Tattooed Luna

Chapter 472
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“You girls did really great!” | was really impressed with it. As we made our way to the headtable, multiple people greeted us.

S| knew and s| wasn’t sure due to not being able to see their face. Since everyone over 18 wasinvited, | didn’t bother with figuring who was who. | only knew the ranking men and women.

“Looking good!” Ice pulled my attention from the Frankenstein D.J.

“Thanks!” Penny posed with her belly. Half way sticking it out and a sexier pose.

“That is quite the shirt.” I had to hide a laugh when | looked at Alec. He was wearing a silkbrown shirt with orange and pink flowers. The flare velvet pants really finished off the costume.Ice had put rhinestones all over her stomach. | was afraid to ask how long that took someone todo all that. More so, how long it will take to get all them off.

“Kiss my ass.” Alec grumbled.

“Con! Emmy is over here!” Ice grabbed Penny and they left us to our own devices.

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“You should try the amputated fingers.” | wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “What else isthere?” “Not sure.” The flow of people slowed down. We didn’t talk but just watched everyoneas they mingled. There was laughter and a one group of guys that were fighting but the warriorswere quick to respond.

My eyes landed on Penny as she made her way back up to us. “It's tfor you to welceveryone.”“Okay.” The D.J. cup toand handeda microphone.novelbin

“I'll turn the music down and then its open for you.” He said before walking away. We watched him walkback to his booth and turn the music down. After a nod, he motioned forto speak.

“Welcevery!” | said very clearly. Instantly, everyone quieted down and looked over at me. “We are soblessed everyone was able to attend our gathering. Hopefully, many mates are found and friendshipsare formed. There are tables for foods and drinks, otherwise the staff will be walking around withdifferent items. Please enjoy yourself and have fun!” Everyone cheered as | nodded back at the D.J. Heturned the music back up and the atmosphere because laughing and fun.

Setting the microphone down, Alec and | just watched as the girls walked off somewhere.

“Jacob, you got the security on high alert? Camera on Penny?” | asked in the mind-link. | haven't seenhim yet so | wanted to verbally hear it.

“Roger.” Jacob said and that was it. | was about to cback with something but | saw him approach out ofthe corner of my eyes. “Everything is good. Just finished my check.” “Good. It will be your head ifsomething happens.” I had to really look at Jacob. If it wasn't for his fangs, | wouldn't be sure what hewas. That meant, Emmy probably had a pretend bite mark on her neck with fake blood. “All's good.Enjoy your evening.” “Alpha Colt.” | heard Carson cup to us. He was dressed in tights. He must beRobin Hood and his luna probably was Maid Marian.

“Alpha Carson.” | took his hand he was offering in greeting. “This is my beta Jacob.” “Nice to meet you.”Alpha Carson offered his hand to Jacob.

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“It is a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Carson.” Jacob’s whole demeanor changed and hebecprofessional. There was a sense of proudness that filledwhen he did that.

“I was coming to see if Alec and Colt wouldn't mind coming to the back for a quick word.” He left it openas a question but it really wasn't.

“Of course. | will just telling him the security is up and running. | have to get back to my post. Enjoyyour evening, Alpha Carson.” Jacob gave a slight bow and walked off.

“Where are we going?” | asked as Alpha Carson turned to leave. Alec and | followed him through thecrowd.

“Just into this room.” We followed him into a side room. The music instantly dimmed as we walked inand shut the door. All the other alphas were in the room and having an intense conversation.

“What's going on?” | asked. | was suddenly defensive and nervous to what they were going to say.

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“My daughter has been able to remember a few details. | had questioned her a little before but thisafternoon, she cinfe.myTeofi | #9 tol mest ThE house they re kept at... she might be able to retrace thedriving. Apparently, she was able to look out the windshield.

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I'm assuming you haven't questioned the other girls you saved, due to you being injured but we mighthave a direction that way.” Carson looked atintently. Please read the original content

“That would be great. We would need to have a team ready so if she can do it correctly, we can attackimmediately.” Anthony said as he slammed his fist on the wall.

“Hold up. We have no intel on security, man power or these wolf things. We can't just send ourmen in blind.” Lars spoke up.

“They could move the girls if we are caught. Taking a team would be helpful in case we don’thave a choice.” Aston wasn’t exactly happy to side with Anthony as he looked atsheeply.

“Either way, this is your call. You are the one in charge and | believe it is your call to make.”Carson filled in.

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“If it helps, we have had a chance to look over your notes and from what we read, we agree witheveything.

Every decision yoy mada Correct Spexactly what we would have done. Now, you need to decidehow we are moving forward.” Hank gavethe answer | was hoping for.

Instant relief filledas | raised my head up in the approval. Please read the original content

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“| thi..." | stopped talking as a bad feeling cover me. It was m incredibly refi feds re dahic ebmrom Penny before her emotions were completely gone.

“Something is wrong.” Please read the original content at

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