Tattooed Luna

Chapter 198
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Chapter 198

Chapter 0198 I had just finished with the pictures of my shop. From all the different angles, it perfectly showed a viewof the entire street in front of my shop. My store was the focal point but it showed how to find it. Itshowed the angle that Alec was shot at. “I would bet money this is the angle you got shot at.” I pointeddirectly where we would have been standing when he was shot in the arm. “What are you saying?” Alpha Marc was flabbergasted. “What I am saying is, it wasn’t all about me. Yes, he wanted me but this pictures show the exact layoutof our pack. Each pictures is a different angle. Look, I am just sitting at the pool with Emmy. There arefive different t angles to the same position I was at. When you cut them and put them together, it laysout the entire layout of the pool. I can connect it with the playground next to it and the school beyondthat. Don’t you see, they have the entire layout of our territory!” I Their eyes moved from picture to picture. It wasn’t until I put them next to eachother that theyconnected the dots. “He knows where everything is at.” Alec said quietly. “He knew exactly where to go to kidnap me. He knew what to avoid and how to get there.” I clarifiedjust in case they didn’t get it through their heads. “I can’t believe this.” Alec rubbed his hands over his face. “That’s not the worst part. Look!” I pointed out the boarders. “They know our schedule.” Alpha Marc’s eyes got wide as he ran out of the room. “Are you sure?” Colt asked me. I knew he wasn’texactly questioning me but he was in shock as well. novelbin

“I was only ever quickly shown the pictures. I never got to really look at them before now.” I pleadedwith Colt to understand. “This isn’t your fault.” Colt her his hand on my shoulder. I tried not to wince but he quickly removed itand looked at me apologetically. Standing up, he looked over at Alec. “I am sending a group of warriorsto beef up the boarders until you guys can figure out a new plan.

“Okay.” Alec didn’t even try to argue. “We will also be issuing a state of emergency.” “Good.” Colt nodded as he left the room and pulled out his cell phone. It was just me and Alec insilence listening to the printer continue to print pictures. After a few minutes, Alec walked over to top the printer. “DON’T!” I yelled. “Why?” “I need to make sure there isn’t anything else in those pictures.” Alec frowned but nodded. “Get Emmyin here.” I said without looking at him. I knew it sounded bit chy but she would be the only other personthat I trusted to be able to do this with me. We had done these before to try to push my brain. “Emmy?” Yes, s, get her in here.” I picked up another picture and kept working on cutting them and fitting them intotheir spots. It was like a massive j ig saw puzzle. Alec sat on the couch and just watched me work. “What is so urgent?” Jasper walked in and looked over at me on the floor. “Ice?” Emmy asked as she kneeled down I need your help. Remember when we did that puzzle when we were trying to figure out my IQ?” Ilooked at her in panic. “Yeah, it took us hours….” Emmy looked around. “I need you to help me do the same. These are the pictures we found on the phone. Look! They aren’tjust of me but of the entire pack layout.” “Oh f uck..” Jasper’s eyes got wide as he looked around. I didn’t even care that some of them had Alec and I having S** in some. “Okay, I need a pair of scissors and a trash bucket.” Emmy said as she looked around. “Trash bucket?” Alec asked. “To throw up in. It’s been a bad morning.” I stopped and looked at her. She was extremely pale and loo k ing rather ragged.

“Emmy…” I said in a soft voice. “I’m okay. I was going to go crazy staring at the same walls. You can only hug a toilet for so long.” Shegave me a weak smile before she turned her attention to the task at hand. Today’s Bonus Offer GET IT NOW

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