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Chapter 39

Chapter 39 VOLICT BY After half an hour, we moved to the plane that Titus had prepared for us, as we got out of the car Ilooked at Mellisa who had also been looking at me. I slowly approached her “Do you feel something strange?” I asked quietly as I continued to walk up tothe aircraft. She just nodded while glancing at me as if to tell me not to talk here. I picked up the bag that I had told Alexa to bring and gave it to Mellisa who raised a confused eyebrow. “Your disguise” I said and she opened the bag to find a wig she could use. Yes, I’m afraid that her face, which is the twin of Morena, can be easily recognised so one way is todisguise herself. It doesn’t hurt to be more cautious especially in these tense. conditions, where we can’t trust anyoneother than our family. Destine had the idea to make Mellisa unrecognisable, so I quickly asked Alexa to bring some wigs andmake-up in different bags when I saw that Mellisa was part of the team that would be visiting mymother. She smiled in understanding and I just blinked my eyes then sat down on the seat that Alexa had setup next to her. ‘Keep your eyes open and pay attention to your surroundings, recognise your bodyguards andmemorise their auras’ were the words Destine emphasised firmly. A new lesson for me and one that I’m doing because she’s right, I can’t let my guard down. I must always be vigilant so that nothing happens to me, not only for me, but also for my mate. “I heard you were coming?” Alice’s text made me smile. The Alda Kong’s inted Mate “Yeah, I’ll see you there” I replied briefly, there was no need to ask her about what happened, I’d beable to see for myself.

News of the visit of the Alpha king and his warriors had already spread and some Alphas breathed asigh of relief when they were visited by royal warriors in their territory who would help to protect theirparameters. From a distance, some of the rogue spies noticed that many vehicles from the royal territory began toexit their parameters and head in different directions to different places.

Without knowing who and what was inside, they divided the team to follow the direction of thesevehicles from afar and undetected after they put something under the road, trying to hurt them. They knew the strength of the Alpha king’s warriors so they tried to ambush them. Only with clever tactics did they believe they could overthrow the king and his guards, but it was noeasy feat. Jack, the rogue leader suspected that the owner of the white-wolf was the king’s mate, but rumorscirculated that the woman was a werewolf who did not have a wolf, so it was impossible if she owned it,so he ordered his men to find out by forcibly removing wolves from the strongest luna he knew. But all failed because no one had a white-wolf. Was it just a rumor? ******* Rolf Titus Point of View: BOOMMM!!! “What the f*ck?!” Explosions occurred at several exits from the palace perimeter, cars exiting the parameters of the royalarea were blown up and the warriors inside rushed to turn into their wolves to The Alpina Kung’s Feed Mate protect themselves and their companions. “My king…” The king’s guards hurriedly looked back to check on the king who had already opened thecar door and stepped out to transform into his big black wolf. Harry, who was in charge of guarding the kingdom, had closed the entrance based on orders from the

king knowing that he was able to protect himself out there. Titus knew that there were some rogues monitoring them from Mellisa and the guards were happy thathe had told his mate to use another road instead of the main road to get to Alpha Blake territory. They think they have us trapped, but they are the ones trapped, Titus thought happily with a cruel frownas his powerful warriors followed behind the king. Gwen is on her way, I hope she’s safe and I believe Drake and others will always look out for her. Now, it’s time to beat the mosquitoes to death. Grooowwwlll…. The rogues who were surprised at the reaction of the king and his guards as if they knew and wereready for their presence, retreated slightly as slowly step by step the king’s group approached them. 50 against no more than 20 people including the king himself…. They thought that they won because they had more people, but they forgot about the power of the kingwho was said to have the strength of 100 werewolves. ‘Save 2-3 people for us to torture and find out’ The king ordered firmly before starting to move andadvance towards the wolf rogues in front of them. At full speed the king managed to sever the heads of two large wolves that were blocking his path andleft several rogues he Alpha Kings Fated Mate shocked at the sight. They, who had only heard about the king’s power, this time saw it with their own eyes and regrettedhaving dared to challenge the king. Without mercy, Titus and the royal guards behind him killed the rogues mercilessly and within 10minutes there were 5 wolf rogues left, two of which had been severely wounded and were only a matterof time away from suffocation due to blood loss. All the remaining rogues widened their eyes as the king transformed into his human form as if to mockthe wolf power of the rogues. “Surrender and you will be forgiven” he said casually as he sat cross-legged in the middle of the battle

as if he didn’t care about the danger he was in. The warriors around him hurriedly surrounded the king, afraid that someone would dare to try to killhim, but the king just sat relaxed as if he didn’t care about it which made the guards even morenervous. “You were told by Jack? What did he say? 50 people are enough to beat me? You guys are goodenough to beat me?” Titus spoke again and mocked the rogues by belittling them, which he knewwould make them angry. “Have you ever thought that if it was that easy then Jack would have been king by now” He continuedas he shook his head and laughed sarcastically “What fools and weaklings” Gggrrr…!!! Just as he predicted, two wolf rogues advanced to attack him simultaneously from the side but beforetheir guards could move, everyone was wide-eyed in shock as the king quickly stood up and rantowards the wolves and still in his human form he easily broke the necks of not one but two powerfulwerewolves. Cra***k!!! Drop…. Titus dropped the head of the last werewolf he severed to the ground and made the other rogues bowtheir heads in defeat. This is the power of the Alpha king… Rolf Titus became the Alpha king until now not because he was just a descendant of Osmund, butbecause he was the strongest wolf the kingdom ever had and no one could defeat him. “You” The king pointed at one rogue who immediately trembled violently, fearing that he would-be killed as well as his other colleagues. It was the first time he had seen a werewolf in human form easily defeat not one but severalwerewolves in their wolf form as easily as the king before his eyes. Behold the Alpha king before his eyes… “Tell Jack, I’m waiting for him to defeat me in a manly way without sending his weak men, if he wants todefeat me, prove it!” The king’s gaze and the aura of power that was possessed by the man in front of him made the roguenovelbin

know that the man in front of him deserved to be the Alpha king of the werewolves. Bowing in shameand defeat, he nodded before turning and running back to the rogues’ base to deliver the king’smessage to the rogues’ leader, Jack. Someone gave the king clothes to wear while others brought in the remaining living rogues to be takeninto custody. However, instead of entering the palace with the other guards, Titus started running in the oppositedirection as if challenging the remaining rogues out there. The king’s four bodyguards swiftly followed behind as their Alpha king ran in the opposite direction,swiftly running Alisha King’s hated Mate alongside the kings. They stood as if defying death without a care for danger. Titus hoped that Gwen would not have any difficulties on her journey. Or that anyone who dared try to harm her, would feel his wrath.

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