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Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Alessia’s POV I whine as stones and probably a million other sharp objects dig into my back. Opening my eyes, I blinkup at a pitch-black sky, remembering everything that has happened in the past half hour, and thenwhining again. I can’t believe Zuri did all that. She forced herself on Caden, got rejected, got thrown out of his room,then finished it up by running into the woods and into what seems to be an attack. and I’m so mad at her but I have the sense to remember that isn’t the most pressing issue here. We’reunder attack and our lives are at risk. Scolding her or keeping malice with her isn’t the way to go. Weneed to be united more than ever. ‘Zuri, we’re under attack. I call out. ‘Alessia, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to run away this far, she apologizes. ‘Not now. We’ll talk later. I’m seething mad but now isn’t the time for us to have this conversation. I lift from the ground, my ears straining as I try to pick up any sound that will lead me to where myattacker or attackers are. They’re hiding, waiting for me to turn my back on them before they attackagain. I press my back against a tall tree, hiding out of sight and searching for any sound that will give awaytheir hideout. A bush ruffling has me snapping my head in that direction.

“Just come out and we promise that we’ll make your death a swift one.” The voice is coming from thatbush that just ruffled but the words aren’t what make me stiffen, I know that voice. It’s them. The people that killed my mother and sent me running away from my childhood home. I growl, giving away my position and not caring. I want them to come to me. I want them to reveal

themselves to me. I’m going to have their head. A figure steps out of the bushes, confirming what I already know. It’s him. The one that convinced hispartner that they should leave me in Caden’s territory for dead. 1 The moonlight illuminates his figure, drawing attention to the knife he’s holding in his right hand. gaze He twirls the knife in his hand, the moonlight reflecting off the sharp tip. He chuckles darkly, his fixed onwhere I’m hiding. “Do you know that this is the same knife that I used to carve out your dear mother’s heart?” I snap, shifting into my wolf as I fly out from behind the tree I was hiding. I pounce on him, dragging himdown to the ground with my claws digging into his stomach as I snap my teeth in his face. 1/3 Chapter 78 But he’s… smiling. Not at all looking like someone who’s about to have their head ripped off from theirbody very soon. I soon realize why, but it’s already too late as the blade slides through my fur and intomy flesh. I forgot about his partner. He had lured me out by taunting me and leaving me exposed for the otherone to attack me. I howl as a burning pain burns through me from where the knife got me. Fighting through the pain, I digmy teeth into the neck of the person pinned under me and pull, ripping away flesh with my teeth. Histscreams slide into my ears making me momentarily forget the burning pain in my side. “Get her off me, you fool!” He hollers as I dig my teeth into his shoulders, tearing into the flesh there. I hear the footsteps of his partner as he approaches me again but ignore them, enjoying the way thelight drains out of my mother’s killer eyes. Maybe that’s why I didn’t notice the flash of the knife as helifted it above my head. And maybe that’s also why I don’t notice Jake shifting and flying towards mynovelbin

attacker. I blink out of the exhilarating feeling of satisfaction and happiness coursing through my veins and moveaway from the dead body under me. Jake’s big grey wolf is standing in front of my other attacker who isalso holding a knife in his hand. They circle each other. The fear in the attacker’s eyes is very obvious but with that fear is a mad determination that sendschills down my back. He looks crazed as his eyes fly all over Jake’s huge wolf. For the second time, a thought filters into my head and stays there. Why aren’t they shifting into theirwolves? From their scent, it’s obvious that they’re werewolves so why are they putting their selves at adisadvantage by staying in their weaker form and welding a single knife? It doesn’t make sense, but this isn’t the time to try to decipher that puzzle. Not when he’s charging atJake with that mad determination still fixed in his eyes. I run towards them, coming to a halt as the knife digs into Jake’s side. Jake howls and uses his paws tokick the attacker, sending him flying into a tree. I hear a snap as he slides down the tree and lands on aheap on the floor, unmoving without a word coming out of him. I ignore him, running towards Jake’s wolf that’s lying on the floor, pain etched all over its’ face. Shiftinginto my human form, I press my palms against the wound that bleeding profusely. Jake’s wolf lets out a pitiful growl. “Sheesh, it’s ok. I press my palm harder into the wound. “We’re going to get you fixed.” A single stabcouldn’t possibly kill a wolf….right? Except that, I don’t think it’s something as simple as a knife wound. The feeling in my arm that wasmaimed is going away even when it’s meant to have completely healed by now, and I suspect that itwas from that knife. How badly is Jake’s wound going to affect him if a single slide of that blade iscausing this much trouble for me?

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