto feel right, it didn’t. It felt uncomfortable and different from what I was used to. It would take somegetting used to.

“I know I have to see everyone,” I began slowly. “But I cannot risk looking stupid. I reckon we havea little time before everyone comes looking for us. I would appreciate it if you told me everything Ineeded to know.”

“That’s six years worth of knowledge,” he reminded me and I nodded.

“We have less than half an hour to cover it all. I don’t want to dump too much information on you. Itmight overwhel


“I would rather be overwhelmed with information than go out there and risk looking like a


“Why don’t

ou just tell everyone that you don’t remember?” he asked and I scoffed.

“I might remember much but I know enough to know that no one wants a ruler who doesn’t evenknow who she is. No one can know about this. That is my decision.” I noticed that the corner of hislips was tilted up in some sort of smile so I crossed my arms over my chest. “What is it? Did I saysomething wrong?”

“No, you just spoke like a Queen,” he said simply. “You might not remember, Camilla, but


mind does. Your memories will return in no time but if you want me to tell you everything, then so beit.”

We spent the next half hour discussing everything and by the time he was done explainingeverything, I just sat there stunned. I couldn’t believe that I had a life that was that exciting. Heglossed over most of the details and I had the sinking feeling that he was hiding something from mebut it all seemed unbelievable.

“I did all those things?” I asked and he nodded. “How?”

He smiled sardonically. “I can see that your self depreciating hasn’t stopped even with the


JU, 25

Chapter 199

memory loss,”

“It just- I’m just surprised is all.”

“You are an amazing queen and you are powerful, Camilla. You were able to do those things simplybecause you had the power to.”

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by a knock on the door. It creaked open to revealChristine and when she looked between Ryker and I, I leaped to my feet. I wasn’t sure why I didthat especially when I knew we weren’t doing anything untowardly but it still felt like being caught bya parent or a disapproving older sister.

“The elders want to see you,” she said with her eyes fixed on me. “I can try to dissuade them butthey are persistent.”

“It’s alright, I’ll see them.”

She didn’t look convinced and she looked to Ryker for confirmation. I tried to pretend that it didn’taffect me.

“If she wants to see them then she will. It is her choice,” I was shocked at those words and turned toRyker but for once, his eyes were not on me, they were on Christine. “Don’t coddle her. I know youwant to protect her but I believe that she has proven time again that she can protect herself.”

“Fine,” Christine wasn’t happy about it at all but there was nothing that she could do. “They’re in thecouncil room.”

Despite my earlier bravado, I was terrified to see the elders. From what Ryker had told me aboutthem, they were not the nicest people. The only one who seemed decent was Caius but that onlyhappened in private.

“Are you ready?” Ryker asked as I stood in front of the council door and I nodded. I feared that if Iwere to say any words, they would die on my throat.

He gave me one last lingering look before pushing the door open and I was greeted with arguing.The elders went silent as soon as they saw us and all their mouths fell open. I looked at their facestrying to figure out who Caius was when Ryker leaned down to whisper.

“He is at the far left,” I saw him immediately and whispered a thank you back to him. Hestraightened and turned to the elders. “Are you done arguing or can we come in?”

There was some murmuring but no one said a word. I walked on shaky legs towards the chair at thehead of the table and slowly sat down. I had barely sat when questions started being thrown at me.I hadn’t been with then for an hour and I was already sporting a headache.

“Can you ask your questions one at a time?” I asked louder than intended as I pressed my fingersto my temple. “You are giving me a headache.”


Everyone blinked and no one spoke until Caius cleared his throat. “We were all just



wondering where you were all these months and why you didn’t return.”

“You brought me here to ask a stupid question?” I couldn’t stop myself from asking. I was pissed tosay the least. I had enough on my plate without grown men making it worse. “I was hurt andhealing, not that it concerned any of you. You didn’t even bother to ask how I survived a fall likethat.”

“Your majesty-” one of the elders began but I cut him off with a hand.

Inside I was shaking but I couldn’t deny that a part of me loved the power that I wielded. It feltamazing to know that they were all at my beck and call.

“I don’t have time for this, honestly. I am here now and that is what matters. You should be focusedon putting an end to the funeral ritual you were holding for me because as you can see, I am notdead,” I stood to my feet before anyone else could say a word. “Is that all?”

No one dared to speak so I turned on my heels and walked out of the room. I could feel Ryker’spride as he walked out in tow with me and as soon as we were out of the door, I let out the breaththat I had been holding.

“How did I do?” I wasn’t sure why I asked but a part of me sought his approval.

“Honestly, that was amazing. I told you that you could handle yourself as Queen.”

“I hope you’re right about that. I thought I was going to throw up in there.”

He laughed. “Welcome back, Camilla.”




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