Tattooed Luna

Chapter 199
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Chapter 199

Chapter 0199 “Do you need snacks? Fruit? Nuts? What sounds good to you?” I asked. “Lunchable’s.” Emmy looked up at me. My eyes went from hers to Alec’s. He nodded and left the room. We worked for about fifteen minutes before Emmy threw up in her trashcan. Jasper had returned just in time to see it. Without saying a word, he handed her a water andgrabbed the trash liner. “Have you tried gatorade? I asked. “What do you mean?” Jasper asked. “Electrolytes. She needs electrolytes. Gatorade or even pediaSure would be okay.” “What flavor do you want?” Jasper asked Emmy. “Oh, um lemon.” I had to scrunch up my face. “Lemon?” “I know but it sounds good.” Emmy gave me a look that said she knew what I meant. Alec came backwith lunchables as Jasper was leaving. Emmy took one and slowly started munching on it. “Ice?” Emmy said after another five minutes had went by.

“What?” I asked without looking up. “What does this look like to you?” She handed me a picture. It was actually a picture of Alec and I in thewoods having S**. I was riding him as he was leaning against a tree. “Looks like a good time?” I asked looking at her. “I mean, behind you. Is that a hand?” Taking the photo from Emmy, I looked at it carefully. It did in fact looked like a hand but it was just ahand. This area was part of the forest we had not gotten to yet. It was on the edge but far enough inthat you wouldn’t see us. It was the risk of getting caught that made us do it there. However, this photowas taken at the same time as the hand in the background. “Alec…” I said as I stood up.

He came over to me. “What is it?” “Does that look like a hand?” I pointed it out. “It….does.” “Alec, this is one photo. How did a hand get there behind us having S**?” Alec looked up at me. “I am going to look into this. Do not move from this room. Understood? I amputting a guard out front.” “Wait!” I said as he turned to leave. “C-can you just….. send someone else?” I was hesitant to ask likethis but I felt myself start to panic. “I’ll have Jasper come back?” Alec stopped and put his hand on my chin. “Okay.” Alec turned to leave. “But! Wait till he is here?” I let Alec see the vulnerability in my eyes. “Okay.” that way but I looked down ashamed I even felt I did. As much as I wasn’t going to let my kidnapping bring medown, I couldn’t lie and say I wanted to be alone either. Slowly, I sank back down and picked up I the scissors. My hands shook as I continued to cut. Emmy saw this but didn’t comment. Instead, shekept going as well. here.” Jaspers said after what felt like hours. “Stay here with the girls. I need to check something out and under no circumstances are you to leave Kristen’s eyesight.” Alec didn’t command Jasper but he was firm in his instructions. “Got it.” Jasper walked in with a gatorade. After handing it to Emmy, he went to sit down.“Can y-you shut the door?” I asked quickly. “Sure?” Jasper got up and shut the door. “Lock it?” Jasper gave me a look but nodded. He gave me a look to ask me if I was satisfied and I nodded. Sittingdown beside Emmy, he watched us work.

“Alec?” I asked in the mind-link.“Are you okay?” He asked, knowing and fully I was not okay. “Can we keep this open?” “Of course.” He sounded like he was running. “I’m sorry, 1-” aware # Mrs. Smith Authornovelbin

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