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Chapter 66

Artemis tilted his head and signaled at Bailey to start her presentation.

Bailey calmly stood up and revealed the piece of A4 paper she had with her.

Someone laughed mockingly upon noticing how Bailey had used a random piece of paper to draw herdesign on. “It's obviously just a doodle. The requirements are complicated, so it is difficult to createsomething good, even with the right tools and papers. Yet, here she is with a piece of A4 paper!”

“I guess she already knew that she would lose, so she decided to cut her losses. Poor Ms. Tanner. Shehas to compete against this fraud and has indirectly made herself seem less competent.”

“Should we keep this competition going? She essentially lost our interest at the beginning of herpresentation, and I honestly don't think she can doodle anything astounding on a piece of A4 paper.”

“Hehe...” Jessica couldn't resist giggling aloud.

If that b*tch manages to present anything decent, I will eat that piece of A4 paper she has with her!

“Oh, my gosh. Come look. H-Her design...”

The department director sitting right next to Bailey jumped from her seat. She looked in awe as shestared at Bailey's design, and her eyes shone with excitement.

That design... It's practically divine! I've been in this field for so many years, and this is the first time I'veever seen something so exquisite.

Her exclamation caused the other department heads to inch closer to look at Bailey's design. Two-thirds of them sprung up from their seats in the very next second.

T-This is incredible.

Artemis sat up straight. He had been rhythmically tapping on the table with his finger, but he pausedmomentarily. A hint of surprise flashed past his dark eyes before a smile slowly crept up on his lips.

I knew she wouldn't disappoint me.

A contemporary element had been added to the regal dress that was meant to be partially formal.Strangely, those two elements didn't clash. They complemented each other instead, creating a brandnew trend.

She truly is gifted and is a treasure of the fashion industry. In a way, she is like a ruby on a crown.Maybe I should headhunt her and steal her from Xavier to be the lead designer here. There's anopening, anyway.

At first, he wanted to give that position to Jessica, but she was too proud, and Artemis couldn't standworking with her.

That was why the position of lead designer in Luther Group had been vacant for years.

Now that Artemis had seen Bailey's potential and had confirmed that she was a worthy investment, hewould not let her go.

“What the f*ck, Bay? You hid your secret well. Holy moly, you were complaining about being uninspiredjust two days ago! Oh, you little b*tch. You really surprised us!”

Everyone knew exactly who it was that said those words. Of the dozens of executives there, onlyVictoria had the guts to spew uncouth words in front of the powerful CEO.

Jessica sprung up from her seat and stared at Bailey's design for a few seconds before slumping backdown.

I lost. Even I can't deny that her design is better, and that means I have, without a doubt, lost.

The rules had restricted her imagination, and she hadn't dared to even try designing a dress that bold.

That woman... H-How could she have such unique ideas? How did she come up with a design thatcould astound everyone?

All it took was a piece of small paper to highlight the key components and unique traits of that dress. Itperfectly captured the designer's idea and the dress' selling point.

If that design were to be publicized, the entire world would gasp in awe.

The name Bailey Jefferson would, without a doubt, be internationally renowned.

How? She is just a fraud who spent a few years learning the craft, so how did she design something soincredible?

“Come on, Ms. Jefferson. Tell us your design's concept.”

“Yeah, I'm honestly intrigued and curious. I've been in this field for years, but I have never seenanything so incredible before.”

“This design is at least as good as the one Snowflake designed four years ago. In fact, your designmakes you look like a more experienced version of her. The future of fashion is looking brighter andbrighter.”

Stephen retracted his gaze and hid away the awe shining in his eyes. He grinned, then said, “Ms.Jefferson, I have been training in this field for decades and thought that I knew everything. Yet, I failedto create something good enough to represent the company. After seeing your work today, I amashamed and feel as though I should retire. I know that you can take care of everything in my stead, soMs. Jefferson, would you be interested in being the director of the design department here?” novelbin

Bailey smiled faintly. In her mind, she couldn't help praising Artemis because he managed to trainsomeone like Stephen, who was humble, cared for his subordinates, and remained politically neutral.

“Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Chandler. You got the top certification last year and areexperienced in this field. How can I possibly succeed you? I will place my design here. Please feel freeto comment on it, everyone. I will accept everybody's opinion, regardless of what it is.”

Excited, one of the directors eagerly asked, “Ms. Jefferson, may I know what is the concept?”

Bailey nodded before calmly answering the question. “I merely went with the flow. I've never thought ofthis as a competition. I simply wanted to design a nice dress for Ms. Caridee and add a little color toher party. There was no ulterior motive, so everything is rooted in sincerity.”

Everyone turned to one another. A second later, they discussed the matter among themselves.

“So, what do we do?”

“What do you think? The result is so obvious, and we'll just embarrass ourselves if we vote for Jessica.”

“It's true. Those two designs are simply in different leagues. If their qualities were similar, we couldhave helped Jessica out of courtesy. Unfortunately, the difference is simply too great, and there isnothing we can do.”

“I know, right? She can't blame us for abandoning her under these circumstances. She only has herown lack of skills to blame.”

“So, we'll vote for Ms. Jefferson?”

“Yes. All we can do is be fair. If we don't, Mr. Luther will skin us alive.”

Jessica turned so pale so quickly that the change was visible to the naked eye. She felt utterlyembarrassed as she slumped in her chair and was so frustrated that she wanted to hide away forever.

The difference in quality was so great that she couldn't even get herself to pressure others into favoringher. The truth was plain to see, and she was too ashamed to claim that she was better than Bailey.

“Mr. Chandler, we have unanimously decided that Ms. Jefferson is the winner today. However, asyou're the person in charge of this matter, you will have the final say.”

Stephen was going to get up and announce the winner when Artemis spoke up.

“I'd like to add something else to this competition. The winner will be the lead designer here in LutherGroup's headquarters.”

Artemis' words were like lightning bolts, striking out of the blue.

Whispers filled the air.

Jessica had been dreaming of that promotion for four years, but in the end, all the hard work she put inwas for naught. A nameless, random candidate had shown up and taken it from her.

The mere thought of that was enough to turn someone murderous.

The truth wasn't far off. Jessica actually fantasized about killing Bailey. Nothing would please her morethan slicing and dicing the other woman.

Being the lead designer gave its holder authority over every designer in Luther Group. It signifiedendless power, and the political influence it provided was way better than the one Stephen held.

Why does she get to have that? On what basis?

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