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Chapter 2496

Chapter 2496

James nodded.novelbin

Qusai asked, “Have you confirmed your Yogacara, then?”

James nodded and said, “Yes.”

“What will it be?”

Qusai asked curiously.

Henrik chimed in, saying. “James’ Yogacara is a wave of Sword Energy left behind by a powerful figureof the Primeval Age.”

“A wave of Sword Energy?” Qusai froze.

Henrik said smilingly, “Don’t underestimate this wave of Sword Energy. Though it’s only a wave ofSword Energy, it’s nonetheless the key to entering the Mound of Sabers.”

Hearing this, James was intrigued. He asked, “What key? What Mound of Sabers?”

Henrik explained, “The Mound of Sabers was left behind by the powerful figure of the Primeval Age.There are many supreme sword-fighting techniques hidden inside the Mound of Sabers. Meanwhile,Sword Energy is the key to entering the Mound of Sabers. To my understanding, from the Primeval Ageto the Primordial Age, there has only been a handful who entered the Mound of Sabers There’ll be atmost a person or two who have entered. However, none of them received the inheritance of supremesword- fighting techniques.”

James looked at him oddly.

This chubby cultivator sure was knowledgeable to know of these secrets. Knowing Henrik’s secrecy,James did not ask any other questions.

In the meantime, James stayed at the Labhranns’ place. As the day of Brielle’s tournament drewnearer, more and more living beings appeared at the Labhranns. Among them were those whodescended from

the Divine Dimension.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the tournament arrived.

On an empty plot of land at Mount Lutheran, many living beings of the Labhranns gathered, standing intwo rows as if they were welcoming some important figure.

In the distance, many prodigies came to participate in the tournament to win Brielle’s hand in marriage.Some came from the Mortal Dimension, while others came from the Sage Dimension and the DivineDimension. At a glance, there were almost a million of them.

At the front, Brielle was standing beside a middle-aged man. Today, she was wearing a long whitedress that trailed on the ground and a tiara on her head. Her stunning beauty mesmerized all who laidtheir eyes

on her.

The man beside her was Figaro Labhrann, the Patriarch of the Mortal Dimension’s Labhrann Clan.

At that moment, Brielle whispered, “I just received news that the Patriarch in the Divine Dimension willdescend to the Mortal Dimension. Brielle, be mindful not to be rude toward him. He’s the true leader ofour clan. Although I’m the Patriarch of the Mortal Dimension’s Labhrann Clan, my status is low and

insignificant. Even a Labhrann from a Sage Dimension can order me around, let alone one who camefrom the Divine Dimension.”


Brielle nodded obediently.

At that moment, there was a glow in the sky, on which stood many living beings who looked human andexuded a powerful aura.

In the distance, Henrik gazed at the glow in the sky and looked at the man before him, saying, “James,he’s Txomin Labhrann, a.k.a. the Divine King of Labhrann, who’s rumored to have reached the peak ofthe Divine Rank’s Third Stage. In truth, he has reached the Quasi-Emperor Rank.”

James looked at Txomin.

As the colorful glow descended upon Mount Lutheran, the Labhranns of the Divine Dimensionappeared on the empty plot of land. There were only approximately a hundred of them.

Txomin looked around thirty years of age. Wearing a black robe, he was not considered handsome.However, he exuded great charisma.

“So, he’s the real Patriarch of the Labhranns who’s a Quasi-Emperor at the same rank as Sophie?”

James murmured.

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