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Chapter 842

Sofie turned around abruptly, and her graceful face twitched subtly. W-Wendy has been murdered?How is that possible? I just checked on her twenty minutes ago because I was afraid that any mishapmight disrupt the entire plan. That was why I specifically assigned my best subordinates to guard her.She was supposed to be untouchable! Logically speaking, no one should be able to sneak in. It's evenmore impossible to slaughter someone without causing a commotion.

“Go and take a look! Quick!” Sofie scolded and kicked her subordinate. Victory is now within sight, andwe're so close. We absolutely cannot ruin it at this stage. Without Wendy as a bargaining chip, I don'teven know if I can survive the day, let alone take Tarragon down. I've put everything on the line in thisoperation. If I lose today, I can never make a comeback again!

“Sofie, if I heard correctly just now, it seems your subordinate mentioned that Wendy is dead. I thinkyou owe me a reasonable explanation.” Holden's icy and murderous voice echoed in Sofie's ears,pulling her back from her wandering thoughts.

Sofie abruptly turned her head to meet Holden's bloodthirsty gaze. She quickly answered, “It must be amistake made by my subordinates. It has to be... Mr. Lewitt, please remain calm. I assure you, yourlady will be safely returned to you. Just give me a little time, don't—”

Before she could finish speaking, two people in black rushed toward her.

“Ms. Carr, Ms. Wendy is really dead. She really is...”

A loud bang rang out at the scene right after.

Sofie had pulled out a pistol and shot the man dead on the spot.

The personal bodyguard approached Sofie and whispered, “Ms. Carr, Wendy is indeed dead. However,it wasn't murder. It was a suicide. What should we do next?”

Sofie's body began to tremble violently, and her eyes were filled with astonishment. “How could shepossibly commit suicide? This isn't right. She was about to regain her freedom. How could she havethe courage to seek death?”

The personal bodyguard hesitated momentarily before replying gingerly, “Perhaps it's because he lovesHolden too much, so she doesn't want to see him being threatened by us, so...”

“F*ck!” Sofie cursed vehemently.

Right then, Holden slowly pulled out his gun, aiming it directly at Sofie's forehead. His voice was icywhen he asked, “What else do you have to say? I cooperated with you and helped you get to thecenter. Is this how you repay me?”

Sofie instinctively took two steps forward and uttered anxiously, “Holden, I didn't kill Wendy. She tookher own life. You can't blame me for this. Give me the ring, and we can rule the world together. Howabout that? So what if she's dead? Once you have the power and money, you can have any womanyou want. You can go after other women. As a man, you should be free to explore all the women in theworld.”


Holden fired a shot at her.

Sofie was no pushover, and she had remained highly vigilant at all times. novelbin

At the sound of the gunshot, she instinctively turned her body. The bullet whizzed past, grazing hershoulder. “Holden, are you seeking a fight to the death? I have enough people here to settle this onceand for all with you. You better think this through. If you hand over the ring to me now, I can still spareyou and your sister. But if you wait until I win, your death is certain.”

Holden blew on the smoking gun barrel and sneered coldly, “You should know that Wendy is my weakspot. Now that she's gone, do you really think I'd still be under your control? Oh, by the way, I bet Mr.Doyle didn't tell you once Tarragon's defense is activated, it can't be turned off. With your level ofintelligence, you should know what I'm trying to say. That's right, the defense system was never turnedoff. I simply withdrew the guards.”

Sofie's pupils contracted sharply. She pointed at him and stammered, “Y-You did this on purpose! Younever intended to cooperate with me in the first place. You just lured me into your trap. What profoundlove were you talking about? You never loved that girl from the Hoffman family. You were just using herto distract me and let my guard down.”

Suddenly, Holden leaped off the defensive wall and laughed out loud. “No. My feelings for Wendy aregenuine. The reason I'm not afraid of your threats is because the real Wendy is no longer in yourhands.”

After hearing this, Sofie subconsciously took a few steps back, and her body shook violently.“Impossible! This can't be. I clearly imprisoned the girl from the Hoffman family. How could I have madea mistake?”


The open space echoed with the deep, magnetic voice of Holden.

In the next moment, bullets were fired from all directions.

“Ms. Carr, we are surrounded.”

“Ms. Carr, we've walked right into their ambush.”

“Ms. Carr, the enemy is using the most advanced laser scanning technology. We simply can't pinpointtheir location, so we can only fight defensively.”

“Ms. Carr, we're in trouble. Our retreat path has been cut off. We're stuck with no way out. I'm afraidwe're doomed.”

Indeed, we're doomed. We're a bunch of sitting ducks! Sofie's legs gave way, and she collapseddirectly onto the floor. I'm done for. I spent over a decade planning, and everything is ruined. Everythinghas been taken away from me before I have a chance to truly savor the taste of power. I can't acceptthis. I can't...

“Send the order. I want everyone to fight to the death to create a chance for me to escape. I need toretreat,” she demanded.


Holden stood in a distant sentry post, holding a telescope, looking at the heavy casualties on theopposite side. He couldn't help grinning viciously when he saw the scene before his eyes. If this oldwoman didn't resort to tricks and instead fought me fair and square, I might not necessarily be able tobeat her. Yet, she insisted on playing the fool, placing all her eggs in a single basket without even beingable to control the whole situation accurately. She deserves this defeat.

“Tell everyone not to stop the laser sweep. I want all of them dead,” Holden ordered.

“W-What if someone wants to surrender? Do we kill them as well?”

Holden smirked and answered through his gritted teeth, “I want all of them dead.”


In a certain dense forest in the southwest, a masked man, cloaked in a trench coat, stood with hishands behind his back and gazed silently at the battlefield not far off.

“Damien, the slaughter is about to end. When should we make our move?”

The man known as Damien slowly withdrew his gaze, saying casually, “Focus all efforts on savingSofie. Ignore everyone else. After you pick her up, take her directly to Mortality Base. We'll escape fromthat primeval forest.”


Under the protection of her trusted entourage, Sofie was painstakingly retreating. Even if everyone else

has to die today, I must escape. I can only make a comeback if I'm alive.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunfire echoed relentlessly around her. In a moment, several more people by her side had fallen.

She was completely stunned when she saw a bullet flying toward her face.

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