Tattooed Luna

Chapter 473
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Penny POV Everything was going perfectly. Everyone was dancing, laughing and just generallyhaving a great time! | kept bouncing between sitting with Kris and Emmy and talking to theother lunas of our allies. If | wasn’t sitting with one of those groups, you could find me in thebathroom. Every five minutes | needed to pee. My boys were having a kick boxing match and |wasn’t sure who was winning.

Needing some fresh breath, | sat on a chair that was near the exit. | had a guard open the doorso a breeze was hitting me. Colt was feeling relieved so | hoped that meant he got the news hewanted. However, it was about time for me to go home so his meeting needed to hurry up.

“Oh! Luna!” Someone in a Hulk costume ran up to me.

“What's wrong?” | asked. They were looking around frantically.

“He rejected her! He-he just .... she is dying!” The person in the Hulk costume started tearing upas they looked behind them and into the hallway.

“Oh no! Show me where she is!” The Hulk ran out of the room before | could even stand up.Holding onto the rails, | looked for a guard but they were breaking up a fight. “Well, shit.” |muttered.

My swollen legs carried me out of the party and as | looked left and right, | saw a girl laying onher side in the fetal position. The sounds of her crying her eyes out echoed across the wholehallway.

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“Down here!” The Hulk yelled. | could feel the swelling so bad on my feet that they jiggled witheach step. Still, | went as quickly as | dared.

Coming closer, | saw she was wearing an all black sheet but it was riding up on her legs. Ablack and blue bruise stuck out on her shin. “What..” Before | even asked her if she was okay, |had to see the rest of her legs. Getting down on my knees, my hands moved the sheet to seethat the rest of her legs didn’t even have a single spot that wasn’t bruised. Some was evenyellow from healing.

“I'm so sorry.” The girl was crying.

Looking at her face, her eyes met mine. The regret and sadness in them was clear. “What? What areyou sorry for?” Her eyes looked behind me. Instant panic rose in me. Before | could even look, a whitecloth pressed against my nose. A sickening sweet burning smell ran up my nose and the room startedspinning. Relation that | fell right into their trap was the last thing | thought before complete blacknesstook over.

“She has a massive bowling ball on her stomach. Do you really think tying her up was going to help?”My head was pounding. Angry voices were yelling so loud that | wished the darkness came back. Myarms and legs were in just as much pain as my head. Protesting the same position that | had been in.

Something slammed that echoed so loud that | could barely handle it. My stomach was turning,threatening to empty the snacks | ate. It was only my sheer will-power that | kept anything down.

“Are you awake?” | heard a small girl ask so quietly.novelbin

“No.” | groaned.

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“Here.” | didn’t open my eyes but | felt her remove the chains from my hands and then from my legs.“You can move now.” Expect, | didn't move. Everything was too worn out. Instead, | just curled into afetal position and let the blackness take me over again.

Three babies were cooing in front of me. As | walked forward, | noticed the blankets that Colt wasacting so strangely about. These were my babies. Putting my hand over my stomach, my knees gaveout and the tears filled my eyes.

Signs with Elijah Colt, Cooper Brian and Eliana Penelope were laying across their chest. “My babies?”Picking them up, one by one, | held them against my chest.

“My child.” The sweetest voice | ever heard, came from behind me.

Turning, my eyes were blinked by the light until a figure of a women came out. She was walkingtowards me, ever so lightly. As if she was gliding, she got closer and closer. It wasn’t until she stoppedmoving and the light died that | realized who she was.

“The Moon Goddess...” | whispered. Panic rose in me as | looked at my babies. “Am | dead? Are...arewe dead?” “Oh no, my child. Just sleeping right now. | brought you here to warn you... to preparedyou.” “Warn me of what?” Visit to read full content.

I . ” What is about to come.” Her answer was so basic that | was left com confused. 25 shegotlbzer, sheput : “ Her habs on my babies. “You need : » to stay strong for these little ones.

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“I'll do anything for them.” | said with full confidence.

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I + ] You need to find your inner strength.

q . ’ Not just your internal mother's instinct but you need to brace your alpha blood. You aretheonht@4 jl gfthiawbhd These wolves that are being created are completely against everything| built and it is throwing the balance off. You have to end them. For that to happen, you . Dm §need to find your power. It's in there but you need to accept it. Running PUR) . » away isn't anoption anymore.

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I : . ren What will happen if | don't?” | asked but when | looked up, she was Sie : “ from my view.Help diHolr Gd do , tht dahware of the tears that were running down my face. With my blurryvision, | looked down but my babies were gone. Please read the original content at

Everything started fading. “NO!” | screamed as my arm reached out to grab the calm whitescenery. | wanted to hold my babies again.

“Look who is deciding to join us.” A male voice replaced the sweet Moon Goddess’s voice.

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