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Chapter 758

Caridee The more Shaun looked at the photo, the more he felt plagued with impatience.

What a beautiful girl, looking so pure that she makes me want to...

Shaun had been with so many women, all seductive and sexy. Even if there were a few seeminglyinnocent and charming ones, they were mostly just putting on an act. For the first time, he hadencountered such a natural pure girl, untainted by any impurities, and he could not wait to spoil thewoman wholeheartedly. Shaun said,

“Mr. Tucker keeps saying that he wants to cooperate with me sincerely, but could it be that he has alsotaken a fancy to this pretty girl and planned to claim her for himself?”

The bodyguard in a black suit standing in the center of the living room respectfully replied, “Mr. Carter,you have misunderstood. Mr. Tucker has prepared a grand feast for you that will surely make you leavesatisfied.”

Shaun raised his eyebrows. He leaned lazily against the back of the chair, with a hint of a half-smileplaying at the corner of his lips.

“Tell me about it. I'm curious to see what kind of surprise Mr. Tucker has prepared.”

The bodyguard nodded and said, “There will be an International Socialite Gala held the day aftertomorrow, which is sponsored by the Hoffman family. The young lady you're interested in is also on theinvitation list. Mr. Carter, if you could grace us with your presence, you would surely win the beauty'sheart. As for the specific arrangements, I won't reveal them for now. You'll understand it when the timecomes.”

Shaun burst into laughter.

“I never expected that Mr. Tucker would have such a romantic side! All right, I'll wait for another twodays. I hope he can bring me a once-in-a-lifetime unforgettable encounter.” novelbin

The bodyguard replied, “Definitely.”

Shaun burst into hearty laughter again, grabbing the red wine from the table and downing it in one gulp.His gaze fell upon the young girl's face in the photo, and a wicked smile formed at the corner of his lips.In his hawk-like eyes, a glint of predatory desire flickered.

He was the head of the most prominent family in Epea, with wealth as loaded as any country'sreserves. Over the years, beautiful women have surrounded him, and none who caught his eye haveever managed to escape.

The same goes for the one before my eyes.

He was determined to fully savor her beauty. At a leisure club, Astrid was escorted by two bodyguardsin black suits into a private room.

Astrid said, “Let go of me, all of you! How dare you arrest me in public? Does the law mean nothing toyou?”

“The law? In Moranta, isn't the Hoffman family the law itself? No. The Hoffman family is the law in theentire Adrune.”

A wickedly teasing voice reached Astrid's ears, and Astrid instinctively looked up to see a tall, slenderfigure sitting by the window. She knew the man. He was the next heir of the Hoffman family, TuckerHoffman.

Astrid said, “Mr... Mr. Tucker, I don't know why you want to tie me up. I... I don't seem to have offendedyou, have I?”

Tucker was right.

In Moranta, the Hoffman family was the law, and Astrid could not afford to mess with the family. Neithercould her family, as the Adley family relied on the Hoffman family for survival.

Tucker gestured to the seat across from him with his chin and raised an eyebrow, saying, “Ms. Adley,please have a seat and enjoy a cup of coffee. Let's have a chat.”

Astrid forced herself to approach him. After sitting down across from him, she said somewhatawkwardly, “Mr. Tucker, I have limited capabilities, so I really can't do anything for you. I hope you canunderstand...”

Before she could finish speaking, Tucker directly waved his hand to interrupt her.

“It's just a small matter, so I don't need you to have many capabilities. I heard that Ms. Caridee of theLuther family is your friend, and you have invited her to International Socialite Gala hosted by theHoffman family?”

“Yes, you're right. If there is anything you wish to convey, please speak freely. If there's anything I canhelp with, I'll definitely not decline.”

“Very good.” Tucker smiled contentedly, taking a porcelain bottle from his briefcase and placing it infront of Astrid.

“At the International Socialite Gala the day after tomorrow, find a way to get this drug into Ms. Caridee'sroom and drug her. Then, bring her to the lounge I've designated, and your task will be consideredcomplete.”

A hint of astonishment crossed Astrid's face as she stammered, “You... You want to drug Ms. Caridee?What... What are you trying to do? She is the legitimate daughter of the Luther family. If anythinghappens to her, won't it cause a huge uproar?”

Tucker raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes emitting a chilling cold gleam.

“Don't ask what you shouldn't know. Be careful not to bring trouble upon yourself. You don't need toknow too much; just do as I say.”

Astrid replied, “But... But she's the daughter of the Luther family, she...”

Tucker responded, “Ms. Adley, don't forget that the Adley family has always relied on the Hoffmanfamily for survival. If you can't handle even such a small matter, I think the Hoffman family might treatthe Adley family as a discarded pawn.”

“Please don't.”

Astrid suddenly stood up. She bit her lip tightly, tears swirling in her eyes. If the Adley family fell apart,she would be kicked out of the socialite circle. She could not bear such a drastic change, as the othernoble socialites would laugh at her dignity.

Every man for himself, and the Devil took the hindmost. Therefore, Astrid had no choice but to sacrificeCaridee.

I'm sorry, Caridee. You've messed with the wrong people. Even if I don't set you up, they'll find otherways to get you. It's better for you to help me as a friend to maintain my current status in the socialitecircle.

“Okay, I will agree to do that.” Tucker smiled faintly.

“That's right, a wise person would submit to circumstances. It's the only way for you to stand firm in thiscruel world. Ms. Adley, I look forward to your performance the day after tomorrow. Remember, don't tryany tricks, or else the entire Adley family will suffer because of you.”

Astrid stayed silent at that warning. Inside the headquarters bedroom at Tarragon Headquarters, Baileywoke up from Artemis' embrace.

She looked up at the man above her dreamily. Gazing at his handsome face, she said in a hoarsevoice, “It feels so good to open my eyes and see you right away.”

Artemis leaned in and kissed her lips.

He then said, “Bay, let's go with the method you mentioned. I think it's feasible. After all, I won't surviveanyway. If we take the gamble, maybe I can live on. If we don't, then death is certain.”

Bailey propped herself up on the bed and said while smiling, “That's exactly what I was thinking. Wehave to keep trying everything in a desperate situation. Who knows, a miracle might happen. Even if itmight not, we'll have nothing to fear as we're going to leave this world together.”

Artemis reached out and hugged her tightly. He then said while laughing helplessly, “You sure areopen-minded. Tell me your thoughts on this blood exchange.”

Bailey nestled in his arms, and after a moment of silence, she said slowly, “Master's handwritten lettermentioned that two-thirds of the toxin from Soul Reaper is concentrated in the blood. So, draining theblood from your body might reduce the toxicity by two-thirds. As for the remaining one-third, we canuse the method of fighting poison with poison.”

Artemis said, “Okay, I agree with this approach. You can just go ahead and do the bloodletting. Noneed to overthink it.”

Bailey glared at him and said with slight anger, “You can't just casually suggest bloodletting! It's verydangerous and could easily cost your life. If a person loses every single drop of the blood in their body,they would immediately go into shock and die.”

Artemis narrowed his eyes slightly.

“So, what do you plan to do?”

Bailey shook her head and said in a muffled voice, “I haven't figured it out yet. I have to extract all theblood from your body and then use medicine to clean all your blood vessels. During this process, youwon't be able to survive without the blood supporting your body.”

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