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Chatper 360

Chapter 360

This question kept bouncing around in Seraphina’s head. Just as she was about to blurt it out, shesuddenly turned her head away and held her tongue.

Leandro had a deep look in his eyes. After a while, he calmly asked, “Did you have something youwanted to ask me?”

Seraphina stayed silent for a moment, then slowly shook her head.

She averted her gaze, no longer looking at Leandro, and didn’t utter another word.

Seeing her reaction, Leandro didn’t continue the conversation either.

The car journeyed back to Reynolds Manor. Seraphina got, out and went in, while Leandro stayed putin the car.

Seraphina looked back at him, “Are you heading back to the hospital?”

“Yeah.” Leandro replied.

Seraphina simply smiled faintly, “Go ahead then, be with your mother. I’ll take care of Grandpa andValerio.”

Hearing her indifferent tone, Leandro took another look at her before slowly nodding and telling thedriver to head to the hospital.

Seraphina stood at the doorway, watching his car pull away.

As the car gradually moved away from the main gate, Leandro looked at Seraphina’s retreating figurein the rear-view mirror, his gaze growing even more intense.

Leandro’s car left the estate, but Seraphina remained stationary at the entrance.

It was only when Conway Reynolds came out of the house and called out to her, “Sera.”

“Grandpa.” Seraphina finally turned her head.

Conway frowned slightly, asking cautiously, “How is she doing?”

“She’s out of danger.” Seraphina said, “But she’ll likely need time to recover.”

Hearing this/ Conway closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.!

Seraphina turned around and helped Conway into the house, then said, “Don’t worry too much,Grandpa. She’ll figure it out one day..”

Conway sighed once more, “I’m afraid that’ll be hard…”

Seraphina stayed silent for a while, not picking up the conversation.

Conway sat quietly for a moment, then looked at her again, “Are you scared?”

“Scared? Me?” Seraphina chuckled, “You know me, Grandpa. [don’t scare easy.”

With that, she suddenly stood up, “Grandpa, I have to head out for a bit. You rest up and stop worrying,alright?”

Hearing this, Conway gave her a long, hard look, “What’s going on? Are you guys hiding somethingfrom me?”

“If we told you about Gloria, what else could we possibly hide?” Seraphina said, “Don’t overthink it.”

After reassuring Conway, Seraphina headed out to Reynolds Vista Retreat.

Compared to the bustling morning, the Retreat was now quiet. When Seraphina walked in, only twoservants were whispering to each other.novelbin

On seeing Seraphina, both of them jumped. One of them, Aggie, looked especially uncomfortable.

No surprise there. It was Aggie who had vehemently claimed that Seraphina and Vivian had beenalone on the balcony.

Seraphina specifically smiled at her, “Aggie, I need to gather some personal items and clothes forGloria. Could you help me upstairs?”

Aggie seemed uneasy. She frowned but responded, “Sure, ma’am.”

Seraphina understood her discomfort. In the past, she was just a helpless orphan and Aggie had noreason to fear her. But who would’ve thought that, years later, Seraphina would be the lady of theReynolds family.

Life really liked to play tricks on you, and it was unsettling.

And Seraphina was all about making Aggie uncomfortable.

The two of them went upstairs and entered Gloria’s room.

As soon as the door opened, Seraphina took a seat on the couch and instructed Aggie to fetch things.

Once Aggie had brought a pile of stuff, Seraphina started to pick through it. Most of it, she had Aggieput back, then asked her to fetch more.

After a few rounds of this, anyone could see Seraphina was doing it on purpose.

Finally, Aggie couldn’t take it anymore. She put the items down in front of Seraphina, saying, “Ma’am, Iknow you’re mad about my testimony. I said you were on the balcony with Miss Vivian, but I was justtelling the truth. I never said you pushed her… If you want to blame me, I have nothing to say.”

Seraphina sat on the couch, scoffing, “You’re telling the truth? Ask yourself, is it really the truth?”

Aggie was stumped, then replied indignantly, “Of course it’s the truth! I saw you on the balcony with Ms.Smith. I just told what I saw, what’s wrong with that?” Seraphina stood up, her heels clicking loudly onthe floor. She glared at Aggie, saying. “You told everything you saw? You saw me on the balcony withVivian, so you told everyone! But what about after that? Other people went to the balcony too, Gloriawent to the balcony. Why didn’t you say anything about that?”

Seraphina was intimidating and Aggie was taken aback. She quickly tried to defend herself, “Howwould I know who else went to the balcony? Gloria… she did go to the balcony, but how could she bethe culprit? It was you, you were-”

She wanted to say that Seraphina had a crush on Leandro and therefore attacked Vivian, but shestopped herself before she could, Looking at Seraphina, she said, “If you think I wronged you, I havenothing to say. I can resign.”

With that, she looked at Seraphina, only to find her previous coldness had faded. She was just standingthere, her expression calm.

Aggie was not sure of Seraphina’s intentions, and she didn’t want to be alone with her anymore. So,she hurried towards the door.

But, just as she was about to step out the door, her eyes landed on Karan.

Karan forgot how long she had been standing at the doorway. All she did was watching Seraphinainside the room, her gaze calm yet deep.

“Karan…” Aggie called her in a soft voice.

Hearing the noise, Seraphina turned around. Seeing Karan, her eyes deepened even further, sparklingwith light.

Karan waved her hand, motioning Aggie to leave. Then, she slowly walked into the bedroom, starting tosort out the items Seraphina had just chosen. As she tidying up, she asked, “What’s with thethreatening act? What do you want to ask?”

Seraphina suddenly burst into laughter, “If I ask, Karan, will you answer me?”

Karan quickly finished tidying up the items in her hands, then looked up at Seraphina. She fell silent fora moment before slowly saying, “You already have the answer in your heart, don’t you?”

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