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Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Zuri’s POV Just one slide down and I’ll fix everything. Sinking my fangs into his neck, I start sliding down. “F u c k!” Caden yells and in a split second, I’m off his body and flat on my back on the bed. WithCaden on me and holding me down with his weight. I gasp in shock and blink up at Caden whose eyes are darker than they normally are. He’s losing control toXavier. A little bit more and I might actually be able to make him lose total control. Reaching up, I lock my lips with his, kissing him as hard as I can. With a growl, Caden rips his lips off mine. “Stop that!” He gets off me with a curse muttered under his breath. Yanking his brief back up, he covers his hard onand I let out a whimper at the loss. I was so close to getting what I wanted. “What in the hell is wrong with you?” novelbin

I manage to drag my eyes back up his body and flinch at what I see in them. Anger. Rage. And atremendous dosage of annoyance. “I-I just wanted to be with you.” I sit up on the bed, suddenly feeling exposed and self-conscious. ButCaden isn’t looking at my naked body. All his attention is concentrated on drilling a hole into my headwith his glare. “Get out.” He finally looks away from me as he points to the door. “We will have a conversation whenyou get back to your senses.” My eyes sting, tears welling up. “You don’t want to be with me but yet, you’ll allow Veronica to have herhands all over you.” The words are out before I can help it and as Caden takes his gaze back to me, Idon’t regret saying them. We deserve to get an explanation as to why he keeps treating us the way hedoes.

His brows furrow together in confusion, not at all the expression that I was hoping to get. “What are youtalking about?” I scoff. “I saw you with her outside your office.” I shift over to the edge of the bed and stand up, tired ofhaving him loom over me. He still overshadows me even as I’m standing but at least I don’t have tobend my head that far back to be able to talk to him. “She had her hands all over you and you didnothing.” I accuse, anger bubbling up inside of me as I remember that moment. His eyes flash. “You were spying on me?” I didn’t see that coming, – MMM BBB GGG M Chapter 77 “I wanted to know what she was doing alone in the office with you so I listened in on yourconversation,” I confess. His eyes darken and the vein in his neck pops out. “You listened in on a confidential meeting?” Hewalks towards me. “Why were you even there in the first place?” How did this confrontation head in this direction? “I wanted to talk to you but when I got to the door, I got a whiff of yours and Veronica’s scent. I swear, Ididn’t hear anything compromising. I feel like I’ve done something very wrong. Caden closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose. When he opens them up again, the green inthem isn’t as dark as they once were. I sigh in relief at that development but that relief dies down with his next words. He looks me straight in the eye. “I want you out of my room and the next time we meet again, youbetter have an apology chalked up.” He wants me to be the one to apologize when he was the one who had a woman all over him. I clenched my fist, searching for my clothes which I dropped on the floor. Angrily, I pull my clothes back.on, dying with embarrassment as Caden watches me silently, not uttering a word.. The silence in the room chokes me up and I suddenly can’t wait to get out of this suffocating room.

Pulling on the last outfit, I walk towards the door where Caden is standing. He’s still looking at me withanger and that just makes me angry myself. He has no right to be playing the victim here. He isn’t theone getting his heart crushed and stepped on over and over again. “I hate you,” I grit out, and against my will, a tear slides down my eye before I can help it. Wiping it away with the back of my palm, I push past Caden, shoving on his shoulder and reaching forthe door, all the while ignoring the new expression on his face. Hurt. “Alessia, wait,” he says but I’m already out the door and racing out of the pack house. I don’t know where I’m going but I just know that I have to get out of here. The packed house issuffocating me and I can’t keep living there. I need to get out. Running through the woods, I hiss as the branches dig into my arms and as the stones and sticks onthe floor pierce into me. That’s when I realized that I didn’t even bother putting my footwear back on. Ihad been so concentrated on getting out of Caden’s presence. The trees around me start looking unfamiliar and I finally cease running, pausing to take a look aroundand figure out where exactly I’ve landed myself in. I freeze as my gaze locks on the pathway that I once frequently ran on. It’s the road that I usually tookduring my daily runs while I was still living with my mother. JJ MMMB B B G B B M Chapter 77 I’m outside of the pack boulders. 80% 11:39 Dread watches over me, stripping me of my anger and leaving only fear. How on earth didn’t I noticethis sooner? I need to get back to the pack house. I turn on my heels, ready to head back in the direction I just came from. That’s when the first hit comesand I find myself flat on the hard ground.

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