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Chapter 53

The Alpha Chose Me Chapter 53

“We still on for tonight?”. He asked pulling away from the hospital. My hand was healing perfectly. Ididn’t need to go back until it was time for my cast to come off.

“On for what?”. I asked trying to hide my smile.

“I’m not even asking, you’re staying at mine”. As he gained speed I glanced at him. He wassmirking. “Pretty sure that was the deal”.

“I’m still going to the game tonight”.

“You hungry?”. He asked.

“I could eat”. Feeling my phone vibrate I took it from my pocket.

‘Hey, do you still want me to pick you up tonight? It’s Abby btw x’ ‘Come to mine for 6. 5 piney pointis my address. See you then :)’

“Abby is coming to mine for 6”.

“Chick-fil-A or McDonald’s?”.

It annoyed the hell out of me when he didn’t answer. Or he answered my question with a question.


“Leah”. He mimicked.

“You’re an ass”. I huffed as he pulled into McDonald’s car park.

“Grab a seat”. He said holding the door open for me. The first thing I noticed was the group of girls.Everywhere I went there was always someone throwing daggers at me.

Taking a seat in one of the end booths I buried my head in my phone. Too distracted I didn’t hearher approach. “Can I ask you something?”. A girl slid in the booth next to me.

And here we go with the insults. The I’m not good enough for him and he should be with someonelike her. I was past it and done with hearing it.

“Is he as good in bed as all the girls say he is?”. She giggled. “Does he have a big dick, I wonderwhen it’ll be my turn”. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. These girls were obsessed withsleeping with him or pretty much just obsessed with him. And what did she mean her turn?

Clenching my teeth I chose to ignore her. What could I say. I didn’t know if he was good in bed, Ididn’t know if his junk was big. It felt big. Laughing I shook my head.

“Oh wait you wouldn’t know would you”. The smile dropped from her face. “But I do. We used to bea thing before you came into the picture”.

Didn’t she just ask if he was good in bed? I was confused. Rolling my eyes I continued to scrollthrough my phone. “I’m sure you did”. I said. I knew he was a slag heck even his own mother knewit but just how many girls had he slept with?

“We did and let me tell you he always comes back”. As if she sensed him coming she plastered thatfake ass smile back onto her face.

I couldn’t tell if she was a werewolf or not.

“Sarah?”. He looked a little confused before he smiled at her.

“Hi babe”. She squealed. “Did you miss me?”. Placing her hand on his arm he did nothing toremove it. “Call me sometime”. Trailing her hand down his arm she pulled herself out of the boothand walked back to her friends.

Who the fuck was she calling babe, and why did he let her touch him like that? Girls were alwaysinterested in him and yet he never noticed.

He noticed with her. They definitely had more than just a thing. I couldn’t be mad over his past butthe way he reacted caused something inside of me to snap.

“Who was first her or Jessica?”.

“Babe”. “Don’t fucking babe me”. I was sick of taking this shit. I wasn’t a push over and I wasn’tabout to let him stomp all over my fucking heart. It was about time he learned I wasn’t going to putup with this bullshit anymore.

I wasn’t going to let girls walk all over me because they were trying to scare me off.

“Leah”. He warned.

“I’m not a fucking play thing”. I hissed. I did wonder when the bitch side was going to come out. Thatgirl hit the nail on the head. I could be just as much of a cunt as everyone else. They hadn’t seennothing yet.

“I never said you were”. He growled. “Now eat your damn food”.

“Not hungry”. Grabbing my coke I slid out of the booth making my way towards the exit. I wasn’tgoing to be treated like a mug.

“Will you fucking wait”. He snapped grabbing a hold of my arm.

“I’m not doing this”. Pulling my arm out of his grasp I continued to walk. “I let a guy mug me off for 2years and it took for me to move away to realise it. I’m not letting you do the same. Go give Sarah acall because I’m done”.

He didn’t follow me and for that I was grateful. I needed time to cool off. I snapped, I knew it wasonly a matter of time before it happened. Crossing the street I threw away my coke before dippinginto a small coffee shop.

I was angry, pissed off, emotional and trying my hardest not to cry. I had no one to blame butmyself. Always falling for the wrong guys. He was good though, made me believe I actually meantsomething to him. Guess I was the dumb one for falling so quickly for him. Paying for my coffee I leftthe shop and continued walking down the street.

I had been walking for about half an hour window shopping. I had calmed myself down and wasthinking over what I had said to him.

Did I overreact?

I hope I did because he needed to know I wasn’t playing around. I wasn’t going to be a doormat foranyone.

“Get in the fucking car Leah”.

He followed me?

“No”. I glared. I didn’t want to be near him right now. I was very much still in bitch mode. A side Irarely let out but it was there.

“Don’t make me ask you again”. His teeth were clenched, his eyes falling into slits.

He was angry, good. Now he knew I wasn’t fucking around and I meant was I said.

“I need time to myself”. I said.

“You’re being ridiculous princess. All that shit back there, what the fuck was that all about?”.

“Because I’m fucking sick of it”. I yelled. “Girls always ranting and raving about how good you are inbed. How do you think that makes me feel? The insults the sly comments. I’ve fucking had it”.Angrily wiping the tears from my cheeks I held my hands up and took a step back. I didn’t want himnear me.

“Everyone has a past Leah”.

“What about Sarah, she didn’t look like your past”.

“They’re all my past Leah. You’re my mate, no one else matters. Now please get in the car”.

“I still need some time to think. I’m going to walk home”.

“Don’t do this”. He begged.

“I want to be on my own for a bit, I need some space”. I was sick of always being nice Leah, Leahthe pushover, always seeing the good in people. If he wanted me then he could earn me.

“You’re mine Leah”. He said as I started to walk away. “You’ll always be mine. I won’t stop until Ihave you”. This time he didn’t follow me. It took me a good hour to get home. My feet werethrobbing, my eyes stinging from crying. My emotions were all over the place because of my damnperiod, but I needed to say what I said. He needs to know that if I was his then he was mine.

Lana was home, her car parked in the driveway. Opening my front door I groaned internally when Iheard the voices.

Pete was here.

Dropping my bag on the floor I kicked off my shoes and walked into the living room.

“Hey girl”. She smiled.

“Hey”. I hoped she didn’t noticed how red and puffy my eyes were. “How was your first day?”. Iasked.

“Was good I think I’ll like it there. Did you go to your appointment?”. Pete still hadn’t said one wordto me. Probably told not to.

“Hands healing perfectly. Are you coming to the game tonight?”. Heading into the kitchen I took abottle of water from the fridge.

“I think we’re going to skip. Are you going with Jake?”. She asked.

“I’m going with Abby. She’ll be here for 6. I’m going to shower and change my clothes”.

“You okay?”. She frowned.

“Yeah of course. I’ll see you before I go”. Heading upstairs I went into my room. They would knowsoon enough that we had a fight. I wasn’t sure if we were still on speaking terms.

Plugging my phone into my speaker I hit shuffle on my playlist. I had a massive freak out, somethingI had never done before. I had probably blew it way out of proportion but

I didn’t care. He knew where I was, he knew what I stood for now. I wasn’t the girl you fucked offand it’s about time he understood that, it’s about time they all knew that. Grabbing a clean towel I

started to strip out of my clothes.

I stood in the shower for a good 45 minutes. My mind was working overtime. I made the rightdecision, I needed some space to think. The little voice in my head was telling me I wasoverreacting and being stupid.

Turning off the shower I wrapped the towel around my body. How would he feel if guys were likethat with me? Something told me it wouldn’t be pretty. He couldn’t be possessive of me if I wasn’tallowed to be the same with him.

Going back into my room I closed the door behind me. I needed to stop thinking about it. I wasgoing out tonight to have fun. Once I had picked out my clothes I started on my makeup. I waslaying it on thick tonight.

“Leah can I come in?”. She knocked.


“You sure you’re okay?”. She asked taking a seat on my bed.

“I’m fine”. I smiled applying my lashes.

“You haven’t put on lashes for ages. Last time you did was the night you hooked up with Tommy”.

“We had a fight”. I sighed. “I kinda lost my shit with him. I went full on crazy like I was cursing andcalling him out”.

“I haven’t seen crazy Leah in ages. Pretty sad I missed it”. She laughed.

“I’m just not sure I can trust him”. I shrugged.

“What happened?”.

“We went for food, a girl approached like they always do. Long story short, he knew her like reallyknew her and I just got a bad feeling. Letting her paw her grubbing hands over him, calling himbabe”.

“Think he’s been with her since yous starting talking?”. She asked.

“No idea”. I could be and probably was jumping to conclusions. “I’m not even sure we’re still talkingafter today”.

“Yeah right that boys crazy about you”…

“Maybe not after he saw the side I keep locked away”. I winced.

“I like that side. Bitchy Leah is way more fun”. She winked. “She doesn’t let anyone walk over her,I’m surprised you never decked the bitch that touched him”.

“Shut up”. I laughed.

“I wouldn’t worry it’ll all work out the way it’s suppose to. Take a night off and go have fun. He knowsyour worth”.

I guess I just needed to wait and see how it all panned out.

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