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Chapter 54

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 54

Slipping my feet into my heeled shoes I put my bag over my shoulder. Abby should be here anyminute now.novelbin

Pete was still here.

Walking into the living room Lana wolf whistled at me. “I love that blazer, I love that it’s orange andmatches your shoes”.

“You don’t think it’s to much for a football game?”. I asked chewing my bottom lip.

“Not when there’s a party afterwards”. She winked.

“You have a point”. I grinned. “You sure you don’t want to come?”. There was a knock at the door.

“Not tonight I’m shattered”.

“It’s open”. I yelled.

It wasn’t Abby.

“Hey”. I smiled. “I wasn’t sure if you were coming”. I thought she would be too wrapped up in mycousin.

“Changed my mind”. She smiled.

I wondered if Jake had anything to do with that. “I’m just waiting on Abby. She shouldn’t be long”.

“That’s cool. Jake’s parked outside anyway, he won’t mind waiting”.

“Great”. I smiled. Abby arrived not long after Alanna did. I was currently sitting in the back of Jake’scar.

To say it was awkward was an understatement. You could cut the tension with a knife.

Alanna tried to get me to sit up front the glare I gave her told her to back off. This was between Jakeand I. We didn’t need anyone sticking their noses in.

“Straight home after the game tonight”….

Glancing at Abby she had her head buried in her phone. Who was he taking to because it certainlywasn’t me.

“I’m talking to you”. He growled his eyes meeting mine through his rear view mirror.

“Jake don’t”. Alanna warned.

Abby looked up from her phone her eyes landing on mine. “What the fuck?” She mouthed.Shrugging my shoulders I stared out the window. As we pulled up to the school I was the first tojump out.

“Text Ryan, maybe we can see him before the game starts”. As we walked round the back of theschool to the stands I grinned.

It was packed. The buzz was unreal. “I’m going to see if I can find him”. Abby yelled as we madeour way through the crowd. I couldn’t believe the turn out. These people took football as serious asthe people back home.

“You need to be careful”. Alanna whispered.

“I haven’t done anything wrong”. Finding a good seat I made my way along the stand.

“I heard about the fight”..

“Yeah well then you’ll know why it happened”. I didn’t want to have this conversation with her. Shewas always going to take his side regardless and I didn’t blame her for that. She was his sister afterall.

“He’s not like that anymore Leah”.

“Can we please not talk about this. We’re out, we’re having fun. I don’t want to talk about Jake”.

“You need to talk to him. He’s been on edge since it happened. I’m scared in case he lashes out”.She did look worried.

“Not tonight Alanna. I’ve had enough of Jake for one day. I need some space”.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you”.


We were winning by 2 points and there was 3 minutes until the game finished. Jake made his littlespeech, introduced the team and for the full game has been standing behind me.

Every so often he would place his hand on my back. Of course I ignored it. I told him I neededspace, this wasn’t giving me space. I jumped in way to quick with him I should have known better.As the buzzer went the full place erupted. Our team won and moved onto the next round.

“We’ve to meet Ryan outside. He’s going to drive to the after party”. Abby smiled.

“Go congratulate him. I’ll meet you out front”.

As the stands began to clear I started to make my way back out front. Alanna was behind me, shehadn’t said a word to me after our little chat. I had no idea where Jake went, I didn’t notice himleave.

As I made it back out front I noticed him leaning against his car. He had another thing coming if hethought I was going home.

“Are you coming or are you going home?”. I asked nodding towards his car.

“It’s not me he’s waiting on”. She said.

“Well it’s not me”. I argued. “I’m not going home just yet”.

“I did warn you”. She shrugged.

“He can’t make me go home Alanna”. Folding my arms over my chest I glared.

“He’s angry Leah. Never piss off an Alpha especially Jake. He plays dirty”.

What did that even mean. I didn’t piss him off if anything he pissed me off.

“I’m not taking sides but if I were you I’d go home with him”.

“Well it’s a good thing you’re not me then isn’t it”. Turning my back on her I went to look for Ryanand Abby just as my phone vibrated.

‘Cant believe I missed you shorty! Jake told me he took you home, you weren’t feeling good! Textme tomorrow we’ll go for food’ I should have known.

I had no idea what he was playing at but he was going about it all the wrong way. I can’t believe hedid that. Alanna was right he was playing dirty. Taking a seat on the steps outside the school Ilooked to see if he was still there.

He was still leaning against his car, his head buried in his phone. He was waiting for me to go to himso he could take me home. Leaning my head against my knees a sigh fell from my lips. He hit a lowblow tonight.

“Get in the car Leah”.

I wasn’t even going to argue with him. Getting to my feet I walked towards his car getting in thepassenger side. Once I had clipped my seatbelt in I lay my head against the window. He could takeme home. It didn’t mean I was going to talk to him.

As he started the car I kicked off my shoes placing my feet on the dashboard.

“You can be pissed off all you want”.

I could feel the rage building inside. I was more than pissed but rather than arguing about it I wasn’tgoing to say anything. I was giving him the silent treatment. That would get under his skin more.

“You’re mine princess. You need to understand that”. As the words fell from his lips I pushed my feethard against the dash, clenching my teeth. The crack broke the silence, a laugh falling from my lipsas I continued to watch it.

Right along his windscreen.

“Think that’s funny?”. He growled.

“A little bit”. I smirked. It was satisfying to watch. Removing my feet from the dash I lay my headagainst the window. The rest of the car ride home was silent. The tension between us thick.

“Look babe-…” “I still want some space”. I should have done this from the start. I needed this forme. When it came down to it I had to make sure this was real and that I could trust him. Right now Ididn’t.

“I’m not that person anymore Leah”. The grip he had on the steering wheel was turning his knuckleswhite. “I don’t want anyone else but you”.

“What would you do if every guy I passed did that to me?”.

“Rip his fucking throat out”. He growled.

“So when a girl does it to you how do you think it makes me feel?”. I asked finally looking at him. “Idon’t care that you’ve slept with other girls. We’ve both had different people in our life but what Iwon’t tolerate is being disrespected. I lost my shit but it was a long time coming. I’m sick of everygirl in this town calling me out. Telling me I’m not good enough for you. How do you think I feel afterhearing that?”. I was getting up set and I hated it.

“Baby”. Grabbing a hold of my hand he laced our fingers together.

“If I’m your mate then show me, prove that I’m yours. Make them aware and when they disrespectme at least be on my side, show them that they can’t do that. Fight for me”. I whispered.

“I’m so sorry baby”. Placing a kiss on my knuckles he held my hand tight. “I should have donebetter, I will do better. You are my mate Leah, I can’t do this without you”.

“I want to go home now please”. I whispered as he pulled into our street.

“I ain’t giving up princess I just hope you don’t either”. Letting go of my hand he stopped the caroutside my house. I wasn’t giving up I just needed him to prove I was the one he wanted. I wantedhim to show everyone else that he wasn’t available.

Unclipping my seat belt I picked up my shoes opening the door. “Goodnight Jake”.

He didn’t drive away until I was safely in my house.

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