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Chapter 38

Chapter 38 +5 vouchers 8 Lunas from different regions were attacked or harmed by the rogue, some of them were seriouslyinjured and some were only scratched because they managed to survive and fight the evil rogue. Luna Richard, Luna Ken, Luna Mic**el, Luna Mike, Luna Blake, Luna Tommy, Luna Ares and LunaBen. My eyes widened when I heard Luna Blake’s name was one of the seriously injured. Gazing at my partner meaningfully and sadly, Titus slowly walked towards me and held my claspedhands in my lap. He knelt down and touched my tear-stained cheek knowing that my mother was oneof the Luna’s who was still unconscious due to the injuries caused by the rogues. Drake and the few warriors who delivered this news fell silent. as they knew the worry that I was feelingdue to this news. “Why are the Luna’s being targeted all of a sudden?” Titus asked Bert, who was someone who wasable to read war tactics and had accompanied Titus for almost 100 years. I raised my eyebrows when I saw Bert glancing at me. “Me?” I asked in surprise and he nodded. “The rumors about the white-wolf have already spread, somehow, they know that the owner of thewhite-wolf is Luna, so…” “That’s why they’re attacking the Luna of the strongest territory owner, to check if one of them is theowner” Titus finished Bert’s words as he nodded in affirmation. “Why didn’t they think it was me?” I asked, confused and feeling guilty. Titus sighed and stroked my head “They know you don’t have a The Alpha King’s Luled Mate vouch wolf, so… “Don’t think that I’m the one with the white-wolf” I continued and he nodded

I read and heard that whoever possesses the white-wolf, which is the Moon Goddess’ wolf, will haveextraordinary powers, but never thought that they would be willing to hurt each other to possess it. Titus’ touch brought me back from my negative thoughts and feelings of guilt, he looked at me as if tosay ‘it’s not your fault’ but still I felt it was my fault. I thought not having a wolf was bad, but when I have one, why is it worse? Sorry Destine, I said to myself, as if I wasn’t grateful to have one. ‘I understand’ she replied calmly. Yes, I was glad to have her anyway, glad that Destine was my wolf, no matter if she wasn’t a white-wolf. “Organize some warriors and healers to show the 8 territories of the wounded Luna” Titus ordered andI knew that he had to go separately by me who would definitely go to my parents before goinganywhere else “We must immediately help and support them” “You’re going to Alpha Ares and Richard’s place?” I asked knowing that they were the most importantalliance not only were they strong but their territories were the largest. He nodded “Are you okay to go to your parents’ house by yourself?” He asked while stroking my headand still kneeling in front of me. I smiled “I have Albert, Paul and the others with me, I’ll be fine” I crooned softly but was glad that heunderstood that I had to visit my mom immediately to find out her condition. He let out a long sigh before cupping my face gently and The Upha King’s Eated Mate +5 voucher. leaning closer to his face “Be careful” He said softly which I know must have startled the people aroundhim, their Alpha king is not a man who is being gentle in front of them but I nodded with a soothingsmile “You know what will happen to me if something happens to you, take care of yourself, okay?” Myeyes looked into his eyes that were looking at me seriously, I knew he meant it, that I meant that muchto him.

Unconcerned about the presence of Beta and the Warriors in his study, I kissed my Mate passionatelyon the lips to show him that I understood and that he mattered to me. **: ******** “Drake? Mell? you coming with me?” The next day I was surprised to see Beta with his mate waiting forme in the living room. They smiled while Mell yawned widely as if she was still very tired which made my two female guardsgrumble as they looked at her. Wow, this is going to be fun, Destine said and I nodded in agreement with her words. Titus is coming with Bert and the castle will be guarded by Harry, the third person after Titus and Drakethat I’ve seen today. “It’s nice to finally meet the queen” he said respectfully and stiffly. Drake rolled his eyes “He’s the stiffest person after Titus, why am I surrounded by serious people likethem anyway?” he muttered and I just laughed softly. “Hello, Harry, nice to meet you and take care of the castle,” I said and ignored Drake.Titus walked over and wrapped his arms around me. “Okay, time to go” Drake commented back before turning to walk with his mate to the car outside. The Alpha King’s Fated Mare I couldn’t help but laugh at the beta’s behaviour which was very different from my mate, who wascurrently staring at his beta with a murderous look of annoyance. He just sighed before looking back at me “Be careful okay?” He said for the umpteenth time. I smiled and touched his check “You too, I’d be really sad if you got hurt, you know?” I said spoilt andmade him smile contentedly at my words. Knowing that time was running out and we had to leave soon, Titus cupped my face and kissed mewith deep passion as if to show his heart’s objection to parting with me. novelbin

I gave him the same attention by returning his passionate kiss with the same passion. “I love you, Gwen” he says as he pulls back his face and makes me smile with longing for his opennessto show his feelings for me publicly. “Finally… Ugh!” Drake commented as we walked hand in hand out to the car which turned into a moanof pain as Titus hit him hard on the head. I just shook my head at their behaviour. We would be travelling in 3 cars, Albert, Frank with Alexa with me, then, Paul and Dee with Drake andMellisa, the third car contained some of the strongest warriors owned by Titus specifically assigned toprotect us all. They all bowed respectfully as Titus and I passed by, I nodded my head as I remembered them all. Behind us were more than 15 other cars that were also travelling to other areas. Titus who will be going with Bert and the other warriors will be travelling around the 8 regions, we willbe meeting at my mum’s house as she will also be heading there. I kissed his cheek before getting into the car and waved The Alpha King’s Fated Mate goodbye as we set off. Hope nothing bad happens… For some reason, I feel like this is a trap’ Destine said, surprising me. I hope it’s not, I pray… Send gift

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