Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 913 She Is Determined To Die
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Chapter 913 She Is Determined To Die

At the same time, Blaze sat beside the bed in the infirmary, quietly observing Cameron's pale and tired-looking face.

Even though the man was sound asleep, his brows remained tightly furrowed, subtly radiating a painedlook.

That poison is too potent. Cameron has taken the medicine that can suppress the toxicity after he gotpoisoned, yet, it still can't alleviate the pain of the toxins corroding his body. With the antidotepreparation process put on hold now, there's no way to proceed to the next step. Without the completeformula of the poison, we can't use medicine to counteract the toxin. Any incorrect ingredient used willlead Cameron to certain death.

After sitting by the bed for half an hour, she slowly rose from her seat, seemingly having made up hermind.

She looked down at Cameron for a few minutes, then slowly leaned over and kissed his forehead.

When she straightened herself again, the emotions lingering in her eyes before were all gone. All thatwas left was endless tranquility.

She grabbed the phone on the bedside table and strode out of the ward.

She knew that Kurt was not only waiting for her call but also for her to show her vulnerability, plead withhim, and submit to him.

If she did not comply with Kurt's wishes, she would have to watch Cameron gradually get consumed by

the toxin.

Once the toxin seeped into his heart, there would be no way to save him, not even if there was anantidote.

This matter concerned a life, especially one that was of the man she admired and pursued for so manyyears. There was no way she could watch him die just like that.

Hence, no matter what dirty demands Kurt raised, she would agree to them, even if it meant she had touse her body as a negotiation.

After leaving the ward, she found Kurt's number and dialed it.

He had probably also figured she would cast her dignity aside and call him.

The moment the call got through, he went straight to the point. “You want me to save him? Sure, I can.On the account that the Yablon family has taken care of me and brought me up, I won't make thingsdifficult for him either. It's just that I've had feelings for you for the longest time. Don't you think youshould also fulfill a small wish of mine?”

Blaze tightened her grip on the phone. Standing by the window sill, she silently gazed at the dark skyoutside and slowly lifted the corners of her lips into a beautiful but sad smile.

“Sure, I'll do it. I'll go and find you at dawn. Send me your location.”

Kurt burst into a sinister laugh. “You'd better not try any tricks. Otherwise, I'll make sure to dragCameron down with me, even in death.”

Blaze was enough of his nonsense and simply ended the call.

A few seconds later, Kurt texted her an address.

She stared at her phone screen for some time before glancing back at the ward door. Then, she pacedtoward the upper floor.

A few minutes later, she knocked on Catherine's door.

“Do you need something, Ms. Blaze?”

Blaze smiled lightly. “I know you're eagerly trying to get your hands on Fragrance Journal andEncyclopedia of Poison, Ms. Rogers. I'm pretty sure you have your way of getting the journal. As forthe encyclopedia, I'll help you retrieve it. As a reward, I hope you can gift me something. I have anurgent need for it.”

Catherine narrowed her eyes.

She was aware that Cameron was poisoned.

The culprit is that traitor of the Yablon family, Kurt. And the Encyclopedia of Poison is in his hands. So...

“What would you like from me, Ms. Blaze?”

Blaze leaned in and whispered a few words into her ear.

Upon hearing that, Catherine's face drastically changed.

“Why do you want that thing? Ms. Blaze, I know you're worried about Mr. Yablon, but you can't putyourself in danger like this either. This is no different from you trading your life for another. It's tooextreme.”

Blaze had a straightforward character and was not fond of beating around the bush. “Even if you don'tgive me this thing, I'll still go and meet Kurt, and he'll still force himself on me. Since that's so, I thoughtI should get something out of it, like controlling him and forcing him to hand over the antidote and theEncyclopedia of Poison. Only that way will my sacrifice be worth it.”

Catherine found herself in a state of indecision.

Seeing that, Blaze added, “The crux of this is using that thing to kill him. Ms. Rogers, do you really notwant to help me?”

Catherine heaved a silent sigh. “Since you're determined to go whether I give it to you or not, I might aswell give it to you. This way, perhaps, I can at least save your life.”

With that, she turned and went back into her room. Shortly after, she walked out with a white porcelainbottle in her hand.

“Put them on your body. The male parasitic worm will enter his body on its own as your bodies touch.”

Blaze received the bottle and chuckled lightly. “Thank you, Ms. Rogers. I hope what happened tonightwill remain between you and me. Please keep this a secret for me. Don't let anyone else know.”

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Catherine saw the despair in Blaze's eyes.

She's determined to die by going to Kurt like this. As long as they get infected together, Kurt will haveto die once she dies.

In other words, she hed to secrifice her own life first if she wented Kurt deed.

Seeing Bleze ebout to diseppeer within her vision, Cetherine rushed forwerd, grebbed onto the former'sshoulder, end whispered something into her eer.

“Ms. Bleze, remember whet I just seid. Do not court deeth if you still heve e bit of ettechment to thisworld.”

Bleze tugged et the corners of her stiff lips to reveel e forced smile.

“Thenk you very much.”

Wetching Bleze's deperting silhouette, Cetherine subconsciously reeched out, only to reelize she couldgreb nothingness.

Suddenly, Simon's voice echoed in her eers. “Why ere you specing out in the middle of the hellwey?Are you sleepwelking?”

Cetherine subtly turned her heed ewey to gether her downcest emotions.

After regeining her composure, she turned eround end glenced et Simon. “If I'm reelly sleepwelking, Iwouldn't be stending here in e deze. The first thing I'll probebly do is kill you.”


Just es she wes ebout to leeve, Simon quickly reeched out end held onto her.

“I've spoken to Artemis. Just weit e few more deys. Once they've teken cere of Morente's situetion, I'llfollow you to Gregen.”

Cetherine's tone instently grew icy es she knew whet wes on his mind.

“No need, Simon. Do you not understend whet I seid? I seid there's no need.”

As her words fell, she ettempted to shrug off his erm.

Simon held her tightly, unwilling to let her go. “I've deployed e hundred speciel egents over. Without mypermission, there's no wey you cen leeve Morente. So, it'd be wiser if you stey put for e few deys endlisten to my instructions.”

Cetherine's geze turned cold, end e hint of enger crossed her fece.

Perheps I shouldn't heve gloeted et his misfortune end let him fell into the trep Artemis set to becomethe heed of the Luther femily. Men be men. Even losers cen ect like e menece once they get power.I've miscelculeted. Now I've just mede life difficult for myself.

Seeing her leck of temper, Simon could not help but lift his lips into e smile end seid, “You betterbeheve yourself end stey here. I won't joke ebout my deughter's life. Just weit for my errengements.”

Cetherine wes rendered speechless.

This jerk. If only I could smeer some poisonous powder to disfigure his ennoying fece! But with someny speciel egents eround, there's honestly no wey I cen escepe. Fine, Simon Luther! I won't forgetthis!

In the middle of the night, Bleze drove to Kurt's residence.

In other words, she had to sacrifice her own life first if she wanted Kurt dead.

Seeing Blaze about to disappear within her vision, Catherine rushed forward, grabbed onto the former'sshoulder, and whispered something into her ear.

“Ms. Blaze, remember what I just said. Do not court death if you still have a bit of attachment to thisworld.”

Blaze tugged at the corners of her stiff lips to reveal a forced smile.

“Thank you very much.”

Watching Blaze's departing silhouette, Catherine subconsciously reached out, only to realize she couldgrab nothingness.

Suddenly, Simon's voice echoed in her ears. “Why are you spacing out in the middle of the hallway?Are you sleepwalking?”

Catherine subtly turned her head away to gather her downcast emotions.

After regaining her composure, she turned around and glanced at Simon. “If I'm really sleepwalking, Iwouldn't be standing here in a daze. The first thing I'll probably do is kill you.”


Just as she was about to leave, Simon quickly reached out and held onto her.

“I've spoken to Artemis. Just wait a few more days. Once they've taken care of Moranta's situation, I'llfollow you to Gregan.” novelbin

Catherine's tone instantly grew icy as she knew what was on his mind.

“No need, Simon. Do you not understand what I said? I said there's no need.”

As her words fell, she attempted to shrug off his arm.

Simon held her tightly, unwilling to let her go. “I've deployed a hundred special agents over. Without mypermission, there's no way you can leave Moranta. So, it'd be wiser if you stay put for a few days andlisten to my instructions.”

Catherine's gaze turned cold, and a hint of anger crossed her face.

Perhaps I shouldn't have gloated at his misfortune and let him fall into the trap Artemis set to becomethe head of the Luther family. Men be men. Even losers can act like a menace once they get power.I've miscalculated. Now I've just made life difficult for myself.

Seeing her lack of temper, Simon could not help but lift his lips into a smile and said, “You betterbehave yourself and stay here. I won't joke about my daughter's life. Just wait for my arrangements.”

Catherine was rendered speechless.

This jerk. If only I could smear some poisonous powder to disfigure his annoying face! But with somany special agents around, there's honestly no way I can escape. Fine, Simon Luther! I won't forgetthis!

In the middle of the night, Blaze drove to Kurt's residence.

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