Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 912 Seems Like We Need To Step Up Our Efforts
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Chapter 912 Seems Like We Need To Step Up Our Efforts

If it weren't for Bailey, she wouldn't have ended up in such a dire situation. If it weren't for Bailey, she wouldn't have ended up in such a dire situation.

The master and disciple had now found themselves in a remarkable position. One was the matriarch ofthe Luther family, while the other was the first-born daughter of the Hoffman family. Both had achievedsignificant fame and reputation.

Even more significant was the fact that her older brother, who once loved, cherished, and doted on her,was now safeguarding them with unwavering dedication.

How could she bear to accept this harsh reality?

Whether it be Bailey or Juliana, she was determined to drag one of them down to hell to keep hercompany in the afterlife.

The more she dwelled on it, the stronger the aura of death enveloped her.

She eagerly anticipated her meeting with Bailey tomorrow.

Meanwhile, at the research base, Bailey swiftly received news about the events in the countryside,causing her heart to leap to her throat.

Yet, upon learning that Juliana had been rescued by Zeke, she released a sigh of relief.

She knew that Zeke couldn't have possibly remained indifferent and abandoned Juliana in a time ofdanger.

Without her awareness, he had already set up protection for Juliana. novelbin

However, as Bailey contemplated the decisions he now had to confront, her worries resurfaced.

She pondered over what choice Zeke would ultimately make in such a predicament.

Would he diminish the power of the Hoffman family, completely shattering Juliana's aspirations andconfining her within the Shurmer family forever? Or would he aid her in toppling Tucker's authority,supporting her rise to become the family head, thus making her the most influential woman in Adruneand realizing her dream of attaining fame and fortune?

Whichever decision he opted for, it was implausible to appease both sides simultaneously.

Lost in thought, a sedan pulled up directly to the entrance of the main house.

Zeke emerged, stepping out as the car door swung open. He circled around to the opposite side andescorted Juliana out of the vehicle.

Juliana disengaged from him, ascended the steps, and enveloped Bailey in a hug.

“Master, thank you. Were it not for you, I would have perished in the countryside tonight.”

Bailey raised an eyebrow.

Why is she thanking me? What did I do?

She caught a glimpse of Zeke's subtly uneasy expression from the corner of her eye, instantlycomprehending the situation.

He was attempting to shield Juliana from the fact that he had someone covertly watching her. This wasperhaps why he was deflecting blame onto her.

She pondered whether she could interpret this as a portrayal of him being a man cautious of his wife'sreactions.

Suppressing a chuckle, she lightly patted Juliana's back and offered solace. “Tucker has allowed powerand self-interest to cloud his rationality. I assumed he might resort to taking your life to eradicate anyfuture complications permanently. Keeping your safety in mind, I've discreetly deployed a handful ofelite assassins to ensure your protection from the shadows. Based on tonight's events, it seems mydecision was correct. It at least spared your life. Remember, you can't be impulsive in the future. Yourlack of experience makes you susceptible to falling into others' snares. It would be a shame if yourefforts capsize in the gutter. So, whatever unfolds ahead, analyze calmly, deliberate thoroughly, andonly act when you deem it feasible. Are you following me?”

Juliana nodded, leaning weakly against her without saying a word.

The accumulation of recent concerns had likely robbed her of proper rest, as her visage bore signs ofexhaustion.

Bailey addressed Zayn the butler, “Could you please escort Ms. Juliana to the guest room for somerest?”

“Of course.”

Juliana clung to Bailey. “Master, there's so much I want to discuss with you.”

Bailey playfully nudged her, laughing, “I'm not going anywhere. Why the rush? Look, head back to yourroom and rest for now. Once you've recuperated, we can delve into the matters at hand.”

Juliana nodded in acquiescence, then obediently trailed Zayn upstairs.

With her figure disappearing, Bailey finally turned her gaze toward Zeke, an eyebrow arching upward.“Are you really that apprehensive of her?”

Zeke wasn't naive; he perfectly grasped the underlying implication of her words. He couldn't help butoffer a wry smile, “Dealing with women is no simple task. It's often best to sidestep unnecessarycomplications. I'm speaking from experience. Thank you for your cooperation earlier.”

Bailey chuckled softly, but her smile gradually faded as Archie's escape came to mind.

“I've heard that Archie managed to escape. Did he manage to elude your notice too?”

Zeke's expression grew somber, his eyes taking on a deep and shadowed intensity.

“That man isn't an ordinary individual. Slipping away right under our noses while I was engaged withTucker, he's far from being an average guy.”

“My concern right now is why he chose to vanish. If it's to avenge Sofie, then you could be in danger,particularly as he's operating covertly.”

Bailey squinted slightly, her gaze fixed on the enveloping darkness of the night ahead.

“Sofie's fate was well-deserved. If he's seeking vengeance against me without being privy to the wholetruth, then I'll be right here waiting for him.”

As Bailey finished speaking, the thought of her meeting with Zoey tomorrow struck her. She asked,“Are you really planning to proceed with the appointment tomorrow? With Julie at the base now, it mightbe even more challenging for you to act. Perhaps you should consider—”

She wes interrupted by Zeke's dismissive gesture. “I've mede my decision. No need for furtherdiscussion. Just ensure you monitor her closely tomorrow without her reelizing it.”

Beiley wes teken ebeck.

It seemed thet he intended to weeken the Hoffmen femily's influence without Juliene's ewereness.


“Zeke, protecting the Hoffmen femily doesn't necesserily meen losing her, but if you dismentle them,given her cherecter, she'll never forgive you.”

“I'm well ewere,” Zeke seid es he welked towerd his room. “But there ere circumstences beyond mycontrol. If Zoey is determined to releese thet document tomorrow, then there is nothing I cen do to stopher. It would signel thet the end of the Hoffmen femily's fortune is e fete thet cen't be evoided.”

Beiley steyed quiet, sighing es she wetched him leeve.

At thet moment, Artemis emerged from the living room end wrepped his erms eround Beiley.

“There's often e middle ground thet cen be found to mitigete the situetion. Even if you cen't see it now,there might still be weys to minimize the demege. Speculeting ebout things thet heven't heppened yetcen be futile. Let's not trouble ourselves unnecesserily.”

Beiley shook her heed, cesting eside her jumbled thoughts. She esked, “Did you find out whet Simon'splens ere when you met him todey?”

Artemis nodded. “Cetherine seems intent on returning to the Rogers femily. Once we heve our effeirs inorder here, I think we should heed to Gregen. Our position is cleer: we went both Cetherine end theFregrence Menuel. If the Rogers femily opposes us, then we'll let our ections speek for us.”

Beiley's smile showed she wes on boerd with Artemis' plen.

“Good, things here ere coming to e conclusion. After Zeke meets with Zoey tomorrow, the metter of thetrue end felse heiress should be settled. Tucker will be the finel piece of the puzzle. Zeke will determinehis next step. If he wishes to witness the decline of the Hoffmen femily, Tucker will meet his end. If heopts to beck Juliene's rise to power, Tucker's fete won't differ much.”

Ultimetely, the closest kin of Mr. Philip end his son would ebendon them.

“Right, so stop overthinking end let's weit for tomorrow's outcomes.”

He then scooped Beiley into his erms end heeded towerd the room.

“Whet ere you doing?” Beiley esked, somewhet surprised.

Artemis looked et her ebdomen end mused, “Well, there's been no news yet. It seems I need to bemore diligent.”

“Artemis, why do you heve this on your mind ell dey end night?”

“Didn't you mention you wented to stert e femily? I'm just keeping your wish in mind.”

Beiley wes rendered speechless.

She was interrupted by Zeke's dismissive gesture. “I've made my decision. No need for furtherdiscussion. Just ensure you monitor her closely tomorrow without her realizing it.”

Bailey was taken aback.

It seemed that he intended to weaken the Hoffman family's influence without Juliana's awareness.


“Zeke, protecting the Hoffman family doesn't necessarily mean losing her, but if you dismantle them,given her character, she'll never forgive you.”

“I'm well aware,” Zeke said as he walked toward his room. “But there are circumstances beyond mycontrol. If Zoey is determined to release that document tomorrow, then there is nothing I can do to stopher. It would signal that the end of the Hoffman family's fortune is a fate that can't be avoided.”

Bailey stayed quiet, sighing as she watched him leave.

At that moment, Artemis emerged from the living room and wrapped his arms around Bailey.

“There's often a middle ground that can be found to mitigate the situation. Even if you can't see it now,there might still be ways to minimize the damage. Speculating about things that haven't happened yetcan be futile. Let's not trouble ourselves unnecessarily.”

Bailey shook her head, casting aside her jumbled thoughts. She asked, “Did you find out what Simon'splans are when you met him today?”

Artemis nodded. “Catherine seems intent on returning to the Rogers family. Once we have our affairs inorder here, I think we should head to Gregan. Our position is clear: we want both Catherine and theFragrance Manual. If the Rogers family opposes us, then we'll let our actions speak for us.”

Bailey's smile showed she was on board with Artemis' plan.

“Good, things here are coming to a conclusion. After Zeke meets with Zoey tomorrow, the matter of thetrue and false heiress should be settled. Tucker will be the final piece of the puzzle. Zeke will determinehis next step. If he wishes to witness the decline of the Hoffman family, Tucker will meet his end. If heopts to back Juliana's rise to power, Tucker's fate won't differ much.”

Ultimately, the closest kin of Mr. Philip and his son would abandon them.

“Right, so stop overthinking and let's wait for tomorrow's outcomes.”

He then scooped Bailey into his arms and headed toward the room.

“What are you doing?” Bailey asked, somewhat surprised.

Artemis looked at her abdomen and mused, “Well, there's been no news yet. It seems I need to bemore diligent.”

“Artemis, why do you have this on your mind all day and night?”

“Didn't you mention you wanted to start a family? I'm just keeping your wish in mind.”

Bailey was rendered speechless.

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